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XP Cap Remover & Zyraen's Reaver kit

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ERROR: error copying [override/Z#MISC\REAVER\Z#REAVER.2da]

ERROR: error copying [override/Z#MISC\REAVER\Z#REAVER.2da]

ERROR: COPY ~Z#MISC\REAVER\Z#REAVER.2da~ ~override/Z#MISC\REAVER\Z#REAVER.2da~ FAILED: cannot open target

Stopping installation because of error.

ERROR: [kitlist.2da] -> [override] Patching Failed (COPY) (Unix.Unix_error(20, "open", "BG2_Tweaks/backup/2090/Z#MISC/REAVER/Z#REAVER.2da"))

Stopping installation because of error.


I'm getting the above error when trying to run the "Remove Experience Cap" component of BG2 Tweak Pack. Does the error lie in incorrect forward/backward slashes? I know these are different for Mac vs. Windows, but forget which is which - I am of course running the OS X version of the TweakPack as I'm on a Mac.


I find the file "~Z#MISC\REAVER\Z#REAVER.2da", but there's no Z#REAVER.2da file in "BG2_Tweaks/backup/2090/Z#MISC/REAVER/" (not surprisingly, as patching failed) or in "override/Z#MISC\REAVER\".


Thanks a lot ...

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You should have the file Z#REAVER.2DA in the override folder - if it's not there, or if you have a file called Z#MISC\REAVER\Z#REAVER.2da the kit isn't going to work correctly (if at all).


You're probably best off opening the .tp2 for Zyraen's mod and changing every instance of COPY ~dir\subdir\file~ to COPY ~dir/subdir/file~ - filepaths should never use backslashes to indicate directories. You can do a search for "\" and replace any you come across - the only backslashes that should be in a .tp2 are for regular expressions or HD:\ constructions. You'd need to uninstall before doing this, then reinstall.

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