aVENGER_(RR) Posted August 10, 2007 Share Posted August 10, 2007 For example, in case I want to add a new floor trap to a certain area, can I do this by patching its .are file with WeiDU? So far, the only way to do this is editing the .are with IETME or DLTCEP. However, that method overwrites an existing .are file which I'd like to avoid in the future. Link to comment
aVENGER_(RR) Posted August 25, 2007 Author Share Posted August 25, 2007 Hmm, I think I've found a bit of code from the BG2 Fixpack which deals with the aforementioned issue: // fixes coordinates COPY_EXISTING ~AR3000.ARE~ ~override~ READ_SHORT 0x5A "info_num" READ_LONG 0x5C "info_off" READ_LONG 0x7c "vert_off" READ_LONG 0xa4 "door_num" READ_LONG 0xa8 "door_off" WHILE ("%info_num%" > 0) BEGIN SET "info_num" = ("%info_num%" - 1) READ_ASCII ("%info_off%" + 0x7c + (0xC4 * "%info_num%")) "script" PATCH_IF ("TP3001A" STRING_COMPARE_CASE "%script%" = 0) BEGIN WRITE_SHORT ("%info_off%" + 0x24 + (0xC4 * "%info_num%")) 406 // bounding box READ_LONG ("%info_off%" + 0x2c + (0xC4 * "%info_num%")) "vert_idx" WRITE_SHORT ("%vert_off%" + (("%vert_idx%" + 3) * 0x04)) 1040 // vertex WRITE_SHORT ("%vert_off%" + 0x02 + (("%vert_idx%" + 3) * 0x04)) 406 // vertex END ELSE PATCH_IF ("TP3017B" STRING_COMPARE_CASE "%script%" = 0) BEGIN READ_LONG ("%info_off%" + 0x2c + (0xC4 * "%info_num%")) "vert_idx" WRITE_SHORT ("%vert_off%" + 0x02 + (("%vert_idx%" + 2) * 0x04)) 1774 // vertex END ELSE PATCH_IF ("TP3019B" STRING_COMPARE_CASE "%script%" = 0) BEGIN WRITE_SHORT ("%info_off%" + 0x24 + (0xC4 * "%info_num%")) 1596 // bounding box READ_LONG ("%info_off%" + 0x2c + (0xC4 * "%info_num%")) "vert_idx" WRITE_SHORT ("%vert_off%" + 0x02 + (("%vert_idx%" + 1) * 0x04)) 1569 // vertex END ELSE PATCH_IF ("TP3020" STRING_COMPARE_CASE "%script%" = 0) BEGIN WRITE_SHORT ("%info_off%" + 0x22 + (0xC4 * "%info_num%")) 429 // bounding box WRITE_SHORT ("%info_off%" + 0x24 + (0xC4 * "%info_num%")) 1899 // bounding box WRITE_SHORT ("%info_off%" + 0x26 + (0xC4 * "%info_num%")) 489 // bounding box WRITE_SHORT ("%info_off%" + 0x28 + (0xC4 * "%info_num%")) 2039 // bounding box READ_LONG ("%info_off%" + 0x2c + (0xC4 * "%info_num%")) "vert_idx" WRITE_SHORT ("%vert_off%" + (("%vert_idx%" ) * 0x04)) 429 // vertex WRITE_SHORT ("%vert_off%" + 0x02 + (("%vert_idx%" ) * 0x04)) 2003 // vertex WRITE_SHORT ("%vert_off%" + (("%vert_idx%" + 1) * 0x04)) 448 // vertex WRITE_SHORT ("%vert_off%" + 0x02 + (("%vert_idx%" + 1) * 0x04)) 1899 // vertex WRITE_SHORT ("%vert_off%" + (("%vert_idx%" + 2) * 0x04)) 489 // vertex WRITE_SHORT ("%vert_off%" + 0x02 + (("%vert_idx%" + 2) * 0x04)) 1931 // vertex WRITE_SHORT ("%vert_off%" + (("%vert_idx%" + 3) * 0x04)) 483 // vertex WRITE_SHORT ("%vert_off%" + 0x02 + (("%vert_idx%" + 3) * 0x04)) 2039 // vertex END END WHILE ("%door_num%" > 0) BEGIN SET "door_num" = ("%door_num%" - 1) READ_ASCII ("%door_off%" + ("%door_num%" * 0xc8)) "doorname" READ_BYTE ("%door_off%" + 0x29 + ("%door_num%" * 0xc8)) "usekey" PATCH_IF ("%doorname%" STRING_COMPARE_CASE "DOOR02" = 0) BEGIN WRITE_SHORT ("%door_off%" + 0x44 + ("%door_num%" * 0xc8)) 508 // bounding box READ_LONG ("%door_off%" + 0x34 + ("%door_num%" * 0xc8)) "cl_vert_idx" // closed vertex index WRITE_SHORT ("%vert_off%" + (("%cl_vert_idx%" + 1) * 0x04)) 445 // vertex WRITE_SHORT ("%vert_off%" + 0x02 + (("%cl_vert_idx%" + 1) * 0x04)) 1896 // vertex WRITE_SHORT ("%vert_off%" + (("%cl_vert_idx%" + 2) * 0x04)) 508 // vertex WRITE_SHORT ("%vert_off%" + (("%cl_vert_idx%" + 3) * 0x04)) 495 // vertex WRITE_SHORT ("%vert_off%" + 0x02 + (("%cl_vert_idx%" + 3) * 0x04)) 2048 // vertex END END BUT_ONLY_IF_IT_CHANGES As I understand it, this block (among other things) re-draws the trigger box for the entrance to the sixth level of Watcher's Keep (TP3020). So, if someone could clarify the code to me I'd be much obliged. Basically, all I want to know it how to designate the map coordinates for the corners of a new trigger box and how to assign that trigger an "on clicked" script (but not necessarily a trap script) and how to change the cursor icon into something else (i.e. an area travel icon - cursor index 34). Link to comment
cmorgan Posted August 25, 2007 Share Posted August 25, 2007 I don't know how to do this, but for comparison you can grab a similar coe block from Pro-5's addition of P%DragonTrigger setting a trap in BG1 NPC, and the addtions as well in Sirene's call, i think. Here is Pro5's code in BG1 NPC: /* Macro adding proximity trigger into FW /ARD013.ARE (for Coran dragon talk) by pro-5 */ DEFINE_PATCH_MACRO ~DRAGON_TRIGGER~ BEGIN READ_LONG 0x54 "actor_off" READ_LONG 0x5c "info_off" READ_SHORT 0x5a "info_num" READ_LONG 0x60 "spawn_off" READ_LONG 0x68 "ent_off" READ_LONG 0x70 "cont_off" READ_LONG 0x78 "item_off" READ_LONG 0x7c "vert_off" READ_SHORT 0x80 "vert_num" READ_LONG 0x84 "amb_off" READ_LONG 0x88 "var_off" READ_LONG 0xa0 "bmp_off" READ_LONG 0xa8 "door_off" READ_LONG 0xb0 "anim_off" READ_LONG 0xb8 "tiled_off" READ_LONG 0xbc "song_off" READ_LONG 0xc0 "rest_off" READ_LONG 0xc4 "note_off" SET "Left" = 1 SET "Top" = 1 SET "Right" = 2800 SET "Bottom" = 1600 WRITE_SHORT 0x5a ("%info_num%" + 1) INSERT_BYTES "%info_off%" 0xC4 // insert new blank info point WRITE_ASCII "%info_off%" ~P5#DragonTrigger~ // name WRITE_SHORT ("%info_off%" + 0x22) "%Left%" WRITE_SHORT ("%info_off%" + 0x24) "%Top%" WRITE_SHORT ("%info_off%" + 0x26) "%Right%" WRITE_SHORT ("%info_off%" + 0x28) "%Bottom%" WRITE_SHORT ("%info_off%" + 0x2A) 4 // # vertices WRITE_LONG ("%info_off%" + 0x2C) "%vert_num%" // first vertex index WRITE_BYTE ("%info_off%" + 0x60) 2 // Flags: Trap Resets=true // WRITE_BYTE ("%info_off%" + 0x60) 10 // Flags: Trap Resets=true, Trap Detectable=true - for testing // WRITE_SHORT ("%info_off%" + 0x68) 1 // Trap det.difficulty - for testing WRITE_SHORT ("%info_off%" + 0x6C) 1 // Trap flag - needed WRITE_ASCII ("%info_off%" + 0x7C) ~P5ARD013~ #8 // Script name PATCH_IF NOT ("%actor_off%" < "%info_off%") BEGIN WRITE_LONG 0x54 ("%actor_off%" + 0xC4) END PATCH_IF NOT ("%spawn_off%" < "%info_off%") BEGIN WRITE_LONG 0x60 ("spawn_off" + 0xC4) END PATCH_IF NOT ("%ent_off%" < "%info_off%") BEGIN WRITE_LONG 0x68 ("ent_off" + 0xC4) END PATCH_IF NOT ("%cont_off%" < "%info_off%") BEGIN WRITE_LONG 0x70 ("cont_off" + 0xC4) END PATCH_IF NOT ("%item_off%" < "%info_off%") BEGIN WRITE_LONG 0x78 ("item_off" + 0xC4) END PATCH_IF NOT ("%vert_off%" < "%info_off%") BEGIN WRITE_LONG 0x7c ("vert_off" + 0xC4) END PATCH_IF NOT ("%amb_off%" < "%info_off%") BEGIN WRITE_LONG 0x84 ("amb_off" + 0xC4) END PATCH_IF NOT ("%var_off%" < "%info_off%") BEGIN WRITE_LONG 0x88 ("var_off" + 0xC4) END PATCH_IF NOT ("%bmp_off%" < "%info_off%") BEGIN WRITE_LONG 0xa0 ("bmp_off" + 0xC4) END PATCH_IF NOT ("%door_off%" < "%info_off%") BEGIN WRITE_LONG 0xa8 ("door_off" + 0xC4) END PATCH_IF NOT ("%anim_off%" < "%info_off%") BEGIN WRITE_LONG 0xb0 ("anim_off" + 0xC4) END PATCH_IF NOT ("%tiled_off%" < "%info_off%") BEGIN WRITE_LONG 0xb8 ("tiled_off" + 0xC4) END PATCH_IF NOT ("%song_off%" < "%info_off%") BEGIN WRITE_LONG 0xbc ("song_off" + 0xC4) END PATCH_IF NOT ("%rest_off%" < "%info_off%") BEGIN WRITE_LONG 0xc0 ("rest_off" + 0xC4) END PATCH_IF NOT ("%note_off%" < "%info_off%") BEGIN WRITE_LONG 0xc4 ("note_off" + 0xC4) END // Add 4 new vertices READ_LONG 0x54 "actor_off" READ_LONG 0x5c "info_off" READ_SHORT 0x5a "info_num" READ_LONG 0x60 "spawn_off" READ_LONG 0x68 "ent_off" READ_LONG 0x70 "cont_off" READ_LONG 0x78 "item_off" READ_LONG 0x7c "vert_off" READ_SHORT 0x80 "vert_num" READ_LONG 0x84 "amb_off" READ_LONG 0x88 "var_off" READ_LONG 0xa0 "bmp_off" READ_LONG 0xa8 "door_off" READ_LONG 0xb0 "anim_off" READ_LONG 0xb8 "tiled_off" READ_LONG 0xbc "song_off" READ_LONG 0xc0 "rest_off" READ_LONG 0xc4 "note_off" WRITE_SHORT 0x80 ("%vert_num%" + 4) INSERT_BYTES ("%vert_off%" + (0x04 * "%vert_num%")) 0x10 WRITE_SHORT ("%vert_off%" + 0x04 * "%vert_num%") 948 // Vertex1.X WRITE_SHORT ("%vert_off%" + 0x04 * "%vert_num%" + 2) 1588 // Vertex1.Y WRITE_SHORT ("%vert_off%" + 0x04 * "%vert_num%" + 4) 651 // Vertex2.X WRITE_SHORT ("%vert_off%" + 0x04 * "%vert_num%" + 6) 1125 // Vertex2.Y WRITE_SHORT ("%vert_off%" + 0x04 * "%vert_num%" + 8) 2366 // Vertex3.X WRITE_SHORT ("%vert_off%" + 0x04 * "%vert_num%" +10) 351 // Vertex3.Y WRITE_SHORT ("%vert_off%" + 0x04 * "%vert_num%" +12) 2743 // Vertex4.X WRITE_SHORT ("%vert_off%" + 0x04 * "%vert_num%" +14) 618 // Vertex4.Y PATCH_IF NOT ("%actor_off%" < "%vert_off%") BEGIN WRITE_LONG 0x54 ("%actor_off%" + 0x10) END PATCH_IF NOT ("%info_off%" < "%vert_off%") BEGIN WRITE_LONG 0x5c ("info_off" + 0x10) END PATCH_IF NOT ("%spawn_off%" < "%vert_off%") BEGIN WRITE_LONG 0x60 ("spawn_off" + 0x10) END PATCH_IF NOT ("%ent_off%" < "%vert_off%") BEGIN WRITE_LONG 0x68 ("ent_off" + 0x10) END PATCH_IF NOT ("%cont_off%" < "%vert_off%") BEGIN WRITE_LONG 0x70 ("cont_off" + 0x10) END PATCH_IF NOT ("%item_off%" < "%vert_off%") BEGIN WRITE_LONG 0x78 ("item_off" + 0x10) END PATCH_IF NOT ("%amb_off%" < "%vert_off%") BEGIN WRITE_LONG 0x84 ("amb_off" + 0x10) END PATCH_IF NOT ("%var_off%" < "%vert_off%") BEGIN WRITE_LONG 0x88 ("var_off" + 0x10) END PATCH_IF NOT ("%bmp_off%" < "%vert_off%") BEGIN WRITE_LONG 0xa0 ("bmp_off" + 0x10) END PATCH_IF NOT ("%door_off%" < "%vert_off%") BEGIN WRITE_LONG 0xa8 ("door_off" + 0x10) END PATCH_IF NOT ("%anim_off%" < "%vert_off%") BEGIN WRITE_LONG 0xb0 ("anim_off" + 0x10) END PATCH_IF NOT ("%tiled_off%" < "%vert_off%") BEGIN WRITE_LONG 0xb8 ("tiled_off" + 0x10) END PATCH_IF NOT ("%song_off%" < "%vert_off%") BEGIN WRITE_LONG 0xbc ("song_off" + 0x10) END PATCH_IF NOT ("%rest_off%" < "%vert_off%") BEGIN WRITE_LONG 0xc0 ("rest_off" + 0x10) END PATCH_IF NOT ("%note_off%" < "%vert_off%") BEGIN WRITE_LONG 0xc4 ("note_off" + 0x10) END END Link to comment
jcompton Posted August 26, 2007 Share Posted August 26, 2007 crazy TP2 area editing ninjery Seriously, if you area-modding guys don't do some work with WeiNGINE once we get TBH out, I'm going to be disappointed. <xml> <Polylist value="simple$(x,y,radius)"/> </xml> Link to comment
Avenger Posted August 26, 2007 Share Posted August 26, 2007 Well, xml is scary. And TBH must be available first. I don't see any other reasons not to start modding TBH Link to comment
aVENGER_(RR) Posted August 26, 2007 Author Share Posted August 26, 2007 I don't know how to do this, but for comparison you can grab a similar coe block from Pro-5's addition of P%DragonTrigger setting a trap in BG1 NPC, and the addtions as well in Sirene's call, i think. Thank you! I was able to adapt Pro5's code to do what I wanted. I'll add the appropriate credits and a big "Thanks!" to both of you in the Rogue Rebalancing readme. Cheers! Link to comment
cmorgan Posted August 26, 2007 Share Posted August 26, 2007 Cheers, but don't add me - just add pro-5. I am still studying pro-5's code to figure out what he is doing!!! The Sirine's Call stuff has even more commenting and special tutorial code, so it is worth looking at, too (he adds new areas and sets a good bit of the map via weidu, I think). Pro-5 is most active at SHS, but visits all boards. Link to comment
aVENGER_(RR) Posted August 27, 2007 Author Share Posted August 27, 2007 Cheers, but don't add me - just add pro-5. I am still studying pro-5's code to figure out what he is doing!!! Hey, you pointed me in the right direction and that counts too! BTW, the code works like a charm. It's very handy for on the fly area edits, especially for seamlessly inserting new travel triggers into existing areas. Oh and, I'll definitively check out Sirene's Call when I get to replaying BG1 again. Link to comment
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