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Adding spells to Clerics' spell lists

Guest Guest_Fyorl_*

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Guest Guest_Fyorl_*

Is there a 2DA file somewhere which details which spells clerics get at which level or is it hard-coded?


Would it be possible to ensure clerics receive custom spells of the appropriate level at the same time as all their other spells of that level?

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Guest Guest_Fyorl_*
I think as long as custom spells have the right name system ("SpPrXXX.SPL" for priests) they'll show up as available in the spell scroll with the vanilla spells. Is that the kind of thing you meant?


Yup, that's it exactly thanks. I'll try it out. I had named my spells with a special naming convention to avoid clashes with other people's but it shouldn't be much of a problem.

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You can add the sppr# dynamically to lessen conflicts (if you want to use other mods that do the same, you'll need to mandate an install order, and if you want to use, say, The Darkest Day, you're kind of hosed).


Another option is just to drop the spell off in every priest clab*.2da file - no worries about naming conflicts, though your cup will still runneth over when you've more than 24 spells for a given level.

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Thanks for the advice but I think I'll be ok for now. It's not for a mod, more for personal use. I mean, a Negative Plane Protection 10' Radius was severely lacking.


Come to think of it, a Chaotic Commands 10' Radius, Death Ward 10' Radius and Free Action 10' Radius would also be rather useful... *runs off to DLTCEP*

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I mean, a Negative Plane Protection 10' Radius was severely lacking.


Come to think of it, a Chaotic Commands 10' Radius, Death Ward 10' Radius and Free Action 10' Radius would also be rather useful...

I'm wondering if those would make good spell additions for a mod, or if perhaps they'd be too powerful for the game. I'm not sure if they had PnP equivalents, but that's not saying much.
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