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familiar review


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Salk's helping me on my crawl through the GTU, and we came to the question of familiars. I decided to take a closer look at each--I did this once before but it looks like I may have been using post-GTU strings instead of the original ones.


Find Familiar also claims "Note: Each familiar has the Pick Pockets ability with varying degrees of proficiency" which is wildly untrue.


For each familiar, there is three sources of information: the Find Familiar spell description, the item description of the familiar when it's in your backpack, and the familiar's creature item itself. The familiars upgrade in ToB; in this case the FF spell description no longer applies as it describes the SoA familiars. There is only the ToB familiar creature files and ToB familiar item descriptions.


Pseudo Dragon (LG, NG)

Find Familiar Spell

Armor Class: -2

Hit Points: 24

Magic Resistance: 50%

Special abilities: 2 attacks per round at THACO: 13 for 1-3 damage. Save or be rendered unconscious for 2 turns.


SoA Item Description

Armor Class: -2

Hit Points: 24

Magic Resistance: 50%

Special abilities: 2 attacks per round at THACO: 13 for 1-3 damage. Save or be rendered unconscious for 120 seconds. It can also cast blur.


The creature file actually has 0% MR, one attack at 17 THAC0 for 1d3 damage with no special ability, AC 0, and regenerates 1 hp/round, and knows Blur. On the upside, HP is correct.


To-do: adjust MR to 50%, adjust THAC0 to13, add second attack, add sleep effect to weapon, document regeneration, document Blur in FF spell descript.


ToB Item Description

Armor Class: 0

Hit Points: 48

Magic Resistance: 35%

Special abilities: 2 attacks per round at THACO 8 for 1d6 damage. Save vs. death or be rendered unconscious for 120 seconds. It can also cast 'Blur' and 'Ghost Armor' once per day and 'Detect Illusions' twice per day.


The creature file has 12 THAC0, -4 AC, and one 1d6 attack with a sleep effect at -1 to save. The hit points and spell list are correct. Magic Resistance matches the listed value, but is less than its SoA counterpart.


To-do: Raise MR to 50, Adjust AC to 0, adjust THAC0 to 8, add one attack, document MR change and regeneration


edit: THAC0 and attack numbers are actually correct for both; weapon added a +4 to-hit bonus and I didn't look at the number of attacks field in the creature file. Otherwise these issues are fixed.

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Ferret (LN)

FF Spell Description

Armor Class: 0

Hit Points: 24

Magic Resistance: 50%

Special abilities: Has 75% pick pockets ability, 40% Hide in Shadows/Move Silently, and 20% Detect Traps.


SoA Item Description

Armor Class: 0

Hit Points: 24

Magic Resistance: 50%

Special abilities: Has 75% pick pockets ability. Has a 40% stealth ability. He has detect traps 20%.


The ferret actually has -4 AC, 90% pick pockets, 50% stealth, 25% detect traps, and can cast Blur. The HP and MR are correct.


To-do: Fix HP, AC, and thieving skills to match description. Document Blur in spell and item descriptions.


ToB Item Description

Armor Class: -4

Hit Points: 48

Magic Resistance: 65%

Special abilities: Has 95% pick pockets ability. Has a 60% stealth ability. He has find traps 60%.


Creature file actually has -8 AC, 105% pick pockets, 70% stealth, 65% find traps. The ferret has 7 strength in ToB and 15 in SoA. MR and HP are correct.


To-do: Fix AC and thieving skills. Raise STR to 15. Document Blur.

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Imp (LE)

FF Spell Description

Armor Class: 2

Hit Points: 18

Magic Resistance: 25%

Special abilities: Can cast the Polymorph self spell.


SoA Item Description

Armor Class: 2

Hit Points: 18

Magic Resistance: 25%

Special abilities: Can cast the Polymorph spell.


The Imp has -2 AC, regenerates 1hp/round, and has 100% resistance to fire, cold, and electricity. On the upside, it does have 18 HP and 25% MR and knows Polymorph Self.


To-do: Fix AC, document resistances and regenerative ability


ToB Item Description

Armor Class: -2

Hit Points: 48

Magic Resistance: 35%

Special abilities: Can cast 'Polymorph Self' once per day, attack does 1d6 damage with poison (save vs. death or die), regenerates 1 HP per second


ToB Imp has -6 AC and 100% resistance to fire, cold, and electricity. Otherwise the description is spot on.


To-do: Fix AC and document resistances.

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Rabbit (TN)

FF Spell Description

Armor Class: -4

Hit Points: 24

Magic Resistance: 75%

Special abilities: Has a 50% Detect Traps, and 30% Hide in Shadows/Move Silently.


SoA Item Description

Armor Class: -4

Hit Points: 16

Resistance to fire, cold, electricity: 75%

Special abilities: Has a 50% Detect Traps ability. 30% stealth ability.


The rabbit is a mess. Note that the hit points and resistances do not match in the descriptions. Now throw in the stats from the creature file: 16 hit points, AC 1, resists cold/acid/electricity 75% and fire 125%, no magic resistance, 40% stealth, 55% find traps, 30% pick pockets, knows Blur, and uses the fire mephit weapon (1d3 +1 fire). Despite the find trap and pick pocket abilities, they're unusable as the rabbit has an item that disables the thieving button. The weapon and fire resistance scores suggests that the rabbit is a very poor copy from a fire mephit resource.


To-do: clear fixes are the thieving skills, AC, removal of the fire mephit weapon, and enabling the thieving skills button. Further suggest adjusting acid resistance to 0, MR to 65% (see below), removing PP ability. Change spell and item descripts to accurately reflect 16 HP, Blur, and resistances.


ToB Item Description

Armor Class: 1

Hit Points: 48

Magic Resistance: 65%

Special abilities: Has a 85% Detect Traps ability. 60% stealth ability. 50% detect illusions ability. The rabbit moves as if under a constant 'Haste' spell.


AC is actually -3, has 70% stealth, 90% find traps. Detect Illusions is correct, as are HP and MR. Despite the ToB 'upgrade' MR gets reduced to 65 and all elemental resistance are gone. Attack weapon goes from 1d3+1 in SoA to 1d2 in ToB.


To-do: Fix AC, test movement speed (set by avatars IIRC), fix thieving skills, add 75% resistance to fire/cold/electricity. Update item descript.


Rabbit's a huge mess.

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Dust Mephit (NE)

FF Spell Description

Armor Class: 6

Hit Points: 24

Magic Resistance: 10%

Special abilities: Can cast glitter dust 2 times per day.


SoA Item Description

Armor Class: 6

Hit Points: 24

Magic Resistance: 10%

Special abilities: Can cast 'Glassdust' 2 times/day. Glitter dust 1 time/day.


Note that the spell lists disagree.


The dust mephit actually has 2 AC, 24 HP, and 10% MR, per the descripts. It can cast Glassdust 2x day and Glitterdust 1x day (matching item description). It has an undocumented regeneration of 1hp/round and 100% fire resistance.


To-do: Document spells correctly; add documentation for regeneration and fire resistance.


ToB Item Description

Armor Class: 3

Hit Points: 48

Magic Resistance: 25%

Special abilities: Can cast 'Prismatic Spray' 1/day, can cast 'Stoneskins' 1/day, immune to fire, 60% damage resistance (except vs. crushing)


Actually has -1 AC, though HP, MR, resistances and spell list are all correct.


To-do: fix AC, add glass and glitter dust abilities, update descript.

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Fairy Dragon (CG)

FF Spell Description

Armor Class: 4

Hit Points: 24

Magic Resistance: 32%

Special abilities: Can cast mirror image and invisibility 10' radius.


SoA Item Description

Armor Class: 4

Hit Points: 24

Magic Resistance: 32%

Special abilities: Can cast Mirror Image and Invisibility 10' radius each 1/day.


Actually has AC 0, though MR, HP, and spells are correct. Also has 100% fire resistance and 125% electrical resistance. Definitely copied from a lightning mephit, as evidenced by the electrical resistance and usage of the lightning mephit weapon (1d3 +1 electrical damage).


To-do: Swap weapon, remove resistances.


ToB Item Description

Armor Class: 0

Hit Points: 48

Magic Resistance: 45%

Special abilities: Can cast Mirror Image, Invisibility 10' radius and Improved Invisibility each 1/day.


Actual familiar has -4 AC and only 24 HP, though MR and spells correct.


To-do: Fix AC and HP.

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Cat (CN)

FF Spell Description

Armor Class: 0

Hit Points: 24

Magic Resistance: 50%

Special abilities: Has a 99% in Move Silently and Hide in Shadows.


SoA Item Description

Armor Class: 0

Hit Points: 24

Magic Resistance: 50%

Special abilities: Has 99% in move silently and hide in shadows.


The Cat actually has -4 AC and 109% stealth, but MR and HP are correct. Wears a hastring item that sets its attacks to zero and knows Blur.


To-do: hastring is already fixed by FP. Document Blur and fix AC and stealth scores.


ToB Item Description

Armor Class: -4

Hit Points: 48

Magic Resistance: 65%

Special abilities: Has 99% in move silently and hide in shadows, 60% in finding and removing traps, 60% in detecting illusions & invisibility


ToB cat is -8 AC and has 109% stealth, 60% detect illusions, 65% find traps, and 70% pick pockets. MR and HP are correct. Knows Blur.


To-do: Fix AC, stealth, and find traps scores. Document Blur and PP ability.

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Quasit (CE)

FF Spell Description

Armor Class: 2

Hit Points: 24

Magic Resistance: 25%

Special abilities: Can cast Horror and Blur.


SoA Item Description

Armor Class: 2

Hit Points: 24

Magic Resistance: 25%

Special abilities: Can cast Horror


Note that the spell lists do not agree.


Actual AC is -2 and it can cast Horror and Blur. HP and MR are correct. Also has undocumented 100% resistance to fire/cold/electricity. Regenerates 1hp/round. Attack does 1d3 and kills target unless save vs. poison is made.


To-do: Fix AC. Document resistances, regen, and spell list. Remove poison ability from claw.


ToB Item Description

Armor Class: -2

Hit Points: 48

Magic Resistance: 35%

Special abilities: Can cast 'Horror' once per day; immune to fire, cold and electrical attacks; regenerates 1 HP per second; 3 attacks per round, 1d6 dmg plus save vs. Death or -1 Dexterity for 6 rounds.


AC is actually -6 and it can also cast Blur. Regeneration rate is only 1 hp/round. MR, HP, and attacks are correct.


To-do: Fix AC, document Blur and regen rate.

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Cam, note that high Dexterity modifies the base thieving skills according to SKILLDEX.2DA.


So, a Ferret with 75% base pick pocket score and 18 Dexterity will have an adjusted pickpocket score of 85.

Yes, that's why so many of these creatures have incorrect thieving scores and AC--because Bio did not account for this.

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OK, this is done. Also made a pass to make sure items were accounted for in the descriptions.


STRING_SET  4432 @168 // soa dust mephit familiar item description
STRING_SET  4433 @170 // soa fairy dragon familiar item description
STRING_SET  4434 @162 // soa ferret familiar item description
STRING_SET  4435 @164 // soa imp familiar item description
STRING_SET  4436 @174 // soa quasit familiar item description
STRING_SET  4437 @160 // soa pseudo-dragon familiar item description
STRING_SET  4438 @166 // soa rabbit familiar item description
STRING_SET 41385 @172 // soa cat familiar item description
STRING_SET 45889 @159 // find familiar spell descript

ACTION_IF FILE_EXISTS_IN_GAME ~mel01.cre~ THEN BEGIN // tob strings

 STRING_SET 72757 @173 // tob cat familiar item description
 STRING_SET 72760 @169 // tob dust mephit familiar item description
 STRING_SET 72762 @171 // tob fairy dragon familiar item description
 STRING_SET 72763 @163 // tob ferret familiar item description
 STRING_SET 72764 @165 // tob imp familiar item description
 STRING_SET 72765 @161 // tob pseudo-dragon familiar item description
 STRING_SET 72766 @175 // tob quasit familiar item description
 STRING_SET 72767 @167 // tob rabbit familiar item description


/////                                                  \\\\\
///// familiar fixes                                   \\\\\
/////                                                  \\\\\

// see also string fixes

// soa pseudo-dragon
COPY_EXISTING ~fampsd.cre~   ~override~
 WRITE_SHORT 0x46  2 // AC
 WRITE_SHORT 0x48  2 // AC
 WRITE_BYTE  0x5d 50 // resist magic
 READ_LONG 0x2bc "itm_off"
 READ_LONG 0x2c0 "itm_num"
 FOR (index = 0 ; index < itm_num ; index = index + 1) BEGIN
   READ_ASCII ("%itm_off%" + (0x14 * "%index%")) "item"
   PATCH_IF ("%item%" STRING_COMPARE_CASE "s1-3" = 0) BEGIN
     WRITE_ASCII ("%itm_off%" + (0x14 * "%index%")) ~cdfampsd~ #8

// soa ferret
COPY_EXISTING ~famfer.cre~ ~override~
 WRITE_BYTE  0x45 30 // hide in shadows
 WRITE_SHORT 0x46 4  // natural ac
 WRITE_SHORT 0x48 4  // effective ac
 WRITE_BYTE  0x68 30 // move silently
 WRITE_BYTE  0x69 15 // find/disarm traps
 WRITE_BYTE  0x6a 65 // pick pockets

// soa imp
COPY_EXISTING ~famimp.cre~ ~override~
 WRITE_SHORT 0x46 6  // natural ac
 WRITE_SHORT 0x48 6  // effective ac

// soa rabbit
COPY_EXISTING ~famrab.cre~   ~override~
 WRITE_BYTE  0x45 20 // hide in shadows
 WRITE_SHORT 0x46 5  // natural ac
 WRITE_SHORT 0x48 5  // effective ac
 WRITE_BYTE  0x59 75 // resist fire
 WRITE_BYTE  0x5c 0  // resist acid
 WRITE_BYTE  0x5d 65 // resist magic
 WRITE_BYTE  0x5e 75 // resist magic fire
 WRITE_BYTE  0x68 20 // move silently
 WRITE_BYTE  0x69 45 // find/disarm traps
 WRITE_BYTE  0x6a 0  // pick pockets
 READ_LONG  0x2bc "itm_off" ELSE 0
 READ_LONG  0x2c0 "itm_num" ELSE 0
 FOR (index = 0 ; index < itm_num ; index = index + 1) BEGIN // searches through items
   READ_ASCII ("%itm_off%" + (0x14 * "%index%")) "item"
   PATCH_IF ("%item%" STRING_COMPARE_CASE "mepfir" = 0) BEGIN // find invalid resref
     WRITE_ASCII ("%itm_off%" + (0x14 * "%index%")) "s1-2" #8 // corrected resref
 // rabtring deleted elsewhere

// soa dust mephit
COPY_EXISTING ~famdust.cre~   ~override~
 WRITE_SHORT 0x46 10 // natural ac
 WRITE_SHORT 0x48 10 // effective ac

// soa fairy dragon
COPY_EXISTING ~famfair.cre~   ~override~
 WRITE_SHORT 0x46 8 // natural ac
 WRITE_SHORT 0x48 8 // effective ac
 WRITE_BYTE  0x59 0 // resist fire
 WRITE_BYTE  0x5b 0 // resist electricity
 WRITE_BYTE  0x5e 0 // resist magic fire
 READ_LONG  0x2bc "itm_off" ELSE 0
 READ_LONG  0x2c0 "itm_num" ELSE 0
 FOR (index = 0 ; index < itm_num ; index = index + 1) BEGIN // searches through items
   READ_ASCII ("%itm_off%" + (0x14 * "%index%")) "item"
   PATCH_IF ("%item%" STRING_COMPARE_CASE "meplig" = 0) BEGIN // find invalid resref
     WRITE_ASCII ("%itm_off%" + (0x14 * "%index%")) "s1-2" #8 // corrected resref

// soa cat
COPY_EXISTING ~famcat.cre~   ~override~
 WRITE_BYTE  0x45 89 // hide in shadows
 WRITE_SHORT 0x46 4  // natural ac
 WRITE_SHORT 0x48 4  // effective ac
 WRITE_BYTE  0x68 89 // move silently
 // hastring deleted elsewhere

// soa quasit
COPY_EXISTING ~famquas.cre~   ~override~
 WRITE_SHORT 0x46 6  // natural ac
 WRITE_SHORT 0x48 6  // effective ac
 READ_LONG  0x2bc "itm_off" ELSE 0
 READ_LONG  0x2c0 "itm_num" ELSE 0
 FOR (index = 0 ; index < itm_num ; index = index + 1) BEGIN // searches through items
   READ_ASCII ("%itm_off%" + (0x14 * "%index%")) "item"
   PATCH_IF ("%item%" STRING_COMPARE_CASE "impqua" = 0) BEGIN // find invalid resref
     WRITE_ASCII ("%itm_off%" + (0x14 * "%index%")) "s1-6" #8 // corrected resref

ACTION_IF FILE_EXISTS_IN_GAME ~mel01.cre~ THEN BEGIN // tob familiars

 // tob pseudo-dragon
 COPY_EXISTING ~fampsd25.cre~   ~override~
   WRITE_SHORT 0x46  2 // AC
   WRITE_SHORT 0x48  2 // AC
   WRITE_BYTE  0x5d 50 // resist magic
   WRITE_BYTE 0x238 15 // strength

 // tob ferret
 COPY_EXISTING ~famfer25.cre~ ~override~
   WRITE_BYTE  0x45 50 // hide in shadows
   WRITE_SHORT 0x46 0  // natural ac
   WRITE_SHORT 0x48 0  // effective ac
   WRITE_BYTE  0x68 50 // move silently
   WRITE_BYTE  0x69 55 // find/disarm traps
   WRITE_BYTE  0x6a 85 // pick pockets
   WRITE_BYTE 0x238 15 // strength

 // tob imp
 COPY_EXISTING ~famimp25.cre~ ~override~
   WRITE_SHORT 0x46 2  // natural ac
   WRITE_SHORT 0x48 2  // effective ac

 // tob rabbit
 COPY_EXISTING ~famrab25.cre~ ~override~
   WRITE_BYTE  0x45 50 // hide in shadows
   WRITE_SHORT 0x46 5  // natural ac
   WRITE_SHORT 0x48 5  // effective ac
   WRITE_BYTE  0x59 75 // resist fire
   WRITE_BYTE  0x5a 75 // resist cold
   WRITE_BYTE  0x5b 75 // resist electricity
   WRITE_BYTE  0x5e 75 // resist magic fire
   WRITE_BYTE  0x5f 75 // resist magic cold
   WRITE_BYTE  0x68 50 // move silently
   WRITE_BYTE  0x69 80 // find/disarm traps
   WRITE_BYTE  0x6a 0  // pick pockets

 // tob dust mephit
 COPY_EXISTING ~famdus25.cre~ ~override~
   WRITE_SHORT 0x46 7  // natural ac
   WRITE_SHORT 0x48 7  // effective ac
   ADD_MEMORIZED_SPELL ~spwi224~ #1 ~wizard~     // glitterdust
   ADD_MEMORIZED_SPELL ~spin935~ #0 ~innate~ (2) // 2x glass dust

 // tob fairy dragon
 COPY_EXISTING ~famfai25.cre~   ~override~
   WRITE_SHORT 0x24 48 // current hp
   WRITE_SHORT 0x26 48 // max hp
   WRITE_SHORT 0x46 4  // natural ac
   WRITE_SHORT 0x48 4  // effective ac
   READ_LONG  0x2bc "itm_off" ELSE 0
   READ_LONG  0x2c0 "itm_num" ELSE 0
   FOR (index = 0 ; index < itm_num ; index = index + 1) BEGIN // searches through items
     READ_ASCII ("%itm_off%" + (0x14 * "%index%")) "item"
     PATCH_IF ("%item%" STRING_COMPARE_CASE "meplig" = 0) BEGIN // find invalid resref
       WRITE_ASCII ("%itm_off%" + (0x14 * "%index%")) "s1-2" #8 // corrected resref

 // tob cat
 COPY_EXISTING ~famcat25.cre~   ~override~
   WRITE_BYTE  0x45 89 // hide in shadows
   WRITE_SHORT 0x46 0  // natural ac
   WRITE_SHORT 0x48 0  // effective ac
   WRITE_BYTE  0x68 89 // move silently
   WRITE_BYTE  0x69 55 // find/disarm traps
   WRITE_BYTE  0x6a 50 // pick pockets
   // hastring deleted elsewhere

 // tob quasit
 COPY_EXISTING ~famqua25.cre~   ~override~
   WRITE_SHORT 0x46 2  // natural ac
   WRITE_SHORT 0x48 2  // effective ac



Revised descriptions (and these should now be accurate):


@159 = ~Find Familiar
Level: 1
Range: n/a
Duration: Special
Casting Time: 1 round
Area of Effect: 1 familiar
Saving Throw: Special

This spell enables the caster to attempt to summon a familiar to act as his aide and companion. Familiars are typically small creatures. A creature acting as a familiar can benefit a wizard, conveying its sensory powers to its master, conversing with him, and serving as a guard/scout/spy as well. A wizard can have only one familiar at a time, and he has no control over what sort of creature answers the summoning, if any come at all.
(Note: This spell may only be cast by the protagonist.)

The creature is always more intelligent than others of its type (typically by 2 or 3 Intelligence points), and its bond with the wizard confers upon it an exceptionally long life. 

The wizard has an empathic link with the familiar and can issue it mental commands. 

The caster receives half the familiar's total hit points as bonus hit points. However the caster must take care to treat his familiar well, for if the familiar should die, the caster loses the bonus hit points and half the familiar's hit points again as damage. Also when a familiar dies, the caster loses 1 point of constitution PERMANENTLY.

Example: A mage has 12 hit points and casts find familiar. The imp summoned has 18 hit points, so the caster gets a bonus of 9 hit points. The caster now has 21 hit points. If the familiar dies the caster loses those 9 hit points (putting him back at 12), 1 point of constitution permanently (which may cause additional hit point loss), and takes 9 damage.

Here is a list of the familiars that the player receives according to alignment:

Armor Class: -2
Hit Points: 24
Magic Resistance: 50%
Special abilities: 2 attacks per round at THAC0: 13 for 1d3 damage, save vs. death or be rendered unconscious for 120 seconds. It can also cast 'Blur' once per day. Regenerates 1hp/round. Immune to level drain, sleep, and petrification.

Armor Class: 0
Hit Points: 24
Magic Resistance: 50%
Special abilities: Has 75% Pick Pockets ability, 40% Hide in Shadows/Move Silently, and 20% Detect Traps. It can also cast 'Blur' once per day. Immune to level drain, sleep, and petrification.

Armor Class: 2
Hit Points: 18
Magic Resistance: 25%
Special abilities: Has 100% resistance to fire, cold, and electricity. It can also cast 'Polymorph Self' once per day. Regenerates 1hp/round.

Armor Class: 1
Hit Points: 24
Magic Resistance: 65%
Special abilities: Has 50% Detect Traps ability, and 30% Hide in Shadows/Move Silently. Has 75% resistance to fire, cold, and electricity. It can also cast 'Blur' once per day. Immune to level drain, sleep, and petrification.

Armor Class: 6
Hit Points: 24
Magic Resistance: 10%
Special abilities: Has 100% resistance to fire and 50% resistance to slashing, piercing, and missile damage. It can also cast 'Glitterdust' once per day and 'Glass Dust' twice per day. Regenerates 1hp/round. Immune to level drain, sleep, and petrification.

CHAOTIC GOOD: Fairy Dragon
Armor Class: 4
Hit Points: 24
Magic Resistance: 32%
Special abilities: Can cast cast 'Mirror Image' and 'Invisibility 10' Radius' once per day. Immune to level drain, sleep, and petrification.

Armor Class: 0
Hit Points: 24
Magic Resistance: 50%
Special abilities: Has 99% Move Silently/Hide in Shadows ability and 30% Pick Pockets. It can also cast 'Blur' once per day. Immune to level drain, sleep, and petrification.

Armor Class: 2
Hit Points: 24
Magic Resistance: 25%
Special abilities: Has 100% resistance to fire, cold, and electricity. Can cast cast 'Horror' and 'Blur' once per day. Regenerates 1hp/round.~
@160 = ~This is your familiar, a pseudo-dragon, currently curled up and safe within your backpack. The lizard-like creature is quite intelligent and fairly well-armored and quick... it does not do much damage in combat, but its magical claws are able to render some enemies unconscious. It is also quite resistant to magical spells.

Armor Class: -2
Hit Points: 24
Magic Resistance: 50%
Special abilities: 2 attacks per round at THAC0: 13 for 1d3 damage, save vs. death or be rendered unconscious for 120 seconds. It can also cast 'Blur' once per day. Regenerates 1hp/round. Immune to level drain, sleep, and petrification.~
@161 = ~This is your familiar, a pseudo-dragon, currently curled up and safe within your backpack. The lizard-like creature is quite intelligent and fairly well-armored and quick.

Armor Class: -2
Hit Points: 48
Magic Resistance: 50%
Special abilities: 2 attacks per round at THAC0: 8 for 1d6 damage, save vs. death or be rendered unconscious for 120 seconds. It can also cast 'Blur' and 'Ghost Armor' once per day and 'Detect Illusions' twice per day. Regenerates 1hp/round. Immune to level drain, sleep, and petrification.~
@162 = ~This is your familiar, a ferret, currently curled up and safe in your backpack. The ferret is an incredibly quick and agile animal, hard to hit and magically resistant to both damage and spells. The ferret's uncanny ability to get into almost anything unseen makes it a handy pickpocket.

Armor Class: 0
Hit Points: 24
Magic Resistance: 50%
Special abilities: Has 75% Pick Pockets ability, 40% Hide in Shadows/Move Silently, and 20% Detect Traps. It can also cast 'Blur' once per day. Immune to level drain, sleep, and petrification.~
@163 = ~This is your familiar, a ferret, currently curled up and safe in your backpack. The ferret is an incredibly quick and agile animal, hard to hit and magical made resistant to both damage and spells. The ferret's uncanny ability to get into almost anything unseen makes it a handy pickpocket.

Armor Class: -4
Hit Points: 48
Magic Resistance: 65%
Special abilities: Has 95% pick pockets ability, 60% Hide in Shadows/Move Silently, and 60% Detect Traps. It can also cast 'Blur' once per day. Immune to level drain, sleep, and petrification.~
@164 = ~This is your familiar, an imp, currently grumpy yet safe within your backpack. The imp is an unusual creature that is fairly quick and quite resistant to magical spells... and has the ability to cast its own spells on behalf of its master.

Armor Class: 2
Hit Points: 18
Magic Resistance: 25%
Special abilities: Has 100% resistance to fire, cold, and electricity. It can also cast 'Polymorph Self' once per day. Regenerates 1hp/round.~
@165 = ~This is your familiar, an imp, currently grumpy yet safe within your backpack. The imp is an unusual creature that is fairly quick and quite resistant to magical spells... and has the ability to cast its own spells on behalf of its master.

Armor Class: -2
Hit Points: 48
Magic Resistance: 35%
Special abilities:  Has 100% resistance to fire, cold, and electricity. It can also cast 'Polymorph Self' once per day, attack does 1d6 damage with poison (save vs. death or die). Regenerates 1hp/round. Immune to level drain, sleep, and petrification. Immune to non-magical weapons.~
@166 = ~This is your familiar, a rabbit, currently curled up and safe within your backpack. The rabbit might not be one's first choice for a familiar, but this creature is incredibly quick and difficult to hit in combat... and has been augumented by magic to become quite resistant to physical harm as well as spells. The rabbit also has a keen nose for sniffing out traps on behalf of its master.

Armor Class: 1
Hit Points: 24
Magic Resistance: 65%
Special abilities: Has 50% Detect Traps ability, and 30% Hide in Shadows/Move Silently. Has 75% resistance to fire, cold, and electricity. It can also cast 'Blur' once per day. Immune to level drain, sleep, and petrification.~
@167 = ~This is your familiar, a rabbit, currently curled up and safe within your backpack. The rabbit might not be one's first choice for a familiar, but this creature is incredibly quick and difficult to hit in combat... The rabbit also has a keen nose for sniffing out traps on behalf of its master.

Armor Class: 1
Hit Points:  48
Magic Resistance: 65%
Special abilities: Has 85% Detect Traps ability, 60% Hide in Shadows/Move Silently, and 50% Detect Illusions. Has 75% resistance to fire, cold, and electricity. It can also cast 'Blur' once per day. The rabbit moves as if under a constant 'Haste' spell. Immune to level drain, sleep, and petrification. spell.~
@168 = ~This is your familiar, a dust mephit currently safe within your backpack. The dust mephit is not strong in combat, but it is slightly resistant to magical attack and has the ability to cast spells to assist its master.

Armor Class: 6
Hit Points: 24
Magic Resistance: 10%
Special abilities: Has 100% resistance to fire and 50% resistance to slashing, piercing, and missile damage. It can also cast 'Glitterdust' once per day and 'Glass Dust' twice per day. Regenerates 1hp/round. Immune to level drain, sleep, and petrification.~
@169 = ~This is your familiar, a dust mephit currently safe within your backpack. The dust mephit is not strong in combat, but it is slightly resistant to magical attack and has the ability to cast spells to assist its master.

Armor Class: 3
Hit Points: 48
Magic Resistance: 25%
Special abilities: Has 100% resistance to fire and 60% resistance to slashing, piercing, and missile damage. It can also cast 'Glitterdust', 'Prismatic Spray', and 'Stoneskin' once per day and 'Glass Dust' twice per day. Regenerates 1hp/second. Immune to level drain, sleep, and petrification.~
@170 = ~This is your familiar, a fairy dragon, currently curled up and safe within your backpack. The mischievous fairy dragon is fairly resistant to magic... and has the ability to both protect and obscure itself with illusionary magic of its own.

Armor Class: 4
Hit Points: 24
Magic Resistance: 32%
Special abilities: Can cast cast 'Mirror Image' and 'Invisibility 10' Radius' once per day. Immune to level drain, sleep, and petrification.~
@171 = ~This is your familiar, a fairy dragon, currently curled up and safe within your backpack. The mischievous fairy dragon is fairly resistant to magic... and has the ability to both protect and obscure itself with illusionary magic of its own.

Armor Class: 0
Hit Points: 48
Magic Resistance: 45%
Special abilities: Can cast cast 'Mirror Image', 'Invisibility 10' Radius', and 'Improved Invisibility' once per day. Immune to level drain, sleep, and petrification.~
@172 = ~This is your cat familiar, currently curled up and safe within your backpack. The cat familiar is a master scout, able to move in the shadows with the ability of a master thief. It is also difficult to hit in combat, and the magic of the spell has made this cat resistant to both physical and magical attacks.

Armor Class: 0
Hit Points: 24
Magic Resistance: 50%
Special abilities: Has 99% Move Silently/Hide in Shadows ability and 30% Pick Pockets. It can also cast 'Blur' once per day. Immune to level drain, sleep, and petrification.~
@173 = ~This is your cat familiar, currently curled up and safe within your backpack. The cat familiar is a master scout, able to move in the shadows with the ability of a master thief. It is also difficult to hit in combat, and the magic of the spell has made this cat resistant to both physical and magical attacks.

Armor Class: -4
Hit Points: 48
Magic Resistance: 65%
Special abilities: Has 60% Detect Traps ability, 99% Hide in Shadows/Move Silently, 60% Pick Pockets, and 60% Detect Illusions. It can also cast 'Blur' once per day. Immune to level drain, sleep, and petrification.~
@174 = ~This is your familiar, a quasit, currently grumpy yet safe within your backpack. The quasit is a small, infernal creature that is fairly quick and quite resistant to magical spells... and has the ability to cast its own spells on behalf of its master.

Armor Class: 2
Hit Points: 24
Magic Resistance: 25%
Special abilities: Has 100% resistance to fire, cold, and electricity. Can cast cast 'Horror' and 'Blur' once per day. Regenerates 1hp/round.~
@175 = ~This is your familiar, a quasit, currently grumpy yet safe within your backpack. The quasit is a small, infernal creature that is fairly quick and quite resistant to magical spells... and has the ability to cast its own spells on behalf of its master.

Armor Class: -2
Hit Points: 48
Magic Resistance: 35%
Special abilities: 3 attacks per round 1d6 damage, save vs. death or lose one point of dexterity for 36 seconds. Has 100% resistance to fire, cold, and electricity. Can cast cast 'Horror' and 'Blur' once per day. Regenerates 1hp/round. Immune to level drain, sleep, and petrification. Immune to non-magical weapons.~

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Guest Brixter

I don't know if this is the right thread to post this question but do you know what Dust Mephit's ability Glass dust does? It just says 'X is irritated by glass dust'. All I know is the target can save versus breath.

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To-do: hastring is already fixed by FP. Document Blur and fix AC and stealth scores.
Given that both hastring and plyrate set attacks to 0, I'm starting to think that it's intentional? I'm not sure why they didn't want cat/rabbit/squirrel types to attack, but it seems like too dumb a mistake to make twice dealing with pretty identical creature types (rodents), no?
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