Miloch Posted August 18, 2008 Share Posted August 18, 2008 Do I need to make a bunch of null/zeroed LOCAL_SET's in case someone doesn't need to use a certain variable?That's probably the "safest" method, in case someone hasn't initialised them. Null doesn't work for SETs - they'd have to be zero or whatever the default value should be. I think null ~~ works for SPRINTs.Anything else I need to know? Has someone already done this?I was working on a macro that would clone a header and all effects and paste them as a new header, but I don't know if I finished it.I assume that in the macro section of the tp2 I would put:DEFINE_PATCH_MACRO ~ADD_ABILITY_HEADER~ BEGIN my patches END I think the preferred method these days is to include your code as a separate .tpp file, then PATCH_INCLUDE ~mymod/lib/mymacro.tpp~ but either method is equivalent (the former makes code more portable between mods, and possibly more readable). Link to comment
Taimon Posted August 18, 2008 Share Posted August 18, 2008 I suggest prefixing the internal variables of the macro to lower the potential for overwriting some from outside the macro. Link to comment
plainab Posted August 18, 2008 Share Posted August 18, 2008 Check me to make sure everything is okay. In tp2 "header" after author I apply: PATCH_INCLUDE ~mymod/lib/mymacro.tpp~ In the tp2 component section I apply: COPY ~override~ SET what I want SPRINT what I want LAUNCH_PATCH_MACRO ~ADD_ITEM_HEADER~ and the following would be the tpp code: DEFINE_PATCH_MACRO ~ADD_ITM_HEADER~ BEGIN PATCH_IF (%SOURCE_SIZE% > 114) AND (%SOURCE_EXT% STRING_EQUAL_CASE ~itm~) BEGIN PATCH_IF !(VARIABLE_IS_SET ~%attack_type%~) BEGIN SET ~%attack_type%~ = 0 END PATCH_IF !(VARIABLE_IS_SET ~%id_req%~) BEGIN SET ~%id_req%~ = 0 END PATCH_IF !(VARIABLE_IS_SET ~%use_location%~) BEGIN SET ~%use_location%~ = 0 END PATCH_IF !(VARIABLE_IS_SET ~%use_icon%~) BEGIN SPRINT ~%use_icon%~ ~~ END PATCH_IF !(VARIABLE_IS_SET ~%target_type%~) BEGIN SET ~%target_type%~ = 0 END PATCH_IF !(VARIABLE_IS_SET ~%target_count%~) BEGIN SET ~%target_count%~ = 0 END PATCH_IF !(VARIABLE_IS_SET ~%range%~) BEGIN SET ~%range%~ = 0 END PATCH_IF !(VARIABLE_IS_SET ~%proj_type%~) BEGIN SET ~%proj_type%~ = 0 END PATCH_IF !(VARIABLE_IS_SET ~%speed%~) BEGIN SET ~%speed%~ = 0 END PATCH_IF !(VARIABLE_IS_SET ~%thac0_bonus%~) BEGIN SET ~%thac0_bonus%~ = 0 END PATCH_IF !(VARIABLE_IS_SET ~%d_sides%~) BEGIN SET ~%d_sides%~ = 0 END PATCH_IF !(VARIABLE_IS_SET ~%d_rolls%~) BEGIN SET ~%d_rolls%~ = 0 END PATCH_IF !(VARIABLE_IS_SET ~%damage_bonus%~) BEGIN SET ~%damage_bonus%~ = 0 END PATCH_IF !(VARIABLE_IS_SET ~%damage_type%~) BEGIN SET ~%damage_type%~ = 0 END PATCH_IF !(VARIABLE_IS_SET ~%charges%~) BEGIN SET ~%charges%~ = 0 END PATCH_IF !(VARIABLE_IS_SET ~%charge_removal%~) BEGIN SET ~%charge_removal%~ = 0 END PATCH_IF !(VARIABLE_IS_SET ~%flag%~) BEGIN SET ~%flag%~ = 0 END PATCH_IF !(VARIABLE_IS_SET ~%proj_anim%~) BEGIN SET ~%proj_anim%~ = 0 END PATCH_IF !(VARIABLE_IS_SET ~%overhand%~) BEGIN SET ~%overhand%~ = 0 END PATCH_IF !(VARIABLE_IS_SET ~%backhand%~) BEGIN SET ~%backhand%~ = 0 END PATCH_IF !(VARIABLE_IS_SET ~%thrust%~) BEGIN SET ~%thrust%~ = 0 END PATCH_IF !(VARIABLE_IS_SET ~%bow%~) BEGIN SET ~%bow%~ = 0 END PATCH_IF !(VARIABLE_IS_SET ~%xbow%~) BEGIN SET ~%xbow%~ = 0 END PATCH_IF !(VARIABLE_IS_SET ~%sling%~) BEGIN SET ~%sling%~ = 0 END READ_LONG 0x64 ~ab__abil_loc~ READ_SHORT 0x68 ~ab__abil_num~ READ_SHORT 0x6a ~ab__fx_loc~ SET ab__abil_size = 56 SET ab__new_abil_loc = (%ab__abil_loc% +(%ab__abil_num% *%ab__abil_size)) //sets new header at end of existing header list if any SET ab__new_fx_loc = (%ab__fx_loc% + %ab__abil_size%) //increases effects location by ability size INSERT_BYTES %ab__new_abil_loc% %ab__abil_size% //insert enough bytes for one ability at new location WRITE_SHORT 0x68 (%ab__abil_num% + 1) //update number of headers in file WRITE_LONG 0x6a (%ab__new_fx_loc%) //update effects location in file WRITE_BYTE (%ab__new_abil_loc% + 0x0) ~%attack_type%~ // attack type WRITE_BYTE (%ab__new_abil_loc% + 0x1) ~%id_req%~ // id required 0-yes 1-no WRITE_BYTE (%ab__new_abil_loc% + 0x2) ~%use_location%~ // use location -- followed by a 3 byte unknown WRITE_EVALUATED_ASCII (%ab__new_abil_loc% + 0x4) ~%use_icon%~ // use icon WRITE_BYTE (%ab__new_abil_loc% + 0xc) ~%target_type%~ // type of target WRITE_BYTE (%ab__new_abil_loc% + 0xd) ~%target_count%~ // target count WRITE_SHORT (%ab__new_abil_loc% + 0xe) ~%range%~ // range WRITE_BYTE (%ab__new_abil_loc% + 0x10) ~%proj_type%~ // projectile type WRITE_BYTE (%ab__new_abil_loc% + 0x12) ~%speed%~ // speed WRITE_BYTE (%ab__new_abil_loc% + 0x14) ~%thac0_bonus%~ // THAC0 bonus WRITE_BYTE (%ab__new_abil_loc% + 0x16) ~%d_sides%~ // dice sides WRITE_SHORT (%ab__new_abil_loc% + 0x18) ~%d_rolls%~ // dice rolls WRITE_SHORT (%ab__new_abil_loc% + 0x1a) ~%damage_bonus%~ // damage_bonus WRITE_SHORT (%ab__new_abil_loc% + 0x1c) ~%damage_type%~ // damage type WRITE_SHORT (%ab__new_abil_loc% + 0x22) ~%charges%~ // charges WRITE_SHORT (%ab__new_abil_loc% + 0x24) ~%charge_removal%~ // charge removal WRITE_SHORT (%ab__new_abil_loc% + 0x26) ~%flag%~ // flag -- followed by a 2 byte unknown WRITE_SHORT (%ab__new_abil_loc% + 0x2a) ~%proj_anim%~ // projectile animation WRITE_SHORT (%ab__new_abil_loc% + 0x2c) ~%overhand%~ // overhand WRITE_SHORT (%ab__new_abil_loc% + 0x2e) ~%backhand%~ // backhand WRITE_SHORT (%ab__new_abil_loc% + 0x30) ~%thrust%~ // thrust WRITE_SHORT (%ab__new_abil_loc% + 0x32) ~%bow%~ // bow WRITE_SHORT (%ab__new_abil_loc% + 0x34) ~%xbow%~ // crossbow WRITE_SHORT (%ab__new_abil_loc% + 0x36) ~%sling%~ // sling END I've not included anything for these two variables as this only adds a header and not an effect so there won't be an effect count nor would a effect loc be needed. 0x001e 2 (word) Count of feature blocks 0x0020 2 (word) Offset to feature blocks However, if the macro add_item_effect only adjusts the existing values, then I see a need to give something to the effect location. Any ideas? Should it just be the same as the master effects location as assigned in the main portion of the itm file? Link to comment
Miloch Posted August 18, 2008 Share Posted August 18, 2008 In tp2 "header" after author I apply:PATCH_INCLUDE ~mymod/lib/mymacro.tpp~ In the tp2 component section I apply: COPY ~override~SET what I want SPRINT what I want LAUNCH_PATCH_MACRO ~ADD_ITEM_HEADER~ PATCH_INCLUDE ~mymod/lib/mymacro.tpp~ and the following would be the tpp code: DEFINE_PATCH_MACRO ~ADD_ITM_HEADER~ BEGINPATCH_IF (%SOURCE_SIZE% > 114) AND (%SOURCE_EXT% STRING_EQUAL_CASE ~itm~) BEGIN However, if the macro add_item_effect only adjusts the existing values, then I see a need to give something to the effect location. Any ideas? Should it just be the same as the master effects location as assigned in the main portion of the itm file?Not sure what you're saying on that last bit. ADD_ITEM_EFFECT is a different (WeiDU library) macro, right? If you wanted to use your macro, then LAUNCH_PATCH_MACRO ADD_ITEM_EFFECT after it, you could do that. Link to comment
plainab Posted August 19, 2008 Share Posted August 19, 2008 I tried it and it didn't work. I tried it as a macro and I tried it as a simple patch_include. It never added the bytes to apply the changes, but when I moved everything back inside the patch and did it "normally" (in the exact same location) it ran fine. I guess I should stick with regular code and let others create macros. Also using weidu 208, the ADD_ITEM_EFFECT macro didn't work. I may have done something wrong, weidu instructions can be counter-intuitive sometimes. I ended up doing that manually. Although, the DELETE_ITEM_EFFECT worked perfectly when I used it on a different file. Link to comment
Miloch Posted August 19, 2008 Share Posted August 19, 2008 Please post your working and non-working code. If the above is what you used for a macro (or the WeiDU macros), I'm sure you used something different than this: COPY ~override~ SET what I want SPRINT what I want LAUNCH_PATCH_MACRO ~ADD_ITEM_HEADER~ Edit: Are you really sure you want this? PATCH_IF (%SOURCE_SIZE% > 114) 114 = 0x72, and I believe it should be IF > 0x71 for items (as the minimum valid size is 0x72). Link to comment
plainab Posted August 25, 2008 Share Posted August 25, 2008 Please post your working and non-working code. If the above is what you used for a macro (or the WeiDU macros), I'm sure you used something different than this: COPY ~override~ SET what I want SPRINT what I want LAUNCH_PATCH_MACRO ~ADD_ITEM_HEADER~ That's exactly what I had in my component. When I couldn't get it to work, I reverted to the old method of doing it with in the file. I've since ditched all that non-working stuff. But, hey, if you can get one working with what is here, I'm sure there are people who might use it for custom items. Edit: Are you really sure you want this?PATCH_IF (%SOURCE_SIZE% > 114) 114 = 0x72, and I believe it should be IF > 0x71 for items (as the minimum valid size is 0x72). Maybe I did mean 0x71. I've got the 0x71 in my mod right now so it could have just been a typo... Link to comment
Echon Posted August 26, 2008 Share Posted August 26, 2008 Something is broken.,25782.0.html Link to comment
Miloch Posted August 27, 2008 Share Posted August 27, 2008 Something is broken.Only the documentation, I think. Pretty sure I've used all these successfully, but yes, you do have to initialise all the variables in many cases (even if set to zero). IIRC, they are only "set by default" after the first time the macro runs, so you still need to set them all before that first run. @plainab, if that was *exactly* what you had, no wonder it fails. "SET what I want" etc. is not valid syntax . But I suspect it wasn't patching because your SOURCE_SIZE check was too high. Link to comment
plainab Posted August 27, 2008 Share Posted August 27, 2008 @plainab, if that was *exactly* what you had, no wonder it fails. "SET what I want" etc. is not valid syntax . But I suspect it wasn't patching because your SOURCE_SIZE check was too high.Grrrr.... Oh, well. I only needed to do one file and it is a custom file so I just did it with in the tp2 patch. It works there. Job is done. I'm happy. But I guess the macro library is not. So if you want to fix it up and polish it off and give it some "Documentation" so that it works and others can use it.... Be my guest. Link to comment
Echon Posted September 6, 2008 Share Posted September 6, 2008 I found myself in need of ADD_SPELL_ABILITY_HEADER but it is not among the new standard macros in WeiDU and I could not find such code anywhere so I decided to give it a try, based on Ascension64's ADD_ITEM_EFFECT. It appears to work as intended based on a couple of different tests and if it does not contain any glaring errors I may have overlooked, it would be cool if someone who knows how to do so made it into a WeiDU macro. COPY_EXISTING ~myspell.spl~ ~override~ READ_LONG 0x64 "abilitiesoffset" READ_SHORT 0x68 "#abilities" READ_LONG 0x6a "effectsoffset" //add ability header INSERT_BYTES "%abilitiesoffset%" 0x28 //ability fields WRITE_BYTE "%abilitiesoffset%" 1 //type WRITE_BYTE ("%abilitiesoffset%" + 0x1) 2 //unknown WRITE_SHORT ("%abilitiesoffset%" + 0x2) 3 //ability icon location WRITE_ASCII ("%abilitiesoffset%" + 0x4) ~4~ //icon WRITE_BYTE ("%abilitiesoffset%" + 0xc) 5 //target type WRITE_BYTE ("%abilitiesoffset%" + 0xd) 6 //# targets WRITE_SHORT ("%abilitiesoffset%" + 0xe) 7 //range WRITE_SHORT ("%abilitiesoffset%" + 0x10) 8 //minimum level WRITE_SHORT ("%abilitiesoffset%" + 0x12) 9 //casting speed WRITE_SHORT ("%abilitiesoffset%" + 0x14) 10 //to hit WRITE_SHORT ("%abilitiesoffset%" + 0x16) 11 //dicesize WRITE_SHORT ("%abilitiesoffset%" + 0x18) 12 //# dice WRITE_SHORT ("%abilitiesoffset%" + 0x1a) 13 //enchanted WRITE_SHORT ("%abilitiesoffset%" + 0x1c) 14 //damage type WRITE_SHORT ("%abilitiesoffset%" + 0x1e) 15 //# effects WRITE_SHORT ("%abilitiesoffset%" + 0x20) 16 //effect index WRITE_SHORT ("%abilitiesoffset%" + 0x22) 17 //# charges WRITE_SHORT ("%abilitiesoffset%" + 0x24) 18 //unknown WRITE_SHORT ("%abilitiesoffset%" + 0x26) 19 //projectile type //update # ability headers SET "%#abilities%" += 1 WRITE_SHORT 0x68 "%#abilities%" //update effect offset SET "%effectsoffset%" += 0x28 WRITE_LONG 0x6a "%effectsoffset%" END Link to comment
Echon Posted September 11, 2008 Share Posted September 11, 2008 Only the documentation, I think. No, something is broken. ADD_SPELL_EFFECT does not update the effect index correctly when adding an effect to an empty ability header. If it is not empty, it works fine. Link to comment
Galactygon Posted September 13, 2008 Share Posted September 13, 2008 Is there any way we could take a look at the code behind these macros? Gort's link does not work, and there is no way we could extract them from the WeiDU executable. -Galactygon Link to comment
erik Posted September 13, 2008 Share Posted September 13, 2008 Simple. Download weidu source code from, extract, look at WeiDU/src/ ... the macros are in there in plain text. Send bigg fixes. Link to comment
Galactygon Posted September 14, 2008 Share Posted September 14, 2008 Thanks, found them. -Galactygon Link to comment
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