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Some Aerie Romance Funkiness

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This picture explains the problem better than I could. And yes, that is indeed that run's CHARNAME in the top slot (a female elven sorceror, for the curious). Hilarious at the time, but clearly not intended behavior. Being semi-curious about it, I checked out the triggers on that particular interjection in the screenshot, and it's only set to fire if Aerie's romance is active (which I expected). Quick check of the globals in ShadowKeeper revealed that, somehow, Aerie's romance was, indeed, active (which I didn't expect). :band:


Looked into it a bit more tonight, trying to figure out how this could happen. First stop: game script. Line of thinking: AerieMatch was getting set erroneously. Result: nope, it's only set for males of the right races. Scratch that.


Second stop: Aerie's script. Line of thinking: it was setting up the romance variables. Result: nope, they're only set up if AerieMatch is 1, which is impossible for the above CHARNAME.


Third stop: Aerie's dialog files. Line of thinking: that was setting up the romance variables. Result: Jackpot! The variables were getting set without an AerieMatch check. A bit redundant, since they're set up anyway (with an AerieMatch check) by her script as soon as the party enters the promenade with her in the party (read: always, barring use of the console). In theory at least, dropping the redundant setup in the dialog file should prevent this.


Just thought I'd share this with you, maybe to get it fixed in Fixpack v5 (or maybe v6?).

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Nice catch! Aerie's easy enough to fix:




And Viconia has the same problem:




Jaheira only sets her active variable if it's a match, and Anomen does too as of v5.

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Actually, I earlier Without an extra check variable this is going to be incompatible with pretty much every multiromancing script out there, save for possibly G3 Tweaks.

BG2 Tweaks was based on G3 Tweaks, which was based on EoU, which was based on Baldurdash, which was based on Sir Kalthorine Ut Wistan. All of them work by setting the match variable.

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... and when Henry the Hamster releases his Romance Everybody!111! Tweak pack with some lovely code like, say, this:




... where will you be?

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... and when Henry the Hamster releases his Romance Everybody!111! Tweak pack with some lovely code like, say, this:

Yes, we should definitely worry about the Henry the Hamster Romance Everybody!111! Tweak pack instead of fixing Bodhi kidnapping the wrong character.


But sure, I'll add a LOCALS tracking variable. In the future, though, I'd ask that you actually check your assumptions before deciding we're ending the world.

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Thank you for fixing it.


In the future, though, I'd ask that you actually check your assumptions before deciding we're ending the world.


I choose to point out the deficient code that can potentially destabilize my installation. If you choose to be emotional or defensive about it, be my guest - as long as it gets fixed.

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When you declare something is going to be flat incompatible and fubar games, then yeah, I think there's an onus to, you know, be correct about it.


I don't see how pointing out that it's not true was defensive, but sure, if it makes you feel better.

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I was almost starting to think that they were bi... ;)


Developer intent! :D(j/k)


I choose to point out the deficient code that can potentially destabilize my installation.


Heh, after spending the larger part of the past year here on the fixpack forums, I learned one thing - when in doubt, trust CamDawg/Nythrun/devSin. In 99.9% of the cases, they know exactly what they are doing. :band:

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Heh, after spending the larger part of the past year here on the fixpack forums, I learned one thing - when in doubt, trust CamDawg/Nythrun/devSin. In 99.9% of the cases, they know exactly what they are doing. :band:

No, you're probably off by an order of magnitude (well, for me at least, maybe not devSin and Nythrun)--we frequently make mistakes which is why we choose the open development method as many eyes make for fewer mistakes. Kulyok's right for taking me to task for that script block as it could be made tighter and more foolproof. I was debunking the declaration that it was going to break a whole bunch of existing stuff.

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We just talked about this. Aerie and Viconia's join dialogue transitions set their respective RomanceActive variable to 1 regardless of the Match variable, or anything else (gogo Bioware gender equality).


I don't like this in baldur.bcs if we can just not set the variable to an incorrect value in the first place.




And Cam's measure of error wrt me is off by another order of magnitude :band:

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We just talked about this. Aerie and Viconia's join dialogue transitions set their respective RomanceActive variable to 1 regardless of the Match variable, or anything else (gogo Bioware gender equality).

:band: I hadn't checked that thread in a while because (early on) it seemed like it was going to be a local issue.


I don't like this in baldur.bcs if we can just not set the variable to an incorrect value in the first place.

I was thinking their individual scripts, only because I didn't want to track down the dialogue paths. But since you've already done it, yeah, dialogue fixes >>>> script fix. ;)

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