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NPC Multiclass to Dual Class?


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You might be able to create a Thief, dual it to a Fighter, then apply the Kensai Kit via Shadow Keeper or script. I've not done this kind of thing myself, but I have heard of kitted multi/dual classes being done, so it should be possible.

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I haven't experimented much with this, but I use it with a rule when modding CREs. If you read the IESDP, at byte 0x236:

Highest attained level in tertiary class (0-100)

0 is Dual Classed cre (if 0x0235 is non-zero, >0 is multi-classed)

So by this logic, it should be 1 (or more) as a multi-class, and if you change it to 0, it should be dual class (in theory).


Another byte to change probably is @ 0x10. A dual-class CRE should indicate which its original class was I believe, and it also says:

The way a multiclass char is indicated is by the absence of any of the "original class" flags being set.
So to indicate your dual-class character was originally a thief, you would write 0x40 to this byte (possibly including bitwise operators if it has other values set already).


Like I said, I haven't tested any of this, at least not for PCs, I'm just going by what I read.

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No, there are multi classes (fighter/mage/thief) which use that field.

PST Nameless one also uses that field.


Sometimes iesdp people make up things (that seem logical, or simply misinterpret a result).

I personally know of some disinformation in iesdp which was caused by me :(


--- if you wonder what is it ---


Well, it is rather unimportant, it is PST creatures feet circle size/dialogue radius fields.

The feet circle radius is actually a bitfield or a single bit. The single bit has an effect which makes it a 'creature unselectable ' bit. It has little to do with feet circle size.




I still work on finding out what those fields actually do.

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No, there are multi classes (fighter/mage/thief) which use that field.
Well, I know that... but this:
0 is Dual Classed cre (if 0x0235 is non-zero, >0 is multi-classed)
Seems to be more than just idle guesswork. Someone would've had to do some actual research to come up with that, or maybe they had a wild imagination if it's incorrect. But I also assume Nythrun knows what she's talking about from her work with Level 1 NPCs, so... :(
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