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custom characters

Guest Icewind Dale fan

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Guest Icewind Dale fan

im sorry for the spam but is their really no way i could have only 2 or 3 NPC characters and the rest created characters


i say this because i only like 2 or 3 of the characters you have listed


thing is This Mod sounds awesome and would not like to miss out on an oppertunity like this.

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You can have more than one custom created character but you need to change their script names to something unique for all but one, otherwise the modded characters won't recognise anyone as your Protagonist and will only banter between themselves, not with the Protagonist.


To change the script name, you will need to open your CHR file in either NearInfinity or DLTCEP editor and type in the new name over the 'charbase' in the Script Name field.


Or, you can use the Dalekeeper (or whatever the name is) to change my characters into something that suits your gaming preference. In this case, I advise on preserving the names still, because they will continue to banter and the banter might create a bit of a confusion.


Hope that helps.

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