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newly addicted to BG2 and looking for a stable install of mods

Guest Guest_adam_*

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Guest Guest_adam_*

Hello everyone, my roommate got me addicted to Baldur's Gate II. Unfortunately, my game bugged up and started to crash while loading. It's rough losing a month's worth of playtime, but it's a chance to start a new character, as I wasn't all that happy with my character the first time through. I'd like to try out some mods (and install the PATCH!) this time around. My roommate gave me this list of mods to install, and told me ask on this forum if it was okay (no conflicts).


It's VERY important to me to have this game be as bug-free as possible, and specially be free of game-crashing bugs. Can some kind soul look over this list and make any suggestions or comment on the install order? I am using Windows XP and have a pretty new machine, if it matters. Thanks!


1. Official patch

2. BG2Fixpack

3. Ascension

4. Luizmods (only player AI script)

5. Improved Horns of Valhalla

6. PnP Celestials

7. Unfinished Business (only NPC Portraits, extended ToB item descriptions)

8. Rogue Rebalancing (only Revised thievery)

9. Saerileth NPC mod

10. BG2Tweaks

11. SCS II

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1. Official patch

2. BG2Fixpack

3. Ascension

4. Luizmods (only player AI script)

5. Improved Horns of Valhalla

6. PnP Celestials

7. Unfinished Business (only NPC Portraits, extended ToB item descriptions)

8. Rogue Rebalancing (only Revised thievery)

9. Saerileth NPC mod

10. BG2Tweaks

11. SCS II

This is a pretty good list, and fairly close to what I use on my games. :p

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3. Ascension


Prepare to being unable to complete the final battle - there's a pretty good chance certain monsters will remain at "Near death".


9. Saerileth NPC mod


I've seen numerous reports of crashes of new areas for this mod, so make sure you've installed this one carefully - don't close the window after pressing "Enter".

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It might happen with any mod that unpacks sound files/area files at the end of the installation. This list includes Saerileth, Amber, and many other mods.


It is *never* a good idea to close the DOS window in any way other than hitting ENTER when instructed to do so, so this shouldn't be a concern.

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Take what I have to say with a grain of salt because I'm a player and not a modder. The folks here are the experts on the subject. But as I understand it, the very basic rule of thumb for (in this case BG2) mod installation is


1) SoA

2) ToB

3) Official Patch

4) BG2 Fixpack

5) Items/Stores/Spells

6) Kit mods

7) NPC mods

8) NPC Banter and Flirt Packs

9) Quest-related and Weimer Tactical mods

10) Tweak, Rules Change, newer AI/Tactical mods


You should examine the readmes for the mods you plan to install and check for compatability issues with other mods. Aso you want to understand basically what the mod changes, so that you avoid overwriting features you want with the installation of a mod later in the installation process.


The following thread here at G3 discusses mod installation order in great depth and detail: http://forums.gibberlings3.net/index.php?showtopic=8122. (Warning: This thread can be nearly overwhelming to newbies to mods.)


FYI, here is a procedure for mocking a fresh install:


"Make clean backups of override folder, baldur.ini, bgmain.exe, chitin.key and dialog.tlk. You can mock a complete reinstall by deleting your modded override folder and WeiDU.log file and copying the backups into the install directory."


There is a thread on the procedure at Pocket Plane: http://forums.pocketplane.net/index.php/topic,17555.0.html

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Lemernis gives good advice in the above post. But it should be noted that Ascension and Tactics are typically installed early because they overwrite files instead of patching them. Many mods check for the presence of Ascension during installation. Adam, your install list is pretty much in optimal order.

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It should be noted that Ascension and Tactics are typically installed early because they overwrite files instead of patching them. Many mods check for the presence of Ascension during installation.


Good to know, thanks! So as a rule, is it best install Tactics and/or Ascenion right after the fixpack?

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