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SCSII and Linux


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Is there some trick to get this to install on Linux? Tried both the windows and OSX version and get the exact same errors


Input file is scsii/genai/dw#ranged.ssl 
FATAL ERROR (SSL cannot find file requested [scsII/genai/genai_definitions.ssl] at line 0) at scsii/ssl/ssl.pl line 898.
attempting to open file scsII/genai/genai_definitions.ssl ...This is Stratagems Scripting Language


and then it continues and I then get this error and the component dies.


ERROR locating resource for 'COPY'
Resource [dw#melee.bcs] not found in KEY file:
Stopping installation because of error.
Stopping installation because of error.

ERROR Installing [Smarter general AI], rolling back to previous state
Will uninstall 161 files for [scsii/setup-scsii.tp2] component 220.
ERROR: Failure("resource [dw#melee.bcs] not found for 'COPY'")
PLEASE email the file setup-scsii.debug to xyz
Using Language [English]




Linux ODIN 2.6.22-14-generic #1 SMP Tue Dec 18 08:02:57 UTC 2007 i686 GNU/Linux

Ubuntu 7.10

Weidu-Linux 203


Cedega GUI Version: 6.0

Cedega Engine Version (current default): 6.0.4

nvidia quadro nvs 135

2gb ram

Intel® Core2 Duo CPU T7500 @ 2.20GHz



Thanks for any help and I can also test if you need it.

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The directory is called `scsii' (due to `tolower'), whereas the Perl script running behind the scenes call for `scsII'. If you're lucky, you need to

sed -es/scsII/scsii/g -i `find scsii -iname '*.pl' -or -iname '*.ssl'`

and try again. If you aren't lucky, you need to repeat that for other file names to lowercase. Hopefully you know enough *nix to do that on your own :band:

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I have the v2 windows version installed on my wine install... it was moderately painful. Some symlink games because of upper/lowercase, and one .baf-file I had to generate manually ... probably just a local glitch (dw#alhoo?).


You'll need to do the search/replace in the .ssl scripts as well, since they have include statements (INCLUDE FILE(scsII/mage/mage_definitions.ssl))

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Just a head's up. Baldur's Gate II is playable in wine.


However, adding SCSII will slow it down to an unbearable rate. The game actually lags to a dead stop for seconds at a time. Mages are the worst for this, obviously. Combat can become impossible without autopause.


This is from personal observations as well as collaborations with a few other users.


Haven't tried Cedega, I'd be interested to know if it's any faster. I've found that wine is currently not fast enough to run SCSII. SCS was the same way.

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I beg to disagree. It's plenty fast enough, as long as you biff your override when needed. (1GB+ override is asking for lag.)


I can whack/be whacked by the cowlies without any noticeable lag.

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Windows version on Linux or Windows version on Windows?


I assume the win ver on linux. SED will be your best friend or you will have to have alot of patience editing every file by hand. First go thru and use sed to change scsII to scsii then try to install. It will crap out a few times on you so you will have to find the scripts with the references in it again, using sed. Finally it will crap out saying dw#alhoo doesnt exist, just create a blank one and it will install (touch dw#alhoo.baf works fine).


sed -i 's/scsII/scsii/g' *.ssl (or whatever ending is in the directory)

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I welcome advice from those in the know as to how to stop this causing problems (I have minimal experience of any non-Windows operating system). If there are simple changes to the tp2 that will make life easier for people, I'm happy to make them.

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I welcome advice from those in the know as to how to stop this causing problems (I have minimal experience of any non-Windows operating system). If there are simple changes to the tp2 that will make life easier for people, I'm happy to make them.


Watch out for case sensitivity.


The easiest way is to make all of your filenames lowercase.


Above all, make sure the TP2 refers to the files by their EXACT case.

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I welcome advice from those in the know as to how to stop this causing problems (I have minimal experience of any non-Windows operating system). If there are simple changes to the tp2 that will make life easier for people, I'm happy to make them.


In nix os's scsII is completely different from scsii and that is what caused most of the problems. There are a few other files that have uppercase letters in them and when you run tolower it changes them to lower case but inside some scripts they are still called by their original names and the install fails, then you have to go and search around to find the offending file. An example is the file "attacks_on_PC_defences.ssl" which when tolower is run is changed to "attacks_on_pc_defences.ssl" but some scripts that run during install still call it with its original name and then the install fails. It took me about an hour to get scsII to finally install on a linux box.


Like Artimus said its easier if you have all files and references to those files lowercase.

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