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Bishop Romance (OC) is Released.


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Bishop Romance Mod adds a Baldur's Gate 2 style romance into the NWN2-OC.


The mod consists of new dialogues, expansions to the existing dialogues and the flirt-pack for Bishop. Flirt-packs are accessed via the main question menu, where the new option (Flirt with Bishop) will appear. The flirts differ between Act II and Act III. Two or three talks are ‘hidden’ and will appear if certain events occurred and you tried to flirt with Bishop. You do not have to be evil-aligned or have high influence with Bishop to romance him. The mod does not modify the influence over the character, in order not to upset the game’s balance. The last meeting with Bishop still requires high influence with him to eventually obtain a different conclusion. The first lines of NWN1-style talks are voiced, and the cutscenes are fully voiced.


I hope that the mod will augment your NWN2-OC experience!


Further information and the download link can be found here:


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Thanks, ladies.


Neferit, the secret is that I am not really good at any of them :p Though I am really trying with Electron. Finally, a tool that allows a person to create the whole new story with decent graphics support. Wee! Well, on to Deathstalker :p

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I just dowloaded the mod, but it might take me a while to play it -- since I don't actually have the game yet. I thought about buying it, but hearing that you're doing this mod gave me that nudge that I needed. Same thing as with IWD2, really.


It's just that NWN2 doesn't support my thrice damned video card, which is, to tell the truth, ancient... so, sue me. The only games I've played, ever, are BG1&2, and recently IWD2 (thank you, Domi). They play just fine.


*sigh* One more thing that I'll have to buy... :p


Congrats, btw!!

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Neferit, the secret is that I am not really good at any of them :p Though I am really trying with Electron. Finally, a tool that allows a person to create the whole new story with decent graphics support. Wee! Well, on to Deathstalker :D


Well, at laest you know how to do it. I would make a totally useless modder. You know, I'm able to cheat many things into my game, but everytime I tried to mod something myself, it ended in me staring on the computer screen, mumbling something like "Should have payed attention in the informatics..." and switching the PC off - if I was lucky enough. When I wasn't, I've got terrible headache, too :p

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Thanks, guys :p


It's always nice when people want to try new games out because of the mods. After all, even if they don't like it, then they don't wonder any more.


Heh, Nefret, I guess, I am just too stubborn for my own good. Lol, I usually write myself into a corner, and the only way out of it, si to code the darned thing up!

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