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Dynaheir Romance Question


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I am currently in the Dynaheir romance. I just got through LT13 when it dawned on me that I was in a rather irritating situation of my own making. Having played through Baldur's Gate several times before, I shot right through the chapters (if I had considered that, I would have set the timer to a lower setting). I have literally nothing to do apart from entering into the Iron Throne and proceding, afterwards, to candlekeep.


Considering that I am not even half way through the LTs, will going ahead and proceding to candlekeep at this point either cause any problems with the LTs, either with their coding OR their subject matter? If it will cause problems, is their any way to manually cause the LTs to take place until I get to a point were it is ok to procede without losing content or continuity?


Edit: While waiting for an answer, I made the mistake of trying to figure it out myself, leading to unfortunate reinstallation of the game. Yes, I would prefer that nobody asks how I managed to wipe out my entire game. Its a special skill of mine that took years of practice. When I reinstall the game, I'll set the timers lower, but I am still curious about a solution for the problem above, just in case it happens again.

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The quickest way to "fast forward" through the process is to open up NI and find the entry in GTIMES.IDS:




and change it to a much small number and save. Then check the romance guide an make sure you have hit the conditions. You should fire through them rapidly.


But really, the best bit is to go slowly through the game, and keep PID - ing and enjoying yourself; she has alot of content hidden away that you just can't really get to if you speedplay :)

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2nd EDIT:

Just discovered http://forums.gibberlings3.net/index.php?s...&hl=ribbons while searching the forums. The problem that I brought up below is solved. Sorry to bother anyone with this.


Came across another potential problem with the Dynaheir romance and I might as well bring it up here instead of creating a new topic. Due to my game being reinstalled, I restarted from scratch. This time, I took my time, so I didn't repeat my earlier problem. However, I suddenly realized that I hadn't gotten a new LT for some time. The last one was LT14, so I assume that the next one would have been LT15. I have tried entering cities (tried them all, just in case), yet nothing comes from it. I am getting indications that the romance is still active, since flirts are still taking place and I believe Minsc made one of his comments on the romance (though that might have been when I was testing with ctrl-I on a spare saved game).


By the way, before I forget, thanks for the earlier information, Cmorgan. This time through, I made sure I wouldn't even need to consider touching the scripting (I agree that it is almost always better to just let things happen as they were meant to), but I was still curious.



-According to SK, lovetalk is set at 30.

-I do not see any sign of Setta. I believe she may have showed up in one of the cities and I left the area, thinking she was just another unimportant character. Either that, or the character I saw really was just another unimportant character.

-Suffered no loss of reputation (which is still at 20) since LT14.

If any other information is needed, let me know.


P.S. Enjoying the entire mod so much! It is a good sign when I sometimes have to remind myself that the new dialogs are not original BG material, since they seem to fit in so well with the game. I am finding myself using NPCs that I would have originally never given a second look, just to see all the new material.

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Guest Snome

I seem to be having exactly the same problem as described. The last love talk was LT14 and according to shadowkeeper i'm at LT30. No new lovetalks for at least a couple of hours (most of which have been in BG, which i think qualifies as a city :crazyeyes: .

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hey, guys, which version are you using? I've got some time set aside to look at this, but I know it was working for v15, because I ran the Dynah romance, and puzzled over the ribbons for a good long time.


But please tell me, just to be sure.



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-I do not see any sign of Setta. I believe she may have showed up in one of the cities and I left the area, thinking she was just another unimportant character.

Gah. That's massively significant, if you want to proceed with the romance.


Before I go tearing the whole thing apart, please do me a favor and send me your saved game, so I can see if you actually have had Setta spawn and you just ignored her.


You can send the saved game to berelinde_@_gmail.com. Please delete the underscores in the address, as they are just there to confuse the spambots. With any luck, I can have an answer for you this weekend.

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Alright, for some reason, Setta didn't spawn in your game. You wouldn't have been able to miss her, as she would have spawned right on top of you. However, the variable does get set before the spawn occurs, so it's possible that if you issued a movement command at precisely the wrong moment, the spawn could have been interrupted.


What you should do to fix this.


Go outside in a city, make sure there is a lot of open area around you without walls or other obstacles, pause the game, and open the CLUA console. Please type the following in exactly as I have it here.




You should see a woman appear not too far away. Go over and talk to the woman. The lovetalk should happen.


For cmorgan, I'd recommend moving the variable setting to *after* the creature spawn. You've got a one second wait in there, between setting the global and spawning Setta, and that's an awfully long time for a player to go without issuing a movement command. In fact, I'd recommend losing the Wait() entirely.


This is what you've got:

ActionOverride("X#SETTA", StartDialogueNoSet(Player1))


This is what I'd recommend:

ActionOverride("X#SETTA", StartDialogueNoSet(Player1))

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Good idea - I am going to go one step farther, though, so it is easier to troubleshoot.


There are three big things that can stall this out, by the way.

  • Reputation less than 12, and it is stalled.
  • Global("X#DynaheirBhaalLoop","GLOBAL",1), or the whole 'Dy just found out that you really are the Bhaalspawn, and wants to talk about it for some talks before resuming the romance". This one can delay stuff for a long, long time.
  • As currently scripted, if you miss the spawn and keep moving, it is technically possible to miss/interrupt the StartDialogNoSet() [though hard to do - it should operate anywhere on the screen, regardless of proximity].

So, let's separate them out and be able to track if something else is going on on some installs.





with dialogue setting LT = 31


I have not been able to break this on my install, but then again, I couldn't break the first one as reported, either.

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Guest Snome

My LT seems to stop again :crazyeyes:

It's been at least two real time hours since the last LT and X#DYLOVETALK is set at 33 according to SK. If i set it manually to 34 i get the next LT (according to the romancing guide) immediatly. Did i give the wrong answer somewhere along the line or is the game waiting for something else before going from 33 to 34 ?

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