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0xc Damage - 0xb3 Damage vs. Type


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After some tests it seems that Dice Size and Dice Thrown are ignored. The only damage correctly applied is the fixed damage in the parameter 3. Could someone confirm it? If it so weapons like Daystar, Dragonslayer, MoD, etc. has to be fixed/changed.

Daystar uses the effect EVILDAM2.EFF to do the +2 damage to evil creatures.

Why would that need to change?


Now, changing it to do DOUBLE damage to evil... an additional 1d8+2...

And to make the situation clear, we'l set it normal damage to 1d1.

OK, properly does 4 damage (1+2 +1 str) vs Gnoll, nuetral.

Yes, against a Chaotic Evil Mage (_Sakul) it improperly does only 6 damage.


Dragonslayer, which is supposed to do 1d8+2 extra vs. dragons, would be affected.

Mace of Disruption, which is supposed to do 1d6+2 extra vs. undead, would be affected.


Quick fix: change the effet to do the average of the dice+ bonus, and call it a day. So, 7 for dragon slayer, 6 for MACEDISR.EFF

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Daystar uses the effect EVILDAM2.EFF to do the +2 damage to evil creatures.

Why would that need to change?

That effect don't need to be changed indeed, effects that adds fixed damage values work as they should.


Azuredge, Daystar, Dragonslayer, MoD have effects that are supposed to add damage via dice rolls and they don't work in my tests.

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Only long enough to verify that items with correctly targeted .effs do bonus damage ;)


I'll look into it again though. Bear in mind that staggered probabilities do not work at all well in general, so it might not be the best of ideas to fix-to-description if it turns out that only constants work here.


Usually when the dice fields are used while calling external effects they control level limits - is that what you're seeing, or something else?

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Adventure with us in the wastepaper basket!

COPY_EXISTING daystar1.eff override
 WRITE_LONG 0x1c 0x00
 WRITE_LONG 0x20 0x02
 WRITE_LONG 0x38 0x14
 WRITE_LONG 0x3c 0x14
COPY_EXISTING sw1h31.itm override
 READ_LONG   0x64 ho
 READ_SHORT  0x68 hc
 READ_LONG   0x6a eo
 READ_SHORT  0x70 gc
 WRITE_SHORT 0x70 gc + 0x10
 FOR (i = 0x00; i < gc * 0x30; i += 0x30) BEGIN
READ_ASCII eo + i + 0x14 r
  READ_ASCII eo + i e (0x30)
  SET i = gc * 0x30
 INSERT_BYTES eo + 0x30 * gc 0x300
 FOR (i = gc * 0x30; i < gc * 0x30 + 0x300; i += 0x30) BEGIN
WRITE_ASCIIE eo + i ~%e%~
 FOR (i = 0x00; i < hc * 0x38; i += 0x38) BEGIN
READ_SHORT  ho + i + 0x20 ei
WRITE_SHORT ho + i + 0x20 ei + 0x10


It's still +4.

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Demivrgvs, the next thing you discover? Please make it cool, or something that never seemed to work that magically does. It's difficult to even get irritated with this rubbish anymore ;)
Sorry i don't understand if this means i'm stupid and there's no such bug or else you are irritaded because you can confirm what i've (unfortunately) discovered. ;)
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It means your discovery is just one more on the pile of things that are hopelessly broken with the engine. Understandably, we're not too thrilled to discover that yet another piece of shit behavior exists.


You're in the clear, as long as you don't discover that, like, EFF files don't work at all or something. ;)

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It means your discovery is just one more on the pile of things that are hopelessly broken with the engine. Understandably, we're not too thrilled to discover that yet another piece of shit behavior exists.
I'm ;) too...it's incredible how this bug managed to survive multiple game releases and patches!!
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