About This File
The Bullet Sponge (BS) Mod is a WeiDU compilation of small modifications to adjust the difficulty of your game by brute-forcing the statistics of non-party creatures. This mod started as an outgrowth of the Max HP Creatures component from Tweaks Anthology. About a year ago, I modified the code to allow for an arbitrary percentage change to HP, not just 100%, and it got me thinking about other creature stats that could be adjusted similarly. After some experimentation, I came up with an array of basic stats that can be adjusted to make the game easier or harder, controlled by the config.txt file.
The term 'bullet sponge' refers to a technique where higher difficulty levels, especially in older games, just added higher and higher stats (such as hit points) to enemies to make them more difficult.
While the stats can be adjusted to make the game easier, I expect most players will use this to make their games more difficult—after losing a frustrating fight, the player will confidently be able to say "yeah, that was BS".
What's New in Version v1 See changelog
- Fixed bug with save bonuses on non-BG2 games
- Added input checks for IWD2 bonus spells