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Quick Qs about install order

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The Widescreen and Enable Conversations with Charmed/Dominated Creatures mods both patch the exe. Bigg suggests installing the Widescreen Mod first, but the BG2 Fixpack readme says the same thing (I appreciate that this readme was written before the Widescreen Mod was released).


Taking all three of these mods into account, and considering that the Enable Conversations with... mod also patches the exe, would this be a safe install order:


Widescreen Mod

BG2 Fixpack

Enable Conversations with Charmed/Dominated Creatures

Other Mods

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Does g3fixpack patch the exe? If not, then it won't interfere or rely on the state of the exe.


Whichever mod is Gold (Production?) versions, I would place them before g3fixpack. I see them as baseline patches.

If they're still beta, I would put them last (And have), 'cause they're gonna get uninstalled for newer versions.

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Ascension64 does say that you can put the Enable Conversations with... mod anywhere in your install order, but it makes sense to me to put it early on as it modifies the exe.


I've just installed the core fixes from the BG2 Fixpack and it didn't alter bgmain.exe, so it looks like it's okay to install that after the Enable Conversations with... mod.


As for the Widescreen Mod, what you say makes sense to me, but I'm only going on what Bigg said to do.

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WSM and ECwCDC should work in all relative installation orders because they use checked patching. They should work with any other mod with any order (exception: WSM goes after GUI mods).


It must be first because it uses a beta WeiDU, and this way you don't risk uninstalling/reinstalling it via the (earlier) stable WeiDU, which wouldn't work. Otherwise, it is order indipendent.

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WSM and ECwCDC should work in all relative installation orders because they use checked patching. They should work with any other mod with any order (exception: WSM goes after GUI mods).


It must be first because it uses a beta WeiDU, and this way you don't risk uninstalling/reinstalling it via the (earlier) stable WeiDU, which wouldn't work. Otherwise, it is order indipendent.

Ah, that's good to know. I've been installing WSM via setup-widescreen.bat like you suggested, but it's good to know that once WSM uses a stable version of WeiDU, I'll be able to install the mod the same as I would any other.


I take it that for a Tutu install, WSM will be the last mod in your install order, with TutuGUI now being the last but one (instead of the last as listed here - http://forums.gibberlings3.net/index.php?showtopic=8122)? I guess that thread will need an update once you're happy that WSM is using a stable version of WeiDU.


Bigg, I know loads of other people have said this already, but I really can't thank you enough for WSM. It really is fantastic. :)

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