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Amber romance sizzled out :(


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I've come back to my game after ages ... I wasn't well enough to play ;) I've picked up the game in Spellhold Labyrinth, and all seems to be going ok except for the Amber romance. She's stopped flirting with me, and when I speak with her I don't get any romantic responses. I am getting loads of reactions from Jaheira that seem suspiciously romantic. I honestly can't remember when this started happening. My character hasn't been pursuing a romace with Jaheira at all - but I haven't been rude to her either.


Variable values that might be relevent










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Hm, can't say about that Jaheria issue, but that AmberMad 0 variable seems to be cause for Amber stopping in her tracks.

The mod is designed to have a few fights no matter how much a sweet talker you are, its just the way things are.


Have you had the LT PC or Amber intiated I think, where you can make up with her yet?


Sorry its been awhile since I checked the variable that should be there if you have.

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It shouldn't have anything to do with Jaheira, since her romance active is 3




My scripts don't set this variable to 2, the valid states fot it are 1 and 0. ;)



What did your PC did with Imoen when the party met her in the beginning of the Labyrinth?

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I saw this thread and would like to figure out if any future romance with Amber is wishful thinking on my part. The variable M#AMBERROMANCEACTIVE = 3 I've completed most of the quests in Chapter 2, and the group is at the point that we just need to pay Bayle to start chapter 3. So far each time I talk with her I get pretty much the same options for conversational topics.





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I don't think RA3 is recoverable from... not that I've ever tried, but yeah.


If she's RA3 you will still be allowed questions to her, but any romance track you had hoped for is past, if my suspicions are correct this time that is.

I don't recall it also counting as the friendship track, so basically, those questions and comments the PC is allowed to make after certain requirements ie: Amber kills a dragon, etc.


Just the sort of stuff that was pretty much available from the beginning, that's about all i can remember. :)

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I saw this thread and would like to figure out if any future romance with Amber is wishful thinking on my part. The variable M#AMBERROMANCEACTIVE = 3 I've completed most of the quests in Chapter 2, and the group is at the point that we just need to pay Bayle to start chapter 3. So far each time I talk with her I get pretty much the same options for conversational topics.





Looks like you're heading for the friendship track. The friendship talks will kick in after Underdark, so if you have completed all quests in chapter 2 or 3 you might not want to rush to Suldanesselar. You'll get the casual talks and Amber's quests before friendship talks, though, and then there are the chapter talks of course. Both casual and chapter talks will trigger regardless of the romance / friendship status.


More click talk options become available as the talks proceed. The flirts and player initiated make-up talk(s) are only for the romance - everything else is available for everyone.

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