Azazello Posted May 18, 2007 Posted May 18, 2007 Or even better, just the playsong1.baf/playsong2.baf scripts?
cmorgan Posted May 19, 2007 Posted May 19, 2007 only v4 here, I am afraid - I thought I had a legacy copy for backup, but apparently I don't
Azazello Posted May 19, 2007 Author Posted May 19, 2007 I usually keep 3 revisions of mods, just for this reason. Come on, someone must a copy! The original developers at least.
cmorgan Posted May 19, 2007 Posted May 19, 2007 I searched the workrooms, and couldn't find reference, but that may be because I am lousy at searching; there does not seem to be any scratch work space or references in the regular BG1 NPC workroom after the decidsion to split it oiff as a separate mod for download size reasons. Open call to Jastey, Domi, Kulyok, Andyr, anybody??? (I have every version of BG1 NPC from v11 forward rared, but for some reason didn't incorporate other mods in my backups. I am changing that behavior right now. It is a few MB on a CD - and can save lots of trouble later. I really, really hope someone has all of Dudleyville archived, too, for the eventual sad day when the site is taken offline...)
Kulyok Posted May 19, 2007 Posted May 19, 2007 I usually don't install Music Pack at all, sorry. Perhaps editing scripts by hand is an option?
Azazello Posted May 19, 2007 Author Posted May 19, 2007 I don't have Dudleyville files but do have some older versions and some old mods. If anyone needs a list... Here's my interest about v3: I was looking at the TP2 for v3 and v4, and noticed that the highlighted section was totally removed from v4: BACKUP ~bg1npcmusic/backup~AUTHOR ~ ALLOW_MISSING ~BIMOEN.DLG~ ~BIMOEN2.DLG~ //ALWAYS // ACTION_IF FILE_EXISTS ~data/AREA000A.bif~ THEN BEGIN // makes //sure it's not in the BG1 folder // FAIL ~This mod should be installed in your BG2 folder, after the //Tutu conversion.~ END // ACTION_IF NOT FILE_EXISTS ~override/FW0100.are~ THEN BEGIN // makes //sure the conversion has run // FAIL ~This mod should be installed in your BG2 folder, after the //Tutu conversion.~ END //END BEGIN ~The BG1 NPC Project Music Pack~ //REQUIRE_COMPONENT ~BG1NPC.TP2~ ~0~ ~The BG1 NPC Project is required.~ //UNINSTALL ~SETUP-MBG1NPC.TP2~ ~0~ MKDIR ~music/blank~ COPY ~bg1npcmusic/blank.mus~ ~music~ ~bg1npcmusic/blank.acm~ ~music/blank/blanka.acm~ COPY_EXISTING ~songlist.2da~ ~override~ SET_2DA_ENTRY 0 0 2 ~2DA_V1.0~ SET_2DA_ENTRY 0 1 2 ~~ SET_2DA_ENTRY 0 0 2 ~IDOBEK Name~ SET_2DA_ENTRY 1 2 3 ~BLANK.MUS~ SET_2DA_ENTRY 0 0 3 ~~ REPLACE_TEXTUALLY ~2DA_V1.0~ ~2DA V1.0~ EXTEND_TOP ~baldur.bcs~ ~bg1npcmusic/playsong1.baf~ EXTEND_TOP ~AJANTIS.BCS~ ~bg1npcmusic/playsong2.baf~ EXTEND_TOP ~ALORA.BCS~ ~bg1npcmusic/playsong2.baf~ EXTEND_TOP ~BRANWEN.BCS~ ~bg1npcmusic/playsong2.baf~ EXTEND_TOP ~CORAN.BCS~ ~bg1npcmusic/playsong2.baf~ EXTEND_TOP ~DYNAHEIR.bcs~ ~bg1npcmusic/playsong2.baf~ EXTEND_TOP ~EDWIN.bcs~ ~bg1npcmusic/playsong2.baf~ EXTEND_TOP ~ELDOTH.BCS~ ~bg1npcmusic/playsong2.baf~ EXTEND_TOP ~FALDORN.bcs~ ~bg1npcmusic/playsong2.baf~ EXTEND_TOP ~GARRICK.bcs~ ~bg1npcmusic/playsong2.baf~ EXTEND_TOP ~IMOENBG1.BCS~ ~bg1npcmusic/playsong2.baf~ EXTEND_TOP ~BGJHEIRA.BCS~ ~bg1npcmusic/playsong2.baf~ EXTEND_TOP ~KAGAIN.BCS~ ~bg1npcmusic/playsong2.baf~ EXTEND_TOP ~KHALID.BCS~ ~bg1npcmusic/playsong2.baf~ EXTEND_TOP ~KIVAN.BCS~ ~bg1npcmusic/playsong2.baf~ EXTEND_TOP ~BGMINSC.BCS~ ~bg1npcmusic/playsong2.baf~ EXTEND_TOP ~MONTARON.BCS~ ~bg1npcmusic/playsong2.baf~ EXTEND_TOP ~QUAYLE.BCS~ ~bg1npcmusic/playsong2.baf~ EXTEND_TOP ~SAFANA.BCS~ ~bg1npcmusic/playsong2.baf~ EXTEND_TOP ~SHARTEEL.BCS~ ~bg1npcmusic/playsong2.baf~ EXTEND_TOP ~SKIE.BCS~ ~bg1npcmusic/playsong2.baf~ EXTEND_TOP ~TIAX.BCS~ ~bg1npcmusic/playsong2.baf~ EXTEND_TOP ~BGVICNIA.BCS~ ~bg1npcmusic/playsong2.baf~ EXTEND_TOP ~XAN.BCS~ ~bg1npcmusic/playsong2.baf~ EXTEND_TOP ~XZAR.BCS~ ~bg1npcmusic/playsong2.baf~ EXTEND_TOP ~YESLICK.BCS~ ~bg1npcmusic/playsong2.baf~ PRINT ~This step may take a few moments ...~ COPY_EXISTING_REGEXP GLOB ~.+\.dlg$~ ~override~ PATCH_IF (SOURCE_SIZE > 0x2f) THEN BEGIN // protects against invalid files READ_LONG 0x0C "offset_state" PATCH_IF ("%offset_state%" = 0x00000030) BEGIN // adds pause field to older dlg formats READ_LONG 0x14 "offset_response" READ_LONG 0x1C "num_s_trigger" READ_LONG 0x18 "offset_s_trigger" READ_LONG 0x20 "offset_r_trigger" READ_LONG 0x24 "num_r_trigger" READ_LONG 0x28 "offset_action" READ_LONG 0x2C "num_action" WHILE (0 < "%num_s_trigger%") BEGIN READ_LONG ("%offset_s_trigger%" + (("%num_s_trigger%" - 1) * 0x08)) "indiv_offset" WRITE_LONG ("%offset_s_trigger%" + (("%num_s_trigger%" - 1) * 0x08)) ("%indiv_offset%" + 0x04) SET "num_s_trigger" = ("%num_s_trigger%" - 1) END WHILE (0 < "%num_r_trigger%") BEGIN READ_LONG ("%offset_r_trigger%" + (("%num_r_trigger%" - 1) * 0x08)) "indiv_offset" WRITE_LONG ("%offset_r_trigger%" + (("%num_r_trigger%" - 1) * 0x08)) ("%indiv_offset%" + 0x04) SET "num_r_trigger" = ("%num_r_trigger%" - 1) END WHILE (0 < "%num_action%") BEGIN READ_LONG ("%offset_action%" + (("%num_action%" - 1) * 0x08)) "indiv_offset" WRITE_LONG ("%offset_action%" + (("%num_action%" - 1) * 0x08)) ("%indiv_offset%" + 0x04) SET "num_action" = ("%num_action%" - 1) END WRITE_LONG 0x0C ("%offset_state%" + 0x04) WRITE_LONG 0x14 ("%offset_response%" + 0x04) WRITE_LONG 0x18 ("%offset_s_trigger%" + 0x04) WRITE_LONG 0x20 ("%offset_r_trigger%" + 0x04) WRITE_LONG 0x28 ("%offset_action%" + 0x04) READ_BYTE 0x2f "eof" INSERT_BYTES 0x2f 4 WRITE_BYTE 0x2f "%eof%" WRITE_LONG 0x30 0 END ELSE BEGIN // otherwise just sets to pause WRITE_LONG 0x30 0 END END BUT_ONLY_IF_IT_CHANGES COPY_EXISTING ~BAJANT.DLG~ ~override~ ~BALORA.DLG~ ~override~ ~BBRANW.DLG~ ~override~ ~BCORAN.DLG~ ~override~ ~BDYNAH.DLG~ ~override~ ~BEDWIN.DLG~ ~override~ ~BELDOT.DLG~ ~override~ ~BFALDO.DLG~ ~override~ ~BGARRI.DLG~ ~override~ ~BIMOEN.DLG~ ~override~ ~BIMOEN2.DLG~ ~override~ ~BJAHEI.DLG~ ~override~ ~BKAGAI.DLG~ ~override~ ~BKHALI.DLG~ ~override~ ~BKIVAN.DLG~ ~override~ ~BMINSC.DLG~ ~override~ ~BMONTA.DLG~ ~override~ ~BQUAYL.DLG~ ~override~ ~BSAFAN.DLG~ ~override~ ~BSHART.DLG~ ~override~ ~BSKIE.DLG~ ~override~ ~BTIAX.DLG~ ~override~ ~BVICON.DLG~ ~override~ ~BXANNN.DLG~ ~override~ ~BXZAR.DLG~ ~override~ ~BYESLI.DLG~ ~override~ ~AJANTJ.DLG~ ~override~ ~ALORAJ.DLG~ ~override~ ~BRANWJ.DLG~ ~override~ ~CORANJ.DLG~ ~override~ ~DYNAHJ.DLG~ ~override~ ~EDWINJ.DLG~ ~override~ ~ELDOTJ.DLG~ ~override~ ~FALDOJ.DLG~ ~override~ ~GARRIJ.DLG~ ~override~ ~IMOEN2J.DLG~ ~override~ ~JAHEIJ.DLG~ ~override~ ~KAGAIJ.DLG~ ~override~ ~KHALIJ.DLG~ ~override~ ~KIVANJ.DLG~ ~override~ ~MINSCJ.DLG~ ~override~ ~MONTAJ.DLG~ ~override~ ~QUAYLJ.DLG~ ~override~ ~SAFANJ.DLG~ ~override~ ~SHARTJ.DLG~ ~override~ ~SKIEJ.DLG~ ~override~ ~TIAXJ.DLG~ ~override~ ~VICONJ.DLG~ ~override~ ~XANJ.DLG~ ~override~ ~XZARJ.DLG~ ~override~ ~YESLIJ.DLG~ ~override~ PATCH_IF (SOURCE_SIZE > 0x2f) THEN BEGIN // protects against invalid files WRITE_LONG 0x30 1 END BUT_ONLY_IF_IT_CHANGES COPY_EXISTING ~sw1h01.itm~ ~override/bg1npcmusic.g3~ PRINT ~PLEASE do not close this window until music decompression is complete.~ //windows AT_INTERACTIVE_EXIT ~bg1npcmusic/oggdec.bat~ AT_INTERACTIVE_UNINSTALL ~bg1npcmusic/oggdec.bat~ //os x //AT_INTERACTIVE_EXIT ~sh bg1npcmusic/ //AT_INTERACTIVE_UNINSTALL ~sh bg1npcmusic/ I'm about to restart the megainstall again (discovered I had made some potentially drastic mistakes in previous install), and could not remember if music had actually played while I was in BG1. Is the bolded section completely unneeded, or did I just find a big error?
cmorgan Posted May 19, 2007 Posted May 19, 2007 I think it is completey unneded - BG1 NPC Project now incorporates the calls to the sounds directly via Dialogue. Hold on - I'll be back with the code reference>>> an example - Kivan's added talk about Kobolds, in the mines, initiated from BCS - /* Kagain LVL 1 */ IF %BGT_VAR% AreaCheck("%NashkelMines_L1%") Global("X#KagainKobold","GLOBAL",0) Global("X#KagainDink","GLOBAL",1) InParty(Myself) !StateCheck(Myself,CD_STATE_NOTVALID) InMyArea(Player1) !StateCheck(Player1,CD_STATE_NOTVALID) CombatCounter(0) !See([ENEMY]) THEN RESPONSE #100 SetGlobal("X#KagainKobold","GLOBAL",1) END /* Initiate Kagain LVL 1 */ IF %BGT_VAR% Global("X#KagainKobold","GLOBAL",1) InParty(Myself) !StateCheck(Myself,CD_STATE_NOTVALID) InMyArea(Player1) !StateCheck(Player1,CD_STATE_NOTVALID) THEN RESPONSE #100 PlaySong(0) <<<<supposed to play a "blank" song, the incompatability w/BGT PlaySound("kagain99") <<<<<<references the sound StartDialogueNoSet(Player1) END On my EasyTutu install, there is still a bug to report here, as the song to play is supposed to be "blank" but the backround sound track continues to play. (By the way, I belive that the Music portion is listed as completely incompatible with BGT - BGT fills up the whole songlist, and there are all sorts of warnings about this - but if I am correct about this, it may actually be ok to use it. It does mean you would need to turn the volume of the regular music down to 0, or you would get both happening ath the same time, like I do on Tutu when I have both installed) Current v4 tp2: BACKUP ~bg1npcmusic/backup~ AUTHOR ~ ALWAYS AT_INTERACTIVE_EXIT ~VIEW bg1npcmusic/readme-bg1npc_music.html~ END BEGIN ~The BG1 NPC Project Music Pack~ UNINSTALL ~SETUP-MBG1NPC.TP2~ ~0~ MKDIR ~music/blank~ COPY ~bg1npcmusic/blank.mus~ ~music~ ~bg1npcmusic/blank.acm~ ~music/blank/blanka.acm~ COPY_EXISTING ~songlist.2da~ ~override~ <<<THIS PART makes it incompatible with the completely filled songlist of BGT, as far as I can tell - you may want to get Ascension64 to take a look. Especially if it isn't working quite right on my EasyTutu install - I have both the added sound and the songlist playing at the same time! <<< SET_2DA_ENTRY 0 0 2 ~2DA_V1.0~ SET_2DA_ENTRY 0 1 2 ~~ SET_2DA_ENTRY 0 0 2 ~IDOBEK Name~ SET_2DA_ENTRY 1 2 3 ~BLANK.MUS~ SET_2DA_ENTRY 0 0 3 ~~ REPLACE_TEXTUALLY ~2DA_V1.0~ ~2DA V1.0~ COPY_EXISTING ~sw1h01.itm~ ~override/bg1npcmusic.g3~ PRINT ~PLEASE do not close this window until music decompression is complete.~ //windows AT_INTERACTIVE_EXIT ~bg1npcmusic/oggdec.bat~ AT_INTERACTIVE_UNINSTALL ~bg1npcmusic/oggdec.bat~ //os x //AT_INTERACTIVE_EXIT ~sh bg1npcmusic/ //AT_INTERACTIVE_UNINSTALL ~sh bg1npcmusic/ Hey, Azzazello - give me 'til the end of the weekend, and I will have some more minor edits up so you can have the best BG1 NPC Project experience yet. It will be at the internal site I sent you ages ago - if you need a refresher, let me know!
Thauron Posted May 19, 2007 Posted May 19, 2007 On my EasyTutu install, there is still a bug to report here, as the song to play is supposed to be "blank" but the backround sound track continues to play. (By the way, I belive that the Music portion is listed as completely incompatible with BGT - BGT fills up the whole songlist, and there are all sorts of warnings about this - but if I am correct about this, it may actually be ok to use it. It does mean you would need to turn the volume of the regular music down to 0, or you would get both happening ath the same time, like I do on Tutu when I have both installed) I don't think there is any incompatibility between BGT music and BG1NPC I think. BG1NPC calls songs from script, not through the songlist, doesn't it? However, I do can report the bug you mention here in BGT as well - background music does not shut up when BG1NPC music plays.
Azazello Posted May 19, 2007 Author Posted May 19, 2007 cmorgan: just remember I - and others - do not use BG1NPCv12. BG1NPC-for-BGT-v11+patch11.2. So the music-v3 TP2 might be needed for that combination. Also, does this combo incorporates sounds via Dialogue files?
cmorgan Posted May 19, 2007 Posted May 19, 2007 There, you have got a good point - and I have to say, I have no clue! @Thauron - that means we have a trouble on both sides of the street - yes, the sounds are called from script as a sound rather than a songlist entry, but the code listed is supposed to edit the songlist to include a "BLANK" entry, so that the engine will PlaySong(0) - and therefore not make any sound, allowing the PlaySound to play without any materials. Guys, you may want to recheck on the searches - I really did see several plaes where folks specifically indicated this music package was directly incompatible with BGT - I just don't remember where. If I had thought it was possible, I would have put it on he list. I am doing so now, because you folks are telling me that it might just work, and it is working the same on both BGT and Tutu - I am pretty darned sure they put out v4 because v3 was not working in all cases. Azzazello, the way to check is to look in the BAF and D files in the BG1NPC-BGT v11 and see if there are PlaySong(0) and PlaySound(myNPC99) or PlaySound(myNPCROM). imoen99.wav etc.
Azazello Posted May 20, 2007 Author Posted May 20, 2007 Thanks. I did check some, and Play commands are there, so I guess that how it works. Sorry for red alert. I'll try a game tonight and see how it works out. The v3 TP2 I posted above was a possible workaround which worked for me and Elrona. Here's the link.
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