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Praise! (please excuse me if I gush)


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I'm only in chapter one, but I wanted to tell you how much fun I'm having with this mod.


I know she's selfish, cruel, and sarcastic, but I love having Salomeya in my party. I don't think there's a person she's met that she hasn't insulted. Oh, and I assume you set it up so that she changes the color of her outfits all of the time-I think that is very cool. I think I'll always want her to be in my party as she is so much fun.


(I should feel badly about saying that. Especially as she seems to delight in taunting poor Jaemal all the time).


Speaking of Jaemal, I was determind to romance Riz at the start of my first game. However, Jaemal's first lovetalk,( about the northern lights) almost wooed my PC away. (well..there's always the next game)


As for Rizdaer...well I must admit, at this stage of the romance, I feel kind of guilty flirting with him. Ususally when the flirts become available in a romance, I don't stop bugging the poor guy. (I remember when I had Kivan in by BG2 party and I kept asking him how he was doing-until he finally told me to knock it off). Hey, I just like to see all of the different responses.


But with Rizdaer, well...I cringe a little when I chose a flirt option. I'm not complaining, as I think this is very realistic to his character (as was Kivan's response). Still, I am enjoying it very much (and I'm convinced my PC will woo him in the end).


Oh, and I of course I love Poeny. As the rest of my party (Jaemal, Rizdaer, Salomeya, Diriel) seem to be sort of dark and angsty she is a nice light-hearted break-(snowball fight with a drow?)


In short (yeah, right) I've only started the mod, and I already love it. I had a very hard time in the beginning even choosing my party as they all seemed to be interesting characters. Then I realized I could simply choose anther party the next game. :(

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But with Rizdaer, well...I cringe a little when I chose a flirt option. I'm not complaining, as I think this is very realistic to his character (as was Kivan's response). Still, I am enjoying it very much (and I'm convinced my PC will woo him in the end).


Heh, there is actually one *really* cringing flirt-pack set for Riz. I'm kind of curious if anyone is going to hit it at some point. (I think I will hear about it.) :(


Glad you are renjoying the game! :)


Oh, and I assume you set it up so that she changes the color of her outfits all of the time-I think that is very cool.


The compliments go to Avenger! He made the thinggie work. ;)

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Well, I'm now in the committed stage of the Rizdaer romance. I just wanted to say that I found the flirt where the PC asks Riz to sneak away with her hilarious.


I have Peony in my party, and when she all the other companions comment on the PC's actions...very funny! :(


Heh, there is actually one *really* cringing flirt-pack set for Riz. I'm kind of curious if anyone is going to hit it at some point. (I think I will hear about it.) devil.gif


Now I'm really curious. Don't tell me what it is, but can you at least tell me if I've missed it (if so, I'll just have to play this romance again, which is no great hardship!).


Also, I don't know if it's too late to make requests, but one flirt I would like to see would be an "Ask Rizdaer what he would like." I can see the responses ranging from sweet to (more than likely) uncomfortable.


But I'm not complaining. I can't believe how full this romance is.


Honestly, I don't think I could have completed this game without this mod!

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Ask Rizdaer what he would like


You mean, in bed? Or did you mean something more innocent, and my dirty mind spoiled it all? :(


And I am very glad that you are enjoying the romance! It was lots of fun to write. ;)

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I concur, it is a great romance, Domi! And Rizdaer is a great (and hilarious) man^^' I think I will get used to the 'silent type' while playing with him :(.



Ask Rizdaer what he would like



You mean, in bed? Or did you mean something more innocent, and my dirty mind spoiled it all?



Lol, both options look good. His.. preferences... are a curious thing indeed:>.


And, hey, you actually are picking up new flirt ideas, Domi? If so, when I end this run I will gladly add my two pennies here... So many things you would like to do, and no possibility to indulge yourself...;)

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You mean, in bed? Or did you mean something more innocent, and my dirty mind spoiled it all? cry.gif


Err..not necessarily (although I can see how that may lead to the more uncomfortable moments). :( (He did have to survive as a male in a drow society after all...)


At the beginning of the romance I was uncomfortable flirting with Riz because of his subservient responses (his whole I am submitting to your advances because you are my mistress thing..). I just thought it would be nice for him to make his wishes in the relationship a little more well known (although for the life of me now I can't think of anything outside of bed) ;) (probably because the only flirt I can think of where Riz expresses what he wants is the "bead" flirt.

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