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What would you like to see in Sarah ToB?


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I'd like to see an interlude styled situation.. whether flirt initiated or LT.. where you do little couple things together. Maybe.. if you are a nature class, you can offer to help her make arrows or hunt up dinner, or you can make up some little snack for each other, something to carry with you as you travel. A present of a little necklace or bracelet that was hand made. Opportunities to tease her about things? :)

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I'd like see some fallout from the resolution of her SoA quest. She seemed to move on from her old attitude about that certain person very quickly. Maybe a re-appearance by either that person or her uncle, or something with the fate spirit (not that I want that person dead).


Otherwise, I'd have to go with the encouraging but unhelpful response of "more of the same, please."

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Guest Guest

I just finished playing her , and as much as I enjoyed her compagnie....call me crazie but I felt that her romance was kinda...short. So maybe you can add more chit-chat for us who love to read mushyness :p

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I would like to see Sarah get a bit moody with the PC some time. They can have a fight, that can either make or break their relationship.


Hot steamy sex scene. No I kid not.

Definitely need at least ONE hot, steamy sex scene. Maybe some make up sex after the big fight they just had? :p

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Guest Guest

I think i'll go with Beetle on that request too...more mother-daugther stuff....I mean She *did* say they will meet again......and the way it ended...it just sound like there is more to come...hopefully anyway... :p

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I would have liked to see reactions from the other NPC's (that is, if Charname and Sarah kept the romance a secret until the end of SoA, but I haven't gotten that far yet). Call it a liking to drama, but I love those revealing moments with all there is to it. I like to think that noone of the other companions had a clue throughout the first part of SoA.. though surely Keldorn must have reacted if he woke up to see Sarah and my PC in the same sleeping bag outside Firkraags Dungeon.


(then again, I don't know how the people of Faerun views woman-woman or man-man relationship)


Other than that, a worried, but strong supportive Sarah would be nice. From what I've seen so far, she seems ready to accept the PC's struggles with a shrug and a smile.

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Guest bdbg2

In my opinion, well-written dialogue is the most important thing in a good mod. I very much like your mods (not only) in that regard, theacefes, therefore I can't suggest much than to keep up the great work. So my only suggestion is to include as much dialogue as you can come up with. :) Also of great importance after so many hours of playing are the epilogues, they need to provide a satisfying, detailed ending. But I'm sure you're more than capable to manage that as well. And I also like the suggestion to buy her a gift or something like that.


PS: I'm looking forward to the TOB part of this mod. Do you have any target of a release date?

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These are nice suggestions and they are certainly helping me finish this.


As for release date, I would *like* to shoot for the end of June, but that is all dependent on my work schedule and if I don't run into any bad bugs on the way.

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Very nice! I decided to wait on finishing Auren until I could have both her and Sarah in the same party, so it's doubly good news.


Just be aware that your statement of: "I would *like* to shoot for the end of June, but that is all dependent on my work schedule and if I don't run into any bad bugs on the way"


is automatically read by every player as: "I guarantee it will be finished, released and bug free by end of June, may [insert deity of your choice] strike me down if it's not so." :cool:

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Very nice! I decided to wait on finishing Auren until I could have both her and Sarah in the same party, so it's doubly good news.


Just be aware that your statement of: "I would *like* to shoot for the end of June, but that is all dependent on my work schedule and if I don't run into any bad bugs on the way"


is automatically read by every player as: "I guarantee it will be finished, released and bug free by end of June, may [insert deity of your choice] strike me down if it's not so." ;)


Yeah...I've never modded before, I really should rethink what I say. :cool:


I joke..I joke.



If it makes anyone feel any better, 75 percent of the mod is coded. I've got all my talks that I need to insert but I want to look over them a bit more to make sure they're up to par.


Then again, it's been less than a year since I released Sarah SoA, and for those of you who tracked her working time, it took me about two months for SoA...which is a pretty big game in comparison to ToB. I'd say I should get a little more credit than what I'm given in terms of how long it takes me to release an NPC. ;)

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Credit where credit is due. Kudos to you!


I've also been waiting to take Auren to ToB also until I can bring Sarah with me. May I suggest more banters between Auren and Sarah? Little comments where they acknowledge each other's relationships would be nice.


Hrm, what if one of the powerful necromancer enemies of Sarah's mother were to come after Sarah? What if, or instead of coming after Sarah, they raise Sarah's father to undeath to use as bait for her mother? :cool:

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Guest Guest

hum I would have liked to see something I read , I can't recall if it was in here in some fanfic or another forum . Where Sarah sleep with Auren for her 1st time.....I didn't try Auren Mod because of Nalia (get on my nerve especially that I have her clone in my familly)....but yes I would have liked to see that in your mod trough SoA or ToB......just an idea :fish:

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Yes, the fanfic was one that I wrote to try out how people would react to a Sarah Auren relationship. I was considering adding something like that into ToB. I'm still considering it...as even if there were an NPC NPC mods, it wouldn't be nearly as detailed as the fanfic simply because the PC would not be able to witness any sort of super close intimacy between the two.

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