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Sahugin City Issues


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Sahuagin city has some duplicate items:

- Treasury key: can be pickpocketed from the mad king, then looted from the king's corpse when allying with the rebel prince. After killing the king, the prince will give you the key again (dialog says he gives it from the king's corpse but I already looted the corpse during the fight).

- Magical rope: can be pickpocketed from king, you also get it from treasury, and when allying with prince he gives you the rope (again, dialog says from the king's corpse).

- [Edited] Rebel orb: seems I ended up with 3x Rebel orb also, guess they're all from pickpocketing the priestess who gave it, then the prince's companion, and probably one of them again after coming back to kill king. Not that the orbs have any effect after you first talked to prince, but the game just seems to reload them back to their inventory too many times.


The rope in treasury is redundant and could be removed totally. The king's rope should be made non-stealable. No matter which one you ally with, you get the rope from the king or his corpse. I don't mind the key being stealable, but you end up with the key anyway, so it might as well be non-stealable if it's easier to prevent one duplicate that way. Preventing the duplicate rope + key (looting the king's corpse + getting them from the prince) might require that the prince's dialog be modified. The prince can say you're free to loot the items from the dead king, instead of him giving the items.


The Rod of Lordly Might (from treasury) has some problems:

- When it's changed into a weapon, the effect that changes it back to rod has just one charge. If you change it into a weapon another time and try to change it back to rod, you get 'Item drained' message. I don't see why it couldn't have unlimited charges, so it could be changed back and forth to different types of weapons.

- You can only see the special abilities of each weapon when it's a rod. When it's changed into a weapon, the weapon's description doesn't have its special ability listed.

- The spear is named 'Spear', it should be 'Spear +3' judging from the other weapons.

- The rod's description says 'Flaming long sword +1' but the sword is actually named 'Long sword +1', and true enough, its special ability has nothing to do with flames.

- Not a bug, but I can't recall ever actually using the rod in any of the weapon forms. The best enchant is the +3 spear, but you get Impaler (+3 enchant, +10 piercing damage) from the king's corpse. How about lowering the saving throw bonuses the rod's special abilities give to the target? Raising all the weapons to +3?


A couple more things now that I got started:

- Prismatic spray's description says "Any creature that is caught within the area of effect will be touched by one or two of the rays." However, the spell is party-friendly, which is not mentioned.

- If you have both the fake illithium alloy and the real illithium, there should be a dialogue option to give the fake one to Sir Sarles. Currently he just takes the real one. I bet Cromwell is not fooled by the fake one, though it might be interesting to see how the Mace of Disruption upgrade turns out to be in that case. ("Weird, I smashed Kangaxx with it and the head just fell off. No, not Kangaxx's head, the mace's...")



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- In any case, the key to the treasure must be pickpocketable, because I see it as a way to do the quest: you side with no one, you steal the rope and you leave.


- The rod's mace ability may be useful for an evil party. It's a superior mace + 2. Normally, the evil party doesn't get the mace +3 for killing the Baalor in the Underdark.


- The Wave piece shouldn't be pickpocketable, it's too bulky.

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Sahuagin city has some duplicate items:

- Treasury key: can be pickpocketed from the mad king, then looted from the king's corpse when allying with the rebel prince. After killing the king, the prince will give you the key again (dialog says he gives it from the king's corpse but I already looted the corpse during the fight).

You can potentially get three keys. The King has one; if you side with Villynaty then the King is replaced with another creature file with another key, and after the King's death, Villynaty will give you one (GiveItemCreate). So just by doing the quest without any shenanigans and siding with the prince, you get two (king's corpse plus one from the prince).


Suggested changes:

  • If the key gets pickpocketed from the first king, have the second king destroy his.
  • Remove the action where the prince gives you the key.
  • Alter the prince's line that accompanies the key: "For that, I give you the first spoils of war. Take this the treasury key from Ixilthetocal's corpse... use it to enter the city's treasury and take what you will."

This will cut down the keys to one, keep it internally consistent, and still allow the party to simply pickpocket the key and run.


- Magical rope: can be pickpocketed from king, you also get it from treasury, and when allying with prince he gives you the rope (again, dialog says from the king's corpse).

Not quite the same problem, but yes, three ropes possible. Suggestions:

  • Add it to the second copy of the king and add a pickpocket check. If you side with the prince or if it gets pickpocketed, destroy the rope copy in the treasury.
  • Remove the action from the prince's dialogue.
  • Alter the prince's line that accompanies the rope: "I am feeling generous today...to enter the Underdark, you need this the magic rope from the king's corpse. Use it to go down the pit behind my former throne."

Both the key and the rope are flagged as quest items, so we don't need to worry about them being lost if you disintegrate the King.


- [Edited] Rebel orb: seems I ended up with 3x Rebel orb also, guess they're all from pickpocketing the priestess who gave it, then the prince's companion, and probably one of them again after coming back to kill king. Not that the orbs have any effect after you first talked to prince, but the game just seems to reload them back to their inventory too many times.

The orb is on Royal High Priestess Senityili (sahpr1), who is the one that approaches you about contacting the prince. It's also on Senior Priestess Sallinithyl (sahpr4), who is in the area and also spawned a second time via cutscene. In this case, it's a simple fix as removing the orb from sahpr4 should do the trick.


The Rod of Lordly Might (from treasury) has some problems:

- When it's changed into a weapon, the effect that changes it back to rod has just one charge. If you change it into a weapon another time and try to change it back to rod, you get 'Item drained' message. I don't see why it couldn't have unlimited charges, so it could be changed back and forth to different types of weapons.

Bug, should be fixed. Mucking around with the parameters has fixed this.

- You can only see the special abilities of each weapon when it's a rod. When it's changed into a weapon, the weapon's description doesn't have its special ability listed.

A bit harder. All three use the same generic 'This item has been created via the Rod of Lordly Might. Use this item's special use to change it back into the Rod to choose another weapon.' description. We'd have to create two more strings; it's debatable if this is actually a fix.


- The spear is named 'Spear', it should be 'Spear +3' judging from the other weapons.



- The rod's description says 'Flaming long sword +1' but the sword is actually named 'Long sword +1', and true enough, its special ability has nothing to do with flames.

Not in my game; maybe a BD change? At any rate, the sword does use the flaming sword animation, and I don't see anything to change here.


A couple more things now that I got started:

- Prismatic spray's description says "Any creature that is caught within the area of effect will be touched by one or two of the rays." However, the spell is party-friendly, which is not mentioned.



- If you have both the fake illithium alloy and the real illithium, there should be a dialogue option to give the fake one to Sir Sarles. Currently he just takes the real one. I bet Cromwell is not fooled by the fake one, though it might be interesting to see how the Mace of Disruption upgrade turns out to be in that case. ("Weird, I smashed Kangaxx with it and the head just fell off. No, not Kangaxx's head, the mace's...")

No changes here.


Thoughts, screeds, suggestions?

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The keys are referred to with an indefinite article in the original text, and there's more than one of "these" keys, matching the text. Were it not for the quest flag I'd be inclined to leave it alone :)

Villynaty explicitly states he's giving the party the key from the King's corpse--the key that the party may have already pickpocketed or picked up from his ground pile.

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I know, I read the line in your post :)


This is just foreshadowing for the "since the devs forgot about pickpocketing and never included HasItem() state triggers, we have to flake around with everything that can be stolen" global patch, and it ends up much less pretty than adding dialogue states, which we can't do.

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I know, I read the line in your post :)


This is just foreshadowing for the "since the devs forgot about pickpocketing and never included HasItem() state triggers, we have to flake around with everything that can be stolen" global patch, and it ends up much less pretty than adding dialogue states, which we can't do.

Oh, hell no. I'm not chuffed about the dialogue mismatching, it's the creation of multiple unique items. You and the Prince can't both get the same key from the King's Corpse after all, especially if you pickpocketed it earlier.


Here's the multiple item stuff:


// prevent dupe CoC items; see also sahkng01.bcs, ar2300.bcs, sahpr4.cre, sahpr2.dlg, string sets
REPLACE_ACTION_TEXT SAHPR2 ~GiveItemCreate("key24",LastTalkedToBy,0,0,0)~ ~~
REPLACE_ACTION_TEXT SAHPR2 ~GiveItemCreate("miscbi",LastTalkedToBy,0,0,0)~ ~~

COMPILE ~testing_v5.d~

STRING_SET 46589 @157 // prevent dupe CoC items; see also sahkng01.bcs, ar2300.bcs, sahpr4.cre, sahpr2.dlg
STRING_SET 46590 @158 // prevent dupe CoC items; see also sahkng01.bcs, ar2300.bcs, sahpr4.cre, sahpr2.dlg

// prevent dupe CoC items; see also ar2300.bcs, sahpr4.cre, sahpr2.dlg, string sets
EXTEND_BOTTOM ~sahkng01.bcs~ ~bg2fixpack/baf/sahkng01.baf~

// prevent dupe CoC items; see also sahkng01.bcs, sahpr4.cre, sahpr2.dlg, string sets
EXTEND_BOTTOM ~ar2300.bcs~   ~bg2fixpack/baf/ar2300.baf~

// prevent dupe CoC items; see also sahkng01.bcs, ar2300.bcs, sahpr2.dlg, string sets
COPY_EXISTING ~sahpr4.cre~ ~override~
 READ_LONG  0x2bc "itm_off"
 READ_LONG  0x2c0 "itm_num"
 FOR (index = 0; index < itm_num; index = index + 1) BEGIN
READ_ASCII ("%itm_off%" + (0x14 * "%index%")) "item"
PATCH_IF ("%item%" STRING_COMPARE_CASE "misc8q" = 0) BEGIN
  READ_BYTE   ("%itm_off%" + 0x10 + (0x14 * "%index%")) "flags"
  WRITE_BYTE  ("%itm_off%" + 0x10 + (0x14 * "%index%")) ("%flags%" BOR   0b00001010) // adds unstealable, undroppable flags








sahkng01.baf (not used by the replacement King creature)





Rod of Lordly Might:

// rod o' lordly might sub-items created with no charges
COPY_EXISTING ~rodmace.itm~  ~override~
		  ~rodspear.itm~ ~override~
		  ~rodsword.itm~ ~override~
 READ_LONG   0x64 "abil_off"
 READ_SHORT  0x68 "abil_num"
 FOR (index = 0; index < abil_num; index = index + 1) BEGIN // looks for melee ability header
READ_BYTE   ("%abil_off%" +		("%index%" * 0x38)) "type"
PATCH_IF ("%type%" = 3) BEGIN // magical ability check
  WRITE_BYTE   ("%abil_off%" + 0x24 + ("%index%" * 0x38)) 1 // vanishes
  WRITE_BYTE   ("%abil_off%" + 0x27 + ("%index%" * 0x38)) 0 // recharge: unknown

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