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Known Color Gradients


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I was recently doing some minor cosmetic mods (changing tool tip icons references - I prefer the item bam rather than the spell bam for item usages & changing item colors, or bam references so item descriptions and assigned item colors would match their bam references - you get the idea).


Anyway, when I needed to consult the color gradient chart provided with IEEP, I called it up and all of the "images" displaying the colors were gone (with the little while box with a red X indicating a broken image link). Yes, the list of color gradients is still there with there hexadecimal values, but the images displaying the colors are gone.


Anyone have any idea what's wrong (or even know what I'm talking about)? I know this program is old and mostly unused anymore, but the color gradient chart was very handy and nice that you could get a good look at the color gradients while you were editing items instead of having to run the game to see what an assigned item color was going to look like.


More importantly, anyone know how to fix this?



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Look in this folder Help Files. The file in there is a MTHML document which should open with IE.


I did, that's my point, all of the image links on that file are broken. As I said, I was consulting this file when I discovered this problem.


Anyway, when I needed to consult the color gradient chart provided with IEEP, I called it up and all of the "images" displaying the colors were gone (with the little while box with a red X indicating a broken image link). Yes, the list of color gradients is still there with there hexadecimal values, but the images displaying the colors are gone.


Anyway, my question stands, why are all the image links broken and how can I fix this, or is there and alternative that will still actually show me the colors (not just list them)?

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