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Spider-Man 3


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The intro was possibly the best and the most complicated I've ever seen - some seriously cool graphics.


(This got my hopes for spec.effects high, which, as it turned out, was not the best idea: they were okay, but nothing groundbreaking. A few good sequences in the air, though).


The dialogues were better than part 2(which was easy). "The movie was good, but why did they have to do the dialogues, as well?" applied only partly. Twice, though, everybody was howling with laughter at, what I presume, was a 'serious' scene.


And, yeah, laughter. The movie was funny. It doesn't reach "Pirates'" level, but, yes, people were snickering constantly, self included. Bad guys, good guys - equally amusing. (And, I suspect, some of it even was intentional, too).


On the serious side, Mary Jane did some lovely singing.


As well, I felt slight disappointment when it came to an end, and the ending had an element of unpredictability, so I assume that all in all, it wasn't bad. In fact, I was in such good spirits that I immediately went and bought three tickets for the first day of "Shrek 3" and "Pirates 3" - it's been a while since there's been something to watch at the local cinema.

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The dialogues were better than part 2(which was easy). "The movie was good, but why did they have to do the dialogues, as well?" applied only partly. Twice, though, everybody was howling with laughter at, what I presume, was a 'serious' scene.

You didn't like this one, from 2?


Dr. Davis: You say you can't sleep. Heart break? Bad Dreams?

Spider Man: There is one dream where in my dream, I'm Spider Man. But I'm loosing my powers. I'm climbing a wall but I keep falling.

Dr. Davis: Oh. So you're Spider Man...

Spider Man: (interrupts Dr. Davis) In my dream... Actually, it's not even my dream, it's a friend of mine's dream.

Dr. Davis: Oh. Somebody else's dream. What about this friend? Why does he climb these walls? What does he think of himself?

Spider Man: That's the problem, he doesn't know what to think.

Dr. Davis: Kind of makes you mad not to know who you are? Your soul disappears, nothing is bad as uncertainty. Listen, maybe you're not supposed to be Spider Man climbing those walls? That's why you keep falling. You'll always have a choice Peter.

Spider Man: (whispers) I have a choice.


Friends got together here for a 1&2 marathon over the weekend, before 3 is released (midnight tonight, I believe).

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You didn't like this one, from 2?


It was so bad we couldn't even laugh, as I recall. I was like "Man, just get it over with", and when the car flew into the window, it actually has been a relief.


And it's not as if they couldn't act: Danst was superb in the Interview with the Vampire, and the male lead is not half-bad, either. But the dialogue in that love scene in part 2 were even worse than in Star Wars III, and that's saying something.

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*Chuckles* I liked SW3, actually - at least better than the first two of the 'new trilogy'.


As for Spiderman 3: it was good enough. Not a great movie, but neither were the first two. It had nice enough special effects, good action, and enough of the trademarked Marvel drama to make it enjoyable. Nuff said :).

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In fact, I was in such good spirits that I immediately went and bought three tickets for the first day of "Shrek 3" and "Pirates 3" - it's been a while since there's been something to watch at the local cinema.


I'm looking forward to seeing all three of these films myself. Plus there's also 28 Weeks Later, which I'm really hoping is as good as 28 Days Later (which was awesome).

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I liked Spiderman 1, haven't seen 2, saw the trailer for 3. It's pretty good as movies go, but I've never been a big movie fan. I used to watch the TV show about 6 or so years ago (Wow, I'm starting to feel old for 16, lol).


I liked the Star Wars movies (other people brought it up :)) but the acting for the 'last' 3 (Episodes 4, 5 and 6) weren't that good. The saber-battle choreography wasn't that good for most of them, but they were generally good movies that I'd pay to watch.


Speaking of Star Wars, I just finished reading R.A. Salvatores 'Vector Prime' part one of The New Jedi Order trilogy. It was quite intriguing and the general plot was good, but you can tell he's trying to leech of his Drizzt books for most of the writing. The ending was anti-climactic and I really, really, really don't like around the middle of the book when he *SPOILER* killed off Chewie...


But luckily, I only paid two dollors for the book :).

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3 was disappointing; I saw it yesterday; from my point of view, it failed on several levels. CG is all well and good, but it can't make up for an under-developed and poorly executed story. Splicing different scenes and situations together, does not a good story make. There were, it seems to me, too many plot lines to cover in-depth. I would have preferred they focus on Sandman or Venom, and allow more time to build the character. Peter and Mary Jane seemed two-dimensional in this film as well; I blame the script, because I think Tobey and Kirsten are both capable. The biggest slant, is that I left the theater unaffected, not moved at all; it might as well have been a documentary on Marvel characters. This one takes a back seat to 1&2 in my opinion.

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Well, maybe one of these days we'll catch one of those on TV. Haven't seen any one of SM's. But I am just not a big fan of comic-book characters in general, and made into films in particular. The last we saw was that Hulk thing and the most memorable thing was the super-stretchable underwear that stayed on when the guy grew into a CGE.

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3 was disappointing; I saw it yesterday; from my point of view, it failed on several levels. CG is all well and good, but it can't make up for an under-developed and poorly executed story. Splicing different scenes and situations together, does not a good story make. There were, it seems to me, too many plot lines to cover in-depth. I would have preferred they focus on Sandman or Venom, and allow more time to build the character. Peter and Mary Jane seemed two-dimensional in this film as well; I blame the script, because I think Tobey and Kirsten are both capable. The biggest slant, is that I left the theater unaffected, not moved at all; it might as well have been a documentary on Marvel characters. This one takes a back seat to 1&2 in my opinion.

Pretty much my sentiments exactly. It was not bad, but it wasn't great, either. And long omg. And Kulyok--I certainly respect you and your opinion, but I thought Mary Jane's singing was atrocious! Heh.


Wait for the crowds to die down, and then go see it. You're not missing too terribly much. :)

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Wait for the crowds to die down, and then go see it. You're not missing too terribly much. :)

That's what I thought I would do. There's no way on Earth I'm going to stand in line an hour to see that. :D As much as I enjoy a nice entertaining film every now and then.

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And Kulyok--I certainly respect you and your opinion, but I thought Mary Jane's singing was atrocious!


Well, I've been travelling a lot recently, and after Russian pop-music you can't help listening to on the trains, I guess she was a... relief? :) "


(But, judging by the script, her singing was supposed to be atrocious, so plot-wise, we're all right here).

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As an aside, I'm impressed theaters have found a way to make moviegoing even less enjoyable. Now they play ads constantly while you're waiting for the starting time (at which point they'll still play 15 minutes of previews). As easy as it is to get movies via rental and on-demand (and the non-legal options for you young'uns) they should really, really be trying to annoy patrons less, no?

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As an aside, I'm impressed theaters have found a way to make moviegoing even less enjoyable. Now they play ads constantly while you're waiting for the starting time (at which point they'll still play 15 minutes of previews). As easy as it is to get movies via rental and on-demand (and the non-legal options for you young'uns) they should really, really be trying to annoy patrons less, no?


They've only just started doing that where you are? Round here all the cinemas have been doing that for years.


On-topic: One thing I liked about this film was that it had Bruce Campbell in it, albeit very briefly. Modern movies need more Bruce.

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