Miloch Posted December 12, 2007 Share Posted December 12, 2007 As reported here: ERROR: illegal 2-byte read from offset 2634 of 2634-byte file SPWI696.SPLERROR: [sPWI696.SPL] -> [override/SPWI696.SPL] Patching Failed (COPY) (Failure("SPWI696.SPL: read out of bounds")) Yes, it's from NEJ2, but other than that, I don't know what the problem is... AFAICT the spell is just a clone of sppr717 Creeping Doom. Link to comment
the bigg Posted December 12, 2007 Share Posted December 12, 2007 it's from NEJ2 That's the problem. Link to comment
Miloch Posted December 12, 2007 Author Share Posted December 12, 2007 Sigh. I tried to pre-empt that response with the "but other than that" but apparently wasn't successful. Fine, let's leave NEJ2 out of it for now - what about DS hosing all the effects from Warding Whip in Oversight? Link to comment
Nythrun Posted December 12, 2007 Share Posted December 12, 2007 Do yourself a favor and run the Debugging Suite on \(spl|\cre\|itm\) after installing any flavor of NEJ. After which you may go to nearest bar for moral support, as BWL is fresh out. /edit I may have to do that myself. Back in two hours or so. Link to comment
Miloch Posted December 13, 2007 Author Share Posted December 13, 2007 I may have to do that myself. Back in two hours or so.Yeah... well I skipped that first step and went straight to the second. Maybe I'll get around to the first sometime, but that'd mean I'd actually have to install NEJ2. Think I'll stick with installing .iap mods for now. Link to comment
Nythrun Posted December 13, 2007 Share Posted December 13, 2007 I have failed you as a colleague if you were even considering it ACTION_FOR_EACH ~dir~ IN ~nejo/NeJ/cre~ ~nejo/NeJ2/cre~ ~nejo/NeJ2/Dar/cre~ ~nejo/NeJ2/Leina/cre~ ~nejo/NeJ2/Melora/cre~ ~nejo/NeJ3/cre~ ~nejo/NeJ3/fixes~ ~nejo/NeJ3/sharteel/cre~ ~nejo/NeJ3/cre_copy~ BEGIN ACTION_BASH_FOR ~%dir%~ ~^.+\.cre$~ BEGIN COPY - ~%dir%/%BASH_FOR_FILE%~ ~override~ DEBUGGING_GOES_HERE List of files to skip coming shortly. /edit My god. Some of the index errors. //edit But wait there's more! ///edit Okay that's enough Link to comment
Nythrun Posted December 13, 2007 Share Posted December 13, 2007 Ought to be sufficient for my nefarious purposes. DEFINE_PATCH_MACRO ~enforce_cre_order~ BEGIN PATCH_IF ((SOURCE_SIZE > 0x02d3) AND !(~%SOURCE_RES%~ STRING_EQUAL_CASE ~charbase~)) THEN BEGIN READ_BYTE 0x0033 "eff" READ_LONG 0x02a0 "kso" READ_LONG 0x02a4 "ksc" READ_LONG 0x02a8 "smo" READ_LONG 0x02ac "smc" READ_LONG 0x02b0 "mso" READ_LONG 0x02b4 "msc" READ_LONG 0x02b8 "iso" READ_LONG 0x02bc "ilo" READ_LONG 0x02c0 "ilc" READ_LONG 0x02c4 "elo" READ_LONG 0x02c8 "elc" READ_ASCII "kso" ~ks~ ELSE ~fail~ (0x0c * "ksc") READ_ASCII "smo" ~sm~ ELSE ~fail~ (0x10 * "smc") READ_ASCII "mso" ~ms~ ELSE ~fail~ (0x0c * "msc") READ_ASCII "iso" ~is~ ELSE ~fail~ (0x50) READ_ASCII "ilo" ~il~ ELSE ~fail~ (0x14 * "ilc") READ_ASCII "elo" ~el~ ELSE ~fail~ ("elc" * (0x30 + ((("eff" & 0x01) = 0x01) ? 0xd8 : 0x00))) DELETE_BYTES 0x02d4 (SOURCE_SIZE - 0x02d4) SET "off" = 0x02d4 WRITE_LONG 0x02a0 "off" PATCH_IF !(~%ks%~ STRING_EQUAL ~fail~) THEN BEGIN INSERT_BYTES "off" (0x0c * "ksc") WRITE_ASCIIE "off" ~%ks%~ END ELSE BEGIN SET "ksc" = 0x00 WRITE_LONG 0x02a4 "ksc" END SET "off" += (0x0c * "ksc") WRITE_LONG 0x02a8 "off" INSERT_BYTES "off" (0x10 * 0x11) PATCH_IF ((~%sm%~ STR_CMP ~fail~) AND (smc = 0x11)) THEN BEGIN WRITE_ASCIIE "off" ~%sm%~ END ELSE BEGIN SET "smc" = 0x11 WRITE_LONG 0x2ac "smc" FOR ("i1" = 0x00; "i1" < 0x07; "i1" += 0x01) BEGIN WRITE_SHORT ("off" + (i1 * 0x10)) "i1" END FOR ("i1" = 0x00; "i1" < 0x09; "i1" += 0x01) BEGIN WRITE_SHORT ("off" + ("i1" * 0x10) + 0x070) "i1" WRITE_SHORT ("off" + ("i1" * 0x10) + 0x076) 0x01 END WRITE_SHORT ("off" + 0x106) 0x02 END SET "off" += (0x10 * "smc") WRITE_LONG 0x02b0 "off" PATCH_IF !(~%ms%~ STRING_EQUAL ~fail~) THEN BEGIN INSERT_BYTES "off" (0x0c * "msc") WRITE_ASCIIE "off" ~%ms%~ END ELSE BEGIN SET "msc" = 0x00 WRITE_LONG 0x02b4 "msc" END SET "off" += (0x0c * "msc") WRITE_LONG 0x02c4 "off" PATCH_IF !(~%el%~ STRING_EQUAL ~fail~) THEN BEGIN INSERT_BYTES "off" ("elc" * (0x30 + ((("eff" & 0x01) = 0x01) ? 0xd8 : 0x00))) WRITE_ASCIIE "off" ~%el%~ END ELSE BEGIN SET "elc" = 0x00 WRITE_LONG 0x02c8 "elc" END SET "off" += ("elc" * (0x30 + ((("eff" & 0x01) = 0x01) ? 0xd8 : 0x00))) WRITE_LONG 0x02bc "off" PATCH_IF !(~%il%~ STRING_EQUAL ~fail~) THEN BEGIN INSERT_BYTES "off" (0x14 * "ilc") WRITE_ASCIIE "off" ~%il%~ END ELSE BEGIN SET "ilc" = 0x00 WRITE_LONG 0x02c0 "ilc" END SET "off" += (0x14 * "ilc") WRITE_LONG 0x02b8 "off" INSERT_BYTES "off" 0x50 PATCH_IF !(~%is%~ STRING_EQUAL ~fail~) THEN BEGIN WRITE_ASCIIE "off" ~%is%~ END ELSE BEGIN FOR ("i1" = 0x00; "i1" < 0x4c; "i1" += 0x02) BEGIN WRITE_SHORT ("off" + "i1") 0xffff END END SET SOURCE_SIZE = ("off" + 0x50) END END DEFINE_PATCH_MACRO ~use_v2_eff~ BEGIN PATCH_IF ((SOURCE_SIZE > 0x02d3) AND !(~%SOURCE_RES%~ STRING_EQUAL_CASE ~charbase~)) THEN BEGIN READ_BYTE 0x0033 "eff_type" WRITE_BYTE 0x0033 0x1 PATCH_IF (("eff_type" & 0x1) = 0x0) THEN BEGIN READ_LONG 0x02c8 "elc" PATCH_IF ("elc" > 0x0) THEN BEGIN READ_LONG 0x02c4 "elo" READ_ASCII "elo" ~efx~ (0x30 * "elc") PATCH_FOR_EACH "off1" IN 0x02a0 0x02a8 0x02b0 0x02b8 0x02bc BEGIN READ_LONG "off1" "off2" WRITE_LONG "off1" (("off2" > "elo") ? ("off2" + ("elc" * (0x108 - 0x30))) : ("off2" < 0x2d4 ? 0x2d4 : "off2")) END DELETE_BYTES "elo" (0x030 * "elc") INSERT_BYTES "elo" (0x108 * "elc") SPRINT ~rfx~ ~~ INNER_PATCH ~%efx%~ BEGIN FOR ("i1" = 0x0; "i1" < "elc"; "i1" += 0x1) BEGIN SET SOURCE_SIZE += 0xd8 READ_SHORT (("i1" * 0x30) + 0x00) "opcode" READ_BYTE (("i1" * 0x30) + 0x02) "target" READ_BYTE (("i1" * 0x30) + 0x03) "power" READ_LONG (("i1" * 0x30) + 0x04) "parameter1" READ_LONG (("i1" * 0x30) + 0x08) "parameter2" READ_BYTE (("i1" * 0x30) + 0x0c) "timing_mode" READ_BYTE (("i1" * 0x30) + 0x0d) "dispellability" READ_LONG (("i1" * 0x30) + 0x0e) "duration" READ_BYTE (("i1" * 0x30) + 0x12) "probability1" READ_BYTE (("i1" * 0x30) + 0x13) "probability2" READ_ASCII (("i1" * 0x30) + 0x14) ~resref~ INNER_PATCH_SAVE ~rfx~ ~%rfx%~ BEGIN INSERT_BYTES (("i1" * 0x108) + 0x00) 0x110 WRITE_LONG (("i1" * 0x108) + 0x10) "opcode" WRITE_LONG (("i1" * 0x108) + 0x14) "target" WRITE_LONG (("i1" * 0x108) + 0x18) "power" WRITE_LONG (("i1" * 0x108) + 0x1c) "parameter1" WRITE_LONG (("i1" * 0x108) + 0x20) "parameter2" WRITE_BYTE (("i1" * 0x108) + 0x24) "timing_mode" WRITE_LONG (("i1" * 0x108) + 0x28) "duration" WRITE_SHORT (("i1" * 0x108) + 0x2c) "probability1" WRITE_SHORT (("i1" * 0x108) + 0x2e) "probability2" WRITE_ASCIIE (("i1" * 0x108) + 0x30) ~%resref%~ WRITE_BYTE (("i1" * 0x108) + 0x5c) "dispellability" WRITE_LONG (("i1" * 0x108) + 0x80) (` 0x0) WRITE_LONG (("i1" * 0x108) + 0x84) (` 0x0) WRITE_LONG (("i1" * 0x108) + 0x88) (` 0x0) WRITE_LONG (("i1" * 0x108) + 0x8c) (` 0x0) WRITE_LONG (("i1" * 0x108) + 0xa4) (` 0x0) DELETE_BYTES (("i1" * 0x108) + 0x08) 0x8 END END END WRITE_ASCIIE "elo" ~%rfx%~ END END END END DEFINE_PATCH_MACRO ~reindex_spell_or_item_extra_effects~ BEGIN PATCH_IF (SOURCE_SIZE > 0x71) THEN BEGIN PATCH_IF !(~%SOURCE_FILE%~ STRING_MATCHES_REGEXP ~^.+\.spl~) THEN BEGIN SET "hs" = 0x28 END ELSE PATCH_IF !(~%SOURCE_FILE%~ STRING_MATCHES_REGEXP ~^.+\.itm~) THEN BEGIN SET "hs" = 0x38 END READ_LONG 0x64 "ho" READ_SHORT 0x68 "hc" READ_LONG 0x6a "eo" READ_SHORT 0x70 "ei" PATCH_IF (("ho" > "eo") AND ("hc" > 0x01)) THEN BEGIN READ_ASCII "ho" ~eh~ ELSE ~fail~ ("hs" * "hc") PATCH_IF (~%eh%~ STRING_EQUAL ~fail~) THEN BEGIN WHILE ((~%eh%~ STRING_EQUAL ~fail~) AND ("hc" > 0x00)) BEGIN READ_ASCII "ho" ~eh~ ELSE ~fail~ ("hs" * "hc") SET "hc" -= 0x01 END END DELETE_BYTES "ho" ("hs" * "hc") SET "ho" = 0x72 WRITE_LONG 0x64 "ho" WRITE_SHORT 0x68 "hc" SET "eo" = (0x72 + ("hs" * "hc")) WRITE_LONG 0x6a "eo" PATCH_IF !(~%eh%~ STRING_EQUAL ~fail~) THEN BEGIN INSERT_BYTES "ho" ("hs" * "hc") WRITE_ASCIIE "ho" ~%eh%~ END END ELSE PATCH_IF (("ho" != 0x72) AND ("hc" = 0x00)) THEN BEGIN SET "ho" = 0x72 WRITE_LONG 0x64 "ho" END FOR ("i1" = 0x00; "i1" < ("hs" * "hc"); "i1" += "hs") BEGIN WRITE_SHORT ("ho" + "i1" + 0x20) "ei" READ_SHORT ("ho" + "i1" + 0x1e) "ec" SET "ei" += "ec" END PATCH_IF (SOURCE_SIZE > (0x72 + ("hs" * "hc") + (0x30 * "ei"))) THEN BEGIN DELETE_BYTES (0x72 + ("hs" * "hc") + (0x30 * "ei")) (SOURCE_SIZE - (0x72 + ("hs" * "hc") + (0x30 * "ei"))) END END END ACTION_IF (MOD_IS_INSTALLED ~Setup-NeJ2v691.tp2~ "0") THEN BEGIN ACTION_FOR_EACH ~crefile~ IN ~xangiber.cre~ ~xan.cre~ ~whitcomb.cre~ ~vrielle.cre~ ~vpguard.cre~ ~urnst.cre~ ~tumatej.cre~ ~tujiri.cre~ ~tuguard.cre~ ~tualert.cre~ ~trolca02.cre~ ~trolca01.cre~ ~towniem5.cre~ ~towniem4.cre~ ~towniem3.cre~ ~towniem2.cre~ ~towniem1.cre~ ~townief5.cre~ ~townief4.cre~ ~townief3.cre~ ~townief2.cre~ ~townief1.cre~ ~tomegol4.cre~ ~tilornn.cre~ ~tilorn2.cre~ ~tilorn.cre~ ~tertia.cre~ ~tazok.cre~ ~taffic91.cre~ ~taffic12.cre~ ~taffic11.cre~ ~stoolm3.cre~ ~stoolm2.cre~ ~stoolm1.cre~ ~squirel.cre~ ~soth.cre~ ~slavem6.cre~ ~slavem5.cre~ ~slavem4.cre~ ~slavem3.cre~ ~slavem2.cre~ ~slavem1.cre~ ~slavef7.cre~ ~slavef6.cre~ ~slavef5.cre~ ~slavef4.cre~ ~slavef3.cre~ ~slavef2.cre~ ~slavef1.cre~ ~skie78.cre~ ~skie77.cre~ ~shdelfpt.cre~ ~serrhya.cre~ ~sebast.cre~ ~sdelfpr.cre~ ~read3.cre~ ~rdundead.cre~ ~rdundea4.cre~ ~rdundea3.cre~ ~rdundea2.cre~ ~pressapp.cre~ ~presio.cre~ ~pomab.cre~ ~oldjed.cre~ ~nate.cre~ ~minsc9.cre~ ~minsc7.cre~ ~minsc12.cre~ ~minsc8.cre~ ~minsc10.cre~ ~mcapvil.cre~ ~lysan.cre~ ~lizking.cre~ ~lhillias.cre~ ~leinamum.cre~ ~leina14.cre~ ~leina13.cre~ ~leina12.cre~ ~leina11.cre~ ~laria.cre~ ~kumirek.cre~ ~kontik.cre~ ~kharesse.cre~ ~kaylessa.cre~ ~kalabac.cre~ ~jhonen.cre~ ~jermsy.cre~ ~innkpr.cre~ ~imoen6.cre~ ~imoen10.cre~ ~icgob05.cre~ ~icgob05.cre~ ~icgob05.cre~ ~icgob05.cre~ ~icgob05.cre~ ~hroth9.cre~ ~hroth8.cre~ ~hjollder.cre~ ~hildreth.cre~ ~hightort.cre~ ~hermit.cre~ ~gerth.cre~ ~gaspar.cre~ ~gareth.cre~ ~fmcapvil.cre~ ~firorc01.cre~ ~ffcapvil.cre~ ~fcapvil.cre~ ~everard.cre~ ~eurich.cre~ ~elisia.cre~ ~egirl2.cre~ ~egirl1.cre~ ~egequest.cre~ ~egeques2.cre~ ~eboy2.cre~ ~eboy1.cre~ ~dver.cre~ ~duvguard.cre~ ~davin.cre~ ~damien.cre~ ~cmcapvil.cre~ ~churin.cre~ ~chairm4.cre~ ~chairm3.cre~ ~chairm2.cre~ ~chairm1.cre~ ~cfcapvil.cre~ ~calliana.cre~ ~brial.cre~ ~bjorn.cre~ ~biknight.cre~ ~bart2.cre~ ~barkeep.cre~ ~bandoth.cre~ ~apsel.cre~ ~amelia.cre~ ~albion.cre~ ~accali8.cre~ BEGIN ACTION_IF (FILE_EXISTS_IN_GAME ~%crefile%~) THEN BEGIN COPY_EXISTING ~%crefile%~ ~override~ LAUNCH_PATCH_MACRO ~enforce_cre_order~ LAUNCH_PATCH_MACRO ~use_v2_eff~ BUT_ONLY END END ACTION_FOR_EACH ~spellitm~ IN ~spwi724.spl~ ~spwi696.spl~ ~spwi524.spl~ ~spwi388.spl~ ~spin506.spl~ ~spin502.spl~ ~j2haxe.itm~ ~helmla.itm~ ~celebra.itm~ ~auril.itm~ ~accshld.itm~ BEGIN ACTION_IF (FILE_EXISTS_IN_GAME ~%spellitm%~) THEN BEGIN COPY_EXISTING ~%spellitm%~ ~override~ LAUNCH_PATCH_MACRO ~reindex_spell_or_item_extra_effects~ BUT_ONLY END END END /edit Typo Link to comment
cmorgan Posted December 13, 2007 Share Posted December 13, 2007 I am beginning to think it might be a good idea to do this with a regexp on all .cre, .spl, .itm... on most mods. Not that many folks are smashing up up spell and item index, but because the methodology for .cre creation varies widely, and not all editors get everything tidiesd up, I think. I think I should try a trial run on Tutu/EasyTutu and see what gets changed, too. the spells and items are likely fine, but I know we found soem serious effv1 usage... so it might be good just to run these at the end of BG1NPC just to make sure. I would do it at the beginning, in core fixes, but would need to make sure none of our stuff has the misordered .cres! Link to comment
Caedwyr Posted December 13, 2007 Share Posted December 13, 2007 Am I understanding it correctly, that the big batch of code is something you want to run on all your various mod files before packaging them up for distribution in your mod to make sure you haven't corrupted anything? Is this another tool to be used in the development process? Link to comment
CamDawg Posted December 13, 2007 Share Posted December 13, 2007 Am I understanding it correctly, that the big batch of code is something you want to run on all your various mod files before packaging them up for distribution in your mod to make sure you haven't corrupted anything? Is this another tool to be used in the development process? I'd suggest G3DS instead, and use Nythrun's code for dealing with mods that won't be updated any time soon. Briefly looking at the code, it looks like it'll attempt to fix many of the errors that G3DS will bitch about--myself, I'd rather have a warning and have a go at it personally. Link to comment
Nythrun Posted December 14, 2007 Share Posted December 14, 2007 it'll attempt to fix many of the errors that G3DS will bitch about Just index errors (and not all of those of course) for three file types, so yeah - not much. If it's enough to get something installed without bug reports due to someone else's scrambled files, I'm happy Link to comment
Miloch Posted December 14, 2007 Author Share Posted December 14, 2007 That's great. Can it be included in G3DS? It's supposed to be a debugging tool after all, not just a reporting tool. And incidentaly, I did eventually run G3DS on the NEJ2 spell (not by actually installing the latter, but by copying the spell temporarily to the override) and it bombed when it got to the spell with pretty much the same error in the original post, so it wasn't really that helpful. How'd you get it to work? Link to comment
cmorgan Posted December 19, 2007 Share Posted December 19, 2007 OK. It looks like the Tutu conversion (both v4 and easytutu left most .cres using eff v1. Running a tp2 created from Nythrun's code, BACKUP ~nythrunfix/backup~ AUTHOR BEGIN ~Nythrun's Broken Cre/Itm/Spl Fix~ DEFINE_PATCH_MACRO ~enforce_cre_order~ BEGIN PATCH_IF ((SOURCE_SIZE > 0x02d3) AND !(~%SOURCE_RES%~ STRING_EQUAL_CASE ~charbase~)) THEN BEGIN READ_BYTE 0x0033 "eff" READ_LONG 0x02a0 "kso" READ_LONG 0x02a4 "ksc" READ_LONG 0x02a8 "smo" READ_LONG 0x02ac "smc" READ_LONG 0x02b0 "mso" READ_LONG 0x02b4 "msc" READ_LONG 0x02b8 "iso" READ_LONG 0x02bc "ilo" READ_LONG 0x02c0 "ilc" READ_LONG 0x02c4 "elo" READ_LONG 0x02c8 "elc" READ_ASCII "kso" ~ks~ ELSE ~fail~ (0x0c * "ksc") READ_ASCII "smo" ~sm~ ELSE ~fail~ (0x10 * "smc") READ_ASCII "mso" ~ms~ ELSE ~fail~ (0x0c * "msc") READ_ASCII "iso" ~is~ ELSE ~fail~ (0x50) READ_ASCII "ilo" ~il~ ELSE ~fail~ (0x14 * "ilc") READ_ASCII "elo" ~el~ ELSE ~fail~ ("elc" * (0x30 + ((("eff" & 0x01) = 0x01) ? 0xd8 : 0x00))) DELETE_BYTES 0x02d4 (SOURCE_SIZE - 0x02d4) SET "off" = 0x02d4 WRITE_LONG 0x02a0 "off" PATCH_IF !(~%ks%~ STRING_EQUAL ~fail~) THEN BEGIN INSERT_BYTES "off" (0x0c * "ksc") WRITE_ASCIIE "off" ~%ks%~ END ELSE BEGIN SET "ksc" = 0x00 WRITE_LONG 0x02a4 "ksc" END SET "off" += (0x0c * "ksc") WRITE_LONG 0x02a8 "off" INSERT_BYTES "off" (0x10 * 0x11) PATCH_IF ((~%sm%~ STR_CMP ~fail~) AND (smc = 0x11)) THEN BEGIN WRITE_ASCIIE "off" ~%sm%~ END ELSE BEGIN SET "smc" = 0x11 WRITE_LONG 0x2ac "smc" FOR ("i1" = 0x00; "i1" < 0x07; "i1" += 0x01) BEGIN WRITE_SHORT ("off" + (i1 * 0x10)) "i1" END FOR ("i1" = 0x00; "i1" < 0x09; "i1" += 0x01) BEGIN WRITE_SHORT ("off" + ("i1" * 0x10) + 0x070) "i1" WRITE_SHORT ("off" + ("i1" * 0x10) + 0x076) 0x01 END WRITE_SHORT ("off" + 0x106) 0x02 END SET "off" += (0x10 * "smc") WRITE_LONG 0x02b0 "off" PATCH_IF !(~%ms%~ STRING_EQUAL ~fail~) THEN BEGIN INSERT_BYTES "off" (0x0c * "msc") WRITE_ASCIIE "off" ~%ms%~ END ELSE BEGIN SET "msc" = 0x00 WRITE_LONG 0x02b4 "msc" END SET "off" += (0x0c * "msc") WRITE_LONG 0x02c4 "off" PATCH_IF !(~%el%~ STRING_EQUAL ~fail~) THEN BEGIN INSERT_BYTES "off" ("elc" * (0x30 + ((("eff" & 0x01) = 0x01) ? 0xd8 : 0x00))) WRITE_ASCIIE "off" ~%el%~ END ELSE BEGIN SET "elc" = 0x00 WRITE_LONG 0x02c8 "elc" END SET "off" += ("elc" * (0x30 + ((("eff" & 0x01) = 0x01) ? 0xd8 : 0x00))) WRITE_LONG 0x02bc "off" PATCH_IF !(~%il%~ STRING_EQUAL ~fail~) THEN BEGIN INSERT_BYTES "off" (0x14 * "ilc") WRITE_ASCIIE "off" ~%il%~ END ELSE BEGIN SET "ilc" = 0x00 WRITE_LONG 0x02c0 "ilc" END SET "off" += (0x14 * "ilc") WRITE_LONG 0x02b8 "off" INSERT_BYTES "off" 0x50 PATCH_IF !(~%is%~ STRING_EQUAL ~fail~) THEN BEGIN WRITE_ASCIIE "off" ~%is%~ END ELSE BEGIN FOR ("i1" = 0x00; "i1" < 0x4c; "i1" += 0x02) BEGIN WRITE_SHORT ("off" + "i1") 0xffff END END SET SOURCE_SIZE = ("off" + 0x50) END END DEFINE_PATCH_MACRO ~use_v2_eff~ BEGIN PATCH_IF ((SOURCE_SIZE > 0x02d3) AND !(~%SOURCE_RES%~ STRING_EQUAL_CASE ~charbase~)) THEN BEGIN READ_BYTE 0x0033 "eff_type" WRITE_BYTE 0x0033 0x1 PATCH_IF (("eff_type" & 0x1) = 0x0) THEN BEGIN READ_LONG 0x02c8 "elc" PATCH_IF ("elc" > 0x0) THEN BEGIN READ_LONG 0x02c4 "elo" READ_ASCII "elo" ~efx~ (0x30 * "elc") PATCH_FOR_EACH "off1" IN 0x02a0 0x02a8 0x02b0 0x02b8 0x02bc BEGIN READ_LONG "off1" "off2" WRITE_LONG "off1" (("off2" > "elo") ? ("off2" + ("elc" * (0x108 - 0x30))) : ("off2" < 0x2d4 ? 0x2d4 : "off2")) END DELETE_BYTES "elo" (0x030 * "elc") INSERT_BYTES "elo" (0x108 * "elc") SPRINT ~rfx~ ~~ INNER_PATCH ~%efx%~ BEGIN FOR ("i1" = 0x0; "i1" < "elc"; "i1" += 0x1) BEGIN SET SOURCE_SIZE += 0xd8 READ_SHORT (("i1" * 0x30) + 0x00) "opcode" READ_BYTE (("i1" * 0x30) + 0x02) "target" READ_BYTE (("i1" * 0x30) + 0x03) "power" READ_LONG (("i1" * 0x30) + 0x04) "parameter1" READ_LONG (("i1" * 0x30) + 0x08) "parameter2" READ_BYTE (("i1" * 0x30) + 0x0c) "timing_mode" READ_BYTE (("i1" * 0x30) + 0x0d) "dispellability" READ_LONG (("i1" * 0x30) + 0x0e) "duration" READ_BYTE (("i1" * 0x30) + 0x12) "probability1" READ_BYTE (("i1" * 0x30) + 0x13) "probability2" READ_ASCII (("i1" * 0x30) + 0x14) ~resref~ INNER_PATCH_SAVE ~rfx~ ~%rfx%~ BEGIN INSERT_BYTES (("i1" * 0x108) + 0x00) 0x110 WRITE_LONG (("i1" * 0x108) + 0x10) "opcode" WRITE_LONG (("i1" * 0x108) + 0x14) "target" WRITE_LONG (("i1" * 0x108) + 0x18) "power" WRITE_LONG (("i1" * 0x108) + 0x1c) "parameter1" WRITE_LONG (("i1" * 0x108) + 0x20) "parameter2" WRITE_BYTE (("i1" * 0x108) + 0x24) "timing_mode" WRITE_LONG (("i1" * 0x108) + 0x28) "duration" WRITE_SHORT (("i1" * 0x108) + 0x2c) "probability1" WRITE_SHORT (("i1" * 0x108) + 0x2e) "probability2" WRITE_ASCIIE (("i1" * 0x108) + 0x30) ~%resref%~ WRITE_BYTE (("i1" * 0x108) + 0x5c) "dispellability" WRITE_LONG (("i1" * 0x108) + 0x80) (` 0x0) WRITE_LONG (("i1" * 0x108) + 0x84) (` 0x0) WRITE_LONG (("i1" * 0x108) + 0x88) (` 0x0) WRITE_LONG (("i1" * 0x108) + 0x8c) (` 0x0) WRITE_LONG (("i1" * 0x108) + 0xa4) (` 0x0) DELETE_BYTES (("i1" * 0x108) + 0x08) 0x8 END END END WRITE_ASCIIE "elo" ~%rfx%~ END END END END DEFINE_PATCH_MACRO ~reindex_spell_or_item_extra_effects~ BEGIN PATCH_IF (SOURCE_SIZE > 0x71) THEN BEGIN PATCH_IF !(~%SOURCE_FILE%~ STRING_MATCHES_REGEXP ~^.+\.spl~) THEN BEGIN SET "hs" = 0x28 END ELSE PATCH_IF !(~%SOURCE_FILE%~ STRING_MATCHES_REGEXP ~^.+\.itm~) THEN BEGIN SET "hs" = 0x38 END READ_LONG 0x64 "ho" READ_SHORT 0x68 "hc" READ_LONG 0x6a "eo" READ_SHORT 0x70 "ei" PATCH_IF (("ho" > "eo") AND ("hc" > 0x01)) THEN BEGIN READ_ASCII "ho" ~eh~ ELSE ~fail~ ("hs" * "hc") PATCH_IF (~%eh%~ STRING_EQUAL ~fail~) THEN BEGIN WHILE ((~%eh%~ STRING_EQUAL ~fail~) AND ("hc" > 0x00)) BEGIN READ_ASCII "ho" ~eh~ ELSE ~fail~ ("hs" * "hc") SET "hc" -= 0x01 END END DELETE_BYTES "ho" ("hs" * "hc") SET "ho" = 0x72 WRITE_LONG 0x64 "ho" WRITE_SHORT 0x68 "hc" PATCH_IF !(~%eh%~ STRING_EQUAL ~fail~) THEN BEGIN INSERT_BYTES "ho" ("hs" * "hc") WRITE_ASCIIE "ho" ~%eh%~ END END ELSE PATCH_IF (("ho" != 0x72) AND ("hc" = 0x00)) THEN BEGIN SET "ho" = 0x72 WRITE_LONG 0x64 "ho" END FOR ("i1" = 0x00; "i1" < ("hs" * "hc"); "i1" += "hs") BEGIN WRITE_SHORT ("ho" + "i1" + 0x20) "ei" READ_SHORT ("ho" + "i1" + 0x1e) "ec" SET "ei" += "ec" END PATCH_IF (SOURCE_SIZE > (0x72 + ("hs" * "hc") + (0x30 * "ei"))) THEN BEGIN DELETE_BYTES (0x72 + ("hs" * "hc") + (0x30 * "ei")) (SOURCE_SIZE - (0x72 + ("hs" * "hc") + (0x30 * "ei"))) END END END COPY_EXISTING_REGEXP GLOB ~^.+\.cre$~ ~override~ LAUNCH_PATCH_MACRO ~enforce_cre_order~ LAUNCH_PATCH_MACRO ~use_v2_eff~ BUT_ONLY_IF_IT_CHANGES COPY_EXISTING_REGEXP GLOB ~^.+\.itm$~ ~override~ LAUNCH_PATCH_MACRO ~reindex_spell_or_item_extra_effects~ BUT_ONLY_IF_IT_CHANGES COPY_EXISTING_REGEXP GLOB ~^.+\.spl$~ ~override~ LAUNCH_PATCH_MACRO ~reindex_spell_or_item_extra_effects~ BUT_ONLY_IF_IT_CHANGES I ran it on a clean EasyTutu_ToB with the latest BG1NPC Project. Then I diffed the pre-nythrunfix override I set aside with the new override, and came up with This list: nythrunfix.html As a good thing, the only X# stuff that gets picked up is the stuff we create from C_E patching of existing resources. So, before I plop this puppy down as a universal fix at the start of the core of BG1 NPC, is there anything I can mess up for other mods by repairing Tutu this way? Are older things built for Tutu designed around eff v1? I am going back, uninstalling, and doing these one macro at a time to generate specific lists for each patch. Changes: cre_orderfix.html effversionfix.html itemfix.html spellfix.html Link to comment
cmorgan Posted December 20, 2007 Share Posted December 20, 2007 Running the same routine on vanilla BGT comes up with the following: bgtCreOrderFix.html bgtCreeffv2Fix.html bgtItemFix.html No spells show any errors. I am holding off adding this as a fix until you folks let me know this will not mess with other folks code; I have repaired the very few .cres we have that are not created from C_E of existing resources that triggered under this check, and will wait for confirmation before incorporating the eff, spell, and .cre reorder. EDIT:/ aww heck. I will just leave this to the big folks, and set up the macro to patch only the cre before we call it. COPY_EXISTING ~%tutu_var%BANDIT.cre~ ~override~ LAUNCH_PATCH_MACRO ~enforce_cre_order~ LAUNCH_PATCH_MACRO ~use_v2_eff~ BUT_ONLY_IF_IT_CHANGES COPY_EXISTING ~%tutu_var%BANDIT.cre~ ~override/X#BANDK1.cre~ ~%tutu_var%BANDIT.cre~ ~override/X#BANDK2.cre~ ~%tutu_var%BANDIT.cre~ ~override/X#BANDK3.cre~ SAY NAME1 @30 SAY NAME2 @30 SAY INITIAL_MEETING @31 SAY BATTLE_CRY1 @31 SAY BATTLE_CRY2 @31 SAY BATTLE_CRY3 @31 SAY BATTLE_CRY4 @31 SAY BATTLE_CRY5 @31 WRITE_LONG ATTACK1 (BNOT 0x0) WRITE_LONG ATTACK2 (BNOT 0x0) WRITE_LONG ATTACK3 (BNOT 0x0) WRITE_LONG ATTACK4 (BNOT 0x0) SAY DAMAGE @32 SAY DYING @33 SAY SELECT_COMMON1 @31 SAY SELECT_COMMON2 @31 SAY SELECT_COMMON3 @31 SAY SELECT_COMMON4 @31 SAY SELECT_COMMON5 @31 SAY SELECT_COMMON6 @31 WRITE_LONG DIALOGUE_HOSTILE (BNOT 0x0) WRITE_LONG MORALE (BNOT 0x0) WRITE_LONG HAPPY (BNOT 0x0) WRITE_LONG UNHAPPY_ANNOYED (BNOT 0x0) WRITE_LONG UNHAPPY_SERIOUS (BNOT 0x0) WRITE_LONG UNHAPPY_BREAKING (BNOT 0x0) WRITE_LONG LEADER (BNOT 0x0) WRITE_LONG TIRED (BNOT 0x0) WRITE_LONG BORED (BNOT 0x0) WRITE_LONG SELECT_ACTION2 (BNOT 0x0) WRITE_LONG SELECT_ACTION3 (BNOT 0x0) WRITE_LONG SELECT_ACTION4 (BNOT 0x0) WRITE_LONG SELECT_ACTION5 (BNOT 0x0) WRITE_LONG SELECT_ACTION6 (BNOT 0x0) WRITE_LONG SELECT_ACTION7 (BNOT 0x0) WRITE_LONG SELECT_RARE1 (BNOT 0x0) WRITE_LONG SELECT_RARE2 (BNOT 0x0) WRITE_LONG CRITICAL_HIT (BNOT 0x0) WRITE_LONG CRITICAL_MISS (BNOT 0x0) WRITE_LONG TARGET_IMMUNE (BNOT 0x0) WRITE_ASCII 0x2CC ~~ #8 // dialog WRITE_ASCII 0x0258 ~NONE~ #8 // Creature script - Race WRITE_ASCII 0x0260 ~NONE~ #8 // Creature script - General WRITE_EVALUATED_ASCII 0x0268 ~%tutu_scriptw%TASIGHT~ #8 // Creature script - Default WRITE_BYTE 0x270 ~128~ //Allegiance = Neutral WRITE_EVALUATED_ASCII 0x280 ~%DEST_RES%~ #32 // death variable Link to comment
Miloch Posted December 20, 2007 Author Share Posted December 20, 2007 I guess I don't get what you're trying to do. Isn't it necessary only to update CRE EFF versions for those CREs that actually have attached EFFs? And for BG1/Tutu, doesn't this apply only to joinable NPCs, and don't you already fix those? Link to comment
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