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Could someone tell me please what I did wrong here? Error says cannot verify trigger.

I know it has to be something simple but I can't make it work :)


+ ~Class(Player1,Fighter) (Player1,Cleric) (Player1,Paladin)~ + ~(Blah blah)~

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I'm not sure how much help this is but this is what I used during Sarah's romance conditional talk.



IF ~Global("SarahTalkFriend","GLOBAL", 6)~


~, did you know your mother?~[K#Sara67]

DO ~SetGlobal("SarahTalkFriend","GLOBAL",7) RealSetGlobalTimer("SarahTimerFriend","GLOBAL",1800)~


+ ~Gender(Player1,FEMALE) ReputationGT(Player1,12) OR(3) Race(Player1,HUMAN) Race(Player1,ELF) Race(Player1,HALF_ELF)~ + ~No, I'm afraid not. She died when I was born. What about you?~ GOTO SF3-1

+ ~Gender(Player1,FEMALE) ReputationLT(Player1,13) OR(3) Race(Player1,HUMAN) Race(Player1,ELF) Race(Player1,HALF_ELF)~ + ~No, I'm afraid not. She died when I was born. What about you?~ GOTO SF3-2

+ ~Gender(Player1,FEMALE) !Race(Player1,HUMAN) !Race(Player1,ELF) !Race(Player1,HALF_ELF)~ + ~No, I'm afraid not. She died when I was born. What about you?~ GOTO SF3-2

+ ~Gender(Player1,MALE)~ + ~No, I'm afraid not. She died when I was born. What about you?~ GOTO SF3-2

++ ~No, and I don't want to talk about it.~ GOTO SF3End

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I think there is the "Class" missing two times:


+ ~Class(Player1,Fighter) Class(Player1,Cleric) Class(Player1,Paladin)~ + ~(Blah blah)~


But this way, the reply option only shows if the PC is fighter, cleric and Paladin, so I guess you mean "or" (one of those classes)?



+ ~OR(3)

Class(Player1,Fighter) Class(Player1,Cleric) Class(Player1,Paladin)~ + ~(Blah blah)~

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I think there is the "Class" missing two times:


+ ~Class(Player1,Fighter) Class(Player1,Cleric) Class(Player1,Paladin)~ + ~(Blah blah)~


But this way, the reply option only shows if the PC is fighter, cleric and Paladin, so I guess you mean "or" (one of those classes)?



+ ~OR(3)

Class(Player1,Fighter) Class(Player1,Cleric) Class(Player1,Paladin)~ + ~(Blah blah)~


Yeah, that's what I meant sorry. I'm coding a flirt and I want to the reply to be based on the PC's class. Thanks again Jastey, I knew it was something simple.

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