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Coran question


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As far as I know....



no :)



you need to go back and choose another reply, one that doesn't lead to Coran running off with the help...


CHAIN ~%tutu_var%FCOOK2~ X#CoranCook5
== ~%CORAN_BANTER%~ @152
DO ~LeaveParty() SetLeavePartyDialogFile() ChangeAIScript("",DEFAULT) EscapeArea() ActionOverride("%tutu_var%FCOOK2", EscapeArea())~


which comes from


== ~%tutu_var%FCOOK2~ @71
== ~%CORAN_BANTER%~ IF ~Global("P#CoranMatch","GLOBAL",1) !Global("P#CoranRomanceInactive","GLOBAL",1)~ THEN @72
== ~%tutu_var%FCOOK2~ IF ~Global("P#CoranMatch","GLOBAL",1) !Global("P#CoranRomanceInactive","GLOBAL",1)~ THEN @73
== ~%CORAN_BANTER%~ IF ~OR(2) !Global("P#CoranMatch","GLOBAL",1) Global("P#CoranRomanceInactive","GLOBAL",1)~ THEN @74
IF ~Global("P#CoranMatch","GLOBAL",1) !Global("P#CoranRomanceInactive","GLOBAL",1)~ THEN EXIT
+ ~OR(2) !Global("P#CoranMatch","GLOBAL",1) Global("P#CoranRomanceInactive","GLOBAL",1)~ + @75 EXTERN ~%CORAN_JOINED%~ X#CoranCook1
+ ~OR(2) !Global("P#CoranMatch","GLOBAL",1) Global("P#CoranRomanceInactive","GLOBAL",1)~ + @76 + X#CoranCook2
+ ~Gender(Player1, MALE) OR(2) !Global("P#CoranMatch","GLOBAL",1) Global("P#CoranRomanceInactive","GLOBAL",1)~ + @77 EXTERN ~%tutu_var%FCOOK2~ X#CoranCook3


So only option 3 leads to it.


EDIT:/ berelinde was posting at the same time - sorry!

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In rescuing Yeslick, (I think, but someone will have to correct me if I am wrong), Coran can be his flighty male hot-to-trot self and decide to run away with the cook.... FOREVAR!!!!


The tra references are listed above, if you decide to take the "manual" approach, but c'mon - you know you wanna play another run... c'mon, all the cool kids are doin' it... he's just waaaaaiiiiitiiiiiiiiing....

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