Plaius Posted February 1, 2008 Share Posted February 1, 2008 Hello. There is a bug. When you kick out an NPC in BG2 SOA, they leave for good. They don't go hang out at the Copper Coronet, or elsewhere like they should. Others have identified Level1NPC's as the source for this. Hopefully you can fix it, because you've made a fantastic mod here. Please see this web link for additional information: Additional info from others: ~LVL1NPCS/LVL1NPCS.TP2~ #0 #1216 // Yoshimo In this new game I've just started, when an NPC is kicked out of the party, they say something different from the vanilla game (Yoshimo says Goodnight Ladies) and then they are gone forever. No idea! How strange. Yoshi's got his own P file and everything! So, the only mods are really Lvl1NPC and Banter pack. And I only have the accelerater script installed for banter pack. And I certainly don't see Lvl1NPC doing this. It's not just Yoshi, but every character who says that. The actual line is 1 of 2 lines, chosen randomly. The two lines are: "Goodnight Ladies, Ladies Goodnight" to which you can reply "Goodnight and Goodbye." (they leave forever) "Get back in the party." "It was a pleasure traveling in your party. Good luck" to which you can reply "Bye" "Please rejoin the party." (...)Finally, a small change that many people forget, but which is responsible for numerous headaches. Scroll to the top of your .cre file, and find the Flags field. In a newly converted .cre file, the flag "Export allowed" is still checked. Uncheck that. Odd side-effects that could crop up include scripts and dialogues behaving like those of a multi-player NPC. Not what we want at all. It's what I thought. Let me guess: You have ToB installed? (...) UNLESS ~25POST~ Take that out. "UNLESS ~25POST~" in that place means "Don't do the appending if ToB is installed". So, just write APPEND ~pdialog.2da~ ~KKCalin KKCalinP KKCalinJ KKCalinD~ UNLESS ~KKCalin~ and it should work fine. Same for the other dialogue appending, btw. (I PMed theacefes about this regarding her tutorial, so it should be corrected soon.) Thanks again. I figured out how to fix the rest of the errors I was getting on install too that this is fixed too....... WOOOOHOOOOO! Link to comment
cmorgan Posted February 6, 2008 Share Posted February 6, 2008 Just a quick check in - I placed the latest available version at the very end an EasyTutu install, just to see what would happen if jaheira became a Fighter/Avenger and Khalid a Fighter Justifier. I installed the "more closely matching Player experience" component, and did not install either BG2 Tweaks or SCS related components. On the initial join of Jaheira and Khalid, Jaheira's script does some odd stuff, having her join with her old experiecne levels added to each of the adjusted classes, and then there is an error message in the dialogue box: Action error: special case; Mysel Not Found check for proper brackets line #3 Khalid gets his experiecne points apportioned, but does not join the party. Ctr-Q allows him to join. I will set aside some time next week to test this, and see what I come up with, but if anyone can replicate it, it would be great info Link to comment
Nythrun Posted February 15, 2008 Share Posted February 15, 2008 I'm going to have to check if I had a faulty upload, or if you had a faulty download - that really can't happen Link to comment
Azazello Posted February 15, 2008 Share Posted February 15, 2008 I want to confirm the first post. I thought I saw in an earlier thread that you fixed this in near-version 1, so I didn't report it. Additional: whichever part of the code that caused this also touched, it looks like, all or nearly all CRE files -- i.e. I see a buttload of CREs in the override. Why? I don't know. Third base! Link to comment
Nythrun Posted February 16, 2008 Share Posted February 16, 2008 I did - I was referring to the error in the debug box that cmorgan is reporting. Creature regexps were removed in v1. Link to comment
cmorgan Posted February 16, 2008 Share Posted February 16, 2008 I put some of them back in internals of BG1NPC, but only for materials that we want to touch with other code to make sure they are fixed before we mess with them: // Nythrun's Broken CRE Order and Effects Fix DEFINE_PATCH_MACRO ~enforce_cre_order~ BEGIN PATCH_IF ((SOURCE_SIZE > 0x02d3) AND !(~%SOURCE_RES%~ STRING_EQUAL_CASE ~charbase~)) THEN BEGIN READ_BYTE 0x0033 "eff" READ_LONG 0x02a0 "kso" READ_LONG 0x02a4 "ksc" READ_LONG 0x02a8 "smo" READ_LONG 0x02ac "smc" READ_LONG 0x02b0 "mso" READ_LONG 0x02b4 "msc" READ_LONG 0x02b8 "iso" READ_LONG 0x02bc "ilo" READ_LONG 0x02c0 "ilc" READ_LONG 0x02c4 "elo" READ_LONG 0x02c8 "elc" READ_ASCII "kso" ~ks~ ELSE ~fail~ (0x0c * "ksc") READ_ASCII "smo" ~sm~ ELSE ~fail~ (0x10 * "smc") READ_ASCII "mso" ~ms~ ELSE ~fail~ (0x0c * "msc") READ_ASCII "iso" ~is~ ELSE ~fail~ (0x50) READ_ASCII "ilo" ~il~ ELSE ~fail~ (0x14 * "ilc") READ_ASCII "elo" ~el~ ELSE ~fail~ ("elc" * (0x30 + ((("eff" & 0x01) = 0x01) ? 0xd8 : 0x00))) DELETE_BYTES 0x02d4 (SOURCE_SIZE - 0x02d4) SET "off" = 0x02d4 WRITE_LONG 0x02a0 "off" PATCH_IF !(~%ks%~ STRING_EQUAL ~fail~) THEN BEGIN INSERT_BYTES "off" (0x0c * "ksc") WRITE_ASCIIE "off" ~%ks%~ END ELSE BEGIN SET "ksc" = 0x00 WRITE_LONG 0x02a4 "ksc" END SET "off" += (0x0c * "ksc") WRITE_LONG 0x02a8 "off" INSERT_BYTES "off" (0x10 * 0x11) PATCH_IF ((~%sm%~ STR_CMP ~fail~) AND (smc = 0x11)) THEN BEGIN WRITE_ASCIIE "off" ~%sm%~ END ELSE BEGIN SET "smc" = 0x11 WRITE_LONG 0x2ac "smc" FOR ("i1" = 0x00; "i1" < 0x07; "i1" += 0x01) BEGIN WRITE_SHORT ("off" + (i1 * 0x10)) "i1" END FOR ("i1" = 0x00; "i1" < 0x09; "i1" += 0x01) BEGIN WRITE_SHORT ("off" + ("i1" * 0x10) + 0x070) "i1" WRITE_SHORT ("off" + ("i1" * 0x10) + 0x076) 0x01 END WRITE_SHORT ("off" + 0x106) 0x02 END SET "off" += (0x10 * "smc") WRITE_LONG 0x02b0 "off" PATCH_IF !(~%ms%~ STRING_EQUAL ~fail~) THEN BEGIN INSERT_BYTES "off" (0x0c * "msc") WRITE_ASCIIE "off" ~%ms%~ END ELSE BEGIN SET "msc" = 0x00 WRITE_LONG 0x02b4 "msc" END SET "off" += (0x0c * "msc") WRITE_LONG 0x02c4 "off" PATCH_IF !(~%el%~ STRING_EQUAL ~fail~) THEN BEGIN INSERT_BYTES "off" ("elc" * (0x30 + ((("eff" & 0x01) = 0x01) ? 0xd8 : 0x00))) WRITE_ASCIIE "off" ~%el%~ END ELSE BEGIN SET "elc" = 0x00 WRITE_LONG 0x02c8 "elc" END SET "off" += ("elc" * (0x30 + ((("eff" & 0x01) = 0x01) ? 0xd8 : 0x00))) WRITE_LONG 0x02bc "off" PATCH_IF !(~%il%~ STRING_EQUAL ~fail~) THEN BEGIN INSERT_BYTES "off" (0x14 * "ilc") WRITE_ASCIIE "off" ~%il%~ END ELSE BEGIN SET "ilc" = 0x00 WRITE_LONG 0x02c0 "ilc" END SET "off" += (0x14 * "ilc") WRITE_LONG 0x02b8 "off" INSERT_BYTES "off" 0x50 PATCH_IF !(~%is%~ STRING_EQUAL ~fail~) THEN BEGIN WRITE_ASCIIE "off" ~%is%~ END ELSE BEGIN FOR ("i1" = 0x00; "i1" < 0x4c; "i1" += 0x02) BEGIN WRITE_SHORT ("off" + "i1") 0xffff END END SET SOURCE_SIZE = ("off" + 0x50) END END DEFINE_PATCH_MACRO ~use_v2_eff~ BEGIN PATCH_IF ((SOURCE_SIZE > 0x02d3) AND !(~%SOURCE_RES%~ STRING_EQUAL_CASE ~charbase~)) THEN BEGIN READ_BYTE 0x0033 "eff_type" WRITE_BYTE 0x0033 0x1 PATCH_IF (("eff_type" & 0x1) = 0x0) THEN BEGIN READ_LONG 0x02c8 "elc" PATCH_IF ("elc" > 0x0) THEN BEGIN READ_LONG 0x02c4 "elo" READ_ASCII "elo" ~efx~ (0x30 * "elc") PATCH_FOR_EACH "off1" IN 0x02a0 0x02a8 0x02b0 0x02b8 0x02bc BEGIN READ_LONG "off1" "off2" WRITE_LONG "off1" (("off2" > "elo") ? ("off2" + ("elc" * (0x108 - 0x30))) : ("off2" < 0x2d4 ? 0x2d4 : "off2")) END DELETE_BYTES "elo" (0x030 * "elc") INSERT_BYTES "elo" (0x108 * "elc") SPRINT ~rfx~ ~~ INNER_PATCH ~%efx%~ BEGIN FOR ("i1" = 0x0; "i1" < "elc"; "i1" += 0x1) BEGIN SET SOURCE_SIZE += 0xd8 READ_SHORT (("i1" * 0x30) + 0x00) "opcode" READ_BYTE (("i1" * 0x30) + 0x02) "target" READ_BYTE (("i1" * 0x30) + 0x03) "power" READ_LONG (("i1" * 0x30) + 0x04) "parameter1" READ_LONG (("i1" * 0x30) + 0x08) "parameter2" READ_BYTE (("i1" * 0x30) + 0x0c) "timing_mode" READ_BYTE (("i1" * 0x30) + 0x0d) "dispellability" READ_LONG (("i1" * 0x30) + 0x0e) "duration" READ_BYTE (("i1" * 0x30) + 0x12) "probability1" READ_BYTE (("i1" * 0x30) + 0x13) "probability2" READ_ASCII (("i1" * 0x30) + 0x14) ~resref~ INNER_PATCH_SAVE ~rfx~ ~%rfx%~ BEGIN INSERT_BYTES (("i1" * 0x108) + 0x00) 0x110 WRITE_LONG (("i1" * 0x108) + 0x10) "opcode" WRITE_LONG (("i1" * 0x108) + 0x14) "target" WRITE_LONG (("i1" * 0x108) + 0x18) "power" WRITE_LONG (("i1" * 0x108) + 0x1c) "parameter1" WRITE_LONG (("i1" * 0x108) + 0x20) "parameter2" WRITE_BYTE (("i1" * 0x108) + 0x24) "timing_mode" WRITE_LONG (("i1" * 0x108) + 0x28) "duration" WRITE_SHORT (("i1" * 0x108) + 0x2c) "probability1" WRITE_SHORT (("i1" * 0x108) + 0x2e) "probability2" WRITE_ASCIIE (("i1" * 0x108) + 0x30) ~%resref%~ WRITE_BYTE (("i1" * 0x108) + 0x5c) "dispellability" WRITE_LONG (("i1" * 0x108) + 0x80) (` 0x0) WRITE_LONG (("i1" * 0x108) + 0x84) (` 0x0) WRITE_LONG (("i1" * 0x108) + 0x88) (` 0x0) WRITE_LONG (("i1" * 0x108) + 0x8c) (` 0x0) WRITE_LONG (("i1" * 0x108) + 0xa4) (` 0x0) DELETE_BYTES (("i1" * 0x108) + 0x08) 0x8 END END END WRITE_ASCIIE "elo" ~%rfx%~ END END END END /* Apply Nythrun's Fixes to creatures we use */ ACTION_FOR_EACH ~crefile~ IN ~%tutu_scripta%varicem.cre~ ~%tutu_scriptb%ullrush.cre~ ~%tutu_scriptbg%neb.cre~ ~%tutu_scriptd%ursword.cre~ ~%tutu_scriptf%twbax_a.cre~ ~%tutu_scripti%ronelit.cre~ ~%tutu_scriptm%oorlock.cre~ ~%tutu_scripto%grema03.cre~ ~%tutu_scripts%handal2.cre~ ~%tutu_var%alatos.cre~ ~%tutu_var%albert.cre~ ~%tutu_var%alvanh.cre~ ~%tutu_var%alyth.cre~ ~%tutu_var%amaran.cre~ ~%tutu_var%angelo.cre~ ~%tutu_var%ankheg.cre~ ~%tutu_var%arkush.cre~ ~%tutu_var%avarice.cre~ ~%tutu_var%bandit.cre~ ~%tutu_var%baresh.cre~ ~%tutu_var%bassil.cre~ ~%tutu_var%bayard.cre~ ~%tutu_var%bearbl.cre~ ~%tutu_var%bearbr.cre~ ~%tutu_var%bearca.cre~ ~%tutu_var%bearpo.cre~ ~%tutu_var%belt.cre~ ~%tutu_var%bently.cre~ ~%tutu_var%bjorni.cre~ ~%tutu_var%brage.cre~ ~%tutu_var%brielb.cre~ ~%tutu_var%brilla.cre~ ~%tutu_var%cadder.cre~ ~%tutu_var%calaha.cre~ ~%tutu_var%chase.cre~ ~%tutu_var%claird.cre~ ~%tutu_var%coksmth.cre~ ~%tutu_var%daitel.cre~ ~%tutu_var%dalton.cre~ ~%tutu_var%davaeo.cre~ ~%tutu_var%deathk.cre~ ~%tutu_var%delain.cre~ ~%tutu_var%delsvir.cre~ ~%tutu_var%deltan.cre~ ~%tutu_var%dopdur1.cre~ ~%tutu_var%drienn.cre~ ~%tutu_var%drizzt.cre~ ~%tutu_var%dryad.cre~ ~%tutu_var%durlagt.cre~ ~%tutu_var%durlyl.cre~ ~%tutu_var%dushai.cre~ ~%tutu_var%elmin2.cre~ ~%tutu_var%elmin5.cre~ ~%tutu_var%ender.cre~ ~%tutu_var%entill.cre~ ~%tutu_var%erdane.cre~ ~%tutu_var%faldor.cre~ ~%tutu_var%farmbr.cre~ ~%tutu_var%fear.cre~ ~%tutu_var%fearm.cre~ ~%tutu_var%fenrus.cre~ ~%tutu_var%fireb1.cre~ ~%tutu_var%flame.cre~ ~%tutu_var%galken.cre~ ~%tutu_var%galtok.cre~ ~%tutu_var%gatewa.cre~ ~%tutu_var%gellan.cre~ ~%tutu_var%gerde.cre~ ~%tutu_var%girba2.cre~ ~%tutu_var%gnoll.cre~ ~%tutu_var%gorion.cre~ ~%tutu_var%grael.cre~ ~%tutu_var%greywo.cre~ ~%tutu_var%hack.cre~ ~%tutu_var%hafiz.cre~ ~%tutu_var%halaca.cre~ ~%tutu_var%halbaz.cre~ ~%tutu_var%hurgan.cre~ ~%tutu_var%ike.cre~ ~%tutu_var%iron11.cre~ ~%tutu_var%isla.cre~ ~%tutu_var%jessup.cre~ ~%tutu_var%joia.cre~ ~%tutu_var%kaisha.cre~ ~%tutu_var%karoug.cre~ ~%tutu_var%keeper.cre~ ~%tutu_var%keldda.cre~ ~%tutu_var%kirinh.cre~ ~%tutu_var%korax.cre~ ~%tutu_var%krumm.cre~ ~%tutu_var%landri.cre~ ~%tutu_var%larze.cre~ ~%tutu_var%liia.cre~ ~%tutu_var%love.cre~ ~%tutu_var%lovem.cre~ ~%tutu_var%madarc.cre~ ~%tutu_var%marl.cre~ ~%tutu_var%meiala.cre~ ~%tutu_var%mendas.cre~ ~%tutu_var%mulahe.cre~ ~%tutu_var%mutami.cre~ ~%tutu_var%narlen.cre~ ~%tutu_var%niemai.cre~ ~%tutu_var%nobw2.cre~ ~%tutu_var%perdue.cre~ ~%tutu_var%petrin.cre~ ~%tutu_var%pheirk.cre~ ~%tutu_var%phlydi3.cre~ ~%tutu_var%poe.cre~ ~%tutu_var%pride.cre~ ~%tutu_var%pridem.cre~ ~%tutu_var%prost5.cre~ ~%tutu_var%pumberl.cre~ ~%tutu_var%rielta.cre~ ~%tutu_var%riggilo.cre~ ~%tutu_var%sarev1.cre~ ~%tutu_var%sarevo.cre~ ~%tutu_var%sarhed.cre~ ~%tutu_var%scar.cre~ ~%tutu_var%seniya.cre~ ~%tutu_var%serva2.cre~ ~%tutu_var%shoal.cre~ ~%tutu_var%silke.cre~ ~%tutu_var%skie.cre~ ~%tutu_var%slave.cre~ ~%tutu_var%taerom.cre~ ~%tutu_var%takiyah.cre~ ~%tutu_var%tamoko.cre~ ~%tutu_var%tarnes.cre~ ~%tutu_var%tarnor.cre~ ~%tutu_var%tazok.cre~ ~%tutu_var%tellan.cre~ ~%tutu_var%tenya.cre~ ~%tutu_var%thalan.cre~ ~%tutu_var%therel.cre~ ~%tutu_var%ulraun.cre~ ~%tutu_var%unshey.cre~ ~%tutu_var%vai.cre~ ~%tutu_var%vail.cre~ ~%tutu_var%volo.cre~ ~%tutu_var%winski.cre~ ~%tutu_var%winski2.cre~ ~%tutu_var%winthr2.cre~ ~%tutu_var%yago.cre~ ~%tutu_var%zombie.cre~ ~%tutu_var%zombiew.cre~ ~%tutu_var%ajanti.cre~ ~%tutu_var%ajanti4.cre~ ~%tutu_var%ajanti6.cre~ ~%tutu_var%alora.cre~ ~%tutu_var%alora6.cre~ ~%tutu_var%branwe.cre~ ~%tutu_var%branwe5.cre~ ~%tutu_var%coran.cre~ ~%tutu_var%coran5.cre~ ~%tutu_var%dynahe.cre~ ~%tutu_var%dynahe2.cre~ ~%tutu_var%dynahe4.cre~ ~%tutu_var%dynahe6.cre~ ~%tutu_var%edwin.cre~ ~%tutu_var%edwin2.cre~ ~%tutu_var%edwin4.cre~ ~%tutu_var%edwin6.cre~ ~%tutu_var%faldor.cre~ ~%tutu_var%faldor5.cre~ ~%tutu_var%garric.cre~ ~%tutu_var%garric2.cre~ ~%tutu_var%garric4.cre~ ~%tutu_var%garric6.cre~ ~%tutu_var%imoen1.cre~ ~%tutu_var%imoen2.cre~ ~%tutu_var%imoen4.cre~ ~%tutu_var%imoen6.cre~ ~%tutu_var%jaheir.cre~ ~%tutu_var%jaheir2.cre~ ~%tutu_var%jaheir4.cre~ ~%tutu_var%jaheir6.cre~ ~%tutu_var%kagain.cre~ ~%tutu_var%kagain2.cre~ ~%tutu_var%kagain4.cre~ ~%tutu_var%kagain6.cre~ ~%tutu_var%khalid.cre~ ~%tutu_var%khalid2.cre~ ~%tutu_var%khalid4.cre~ ~%tutu_var%khalid6.cre~ ~%tutu_var%kivan.cre~ ~%tutu_var%kivan4.cre~ ~%tutu_var%kivan6.cre~ ~%tutu_var%minsc.cre~ ~%tutu_var%minsc2.cre~ ~%tutu_var%minsc4.cre~ ~%tutu_var%minsc6.cre~ ~%tutu_var%montar.cre~ ~%tutu_var%montar2.cre~ ~%tutu_var%montar4.cre~ ~%tutu_var%montar6.cre~ ~%tutu_scriptbg%quayle.cre~ ~%tutu_var%quayle4.cre~ ~%tutu_var%quayle6.cre~ ~%tutu_var%safana.cre~ ~%tutu_var%safana4.cre~ ~%tutu_var%safana6.cre~ ~%tutu_var%sharte.cre~ ~%tutu_var%sharte4.cre~ ~%tutu_var%sharte6.cre~ ~%tutu_var%skie.cre~ ~%tutu_var%skie6.cre~ ~%tutu_var%tiax.cre~ ~%tutu_var%tiax4.cre~ ~%tutu_var%tiax6.cre~ ~%tutu_var%viconi.cre~ ~%tutu_var%viconi4.cre~ ~%tutu_var%viconi6.cre~ ~%tutu_scriptbg%xan.cre~ ~%tutu_var%xan4.cre~ ~%tutu_var%xan6.cre~ ~%tutu_var%xzar.cre~ ~%tutu_var%xzar2.cre~ ~%tutu_var%xzar4.cre~ ~%tutu_var%xzar6.cre~ ~%tutu_var%yeslic.cre~ ~%tutu_var%yeslic5.cre~ ~idemon02.cre~ ~imp01.cre~ ~mepsmo01.cre~ BEGIN ACTION_IF FILE_EXISTS_IN_GAME ~%crefile%~ THEN BEGIN COPY_EXISTING ~%crefile%~ ~override~ LAUNCH_PATCH_MACRO ~enforce_cre_order~ LAUNCH_PATCH_MACRO ~use_v2_eff~ PATCH_IF FILE_EXISTS_IN_GAME ~fw0125.are~ BEGIN //Miloch's Fix buggered Tutu soundslots FOR (s1 = 0xa4; s1 < 0x234; s1 += 0x4) BEGIN READ_LONG s1 ss PATCH_IF (ss > 10000000) BEGIN WRITE_LONG s1 ~-1~ END END END BUT_ONLY_IF_IT_CHANGES END END Link to comment
Nythrun Posted February 17, 2008 Share Posted February 17, 2008 Okies. I have an ostensibly improved version of one of those macros - I'll pass it along once I'm sure it's not volatile. Link to comment
dizzyorange Posted May 9, 2008 Share Posted May 9, 2008 Okies. I have an ostensibly improved version of one of those macros - I'll pass it along once I'm sure it's not volatile. Does the issue mentioned in the original post still happen with the Sneak Peak Version One? I experienced the generic leaving dialogs with beta 6 (or was it 7?) a few months back and was waiting for it to be resolved before (eagerly) installing Lvl1NPCs. Thanks. Link to comment
Nythrun Posted May 10, 2008 Share Posted May 10, 2008 Yeah, that should have been fixed in the sneak peek (I no longer do anything with pdialog.2da). Sneak peek at version two should be up as soon as I finish testing, though nothing official will happen until CamDawg digs himself out of his work-related midden. Link to comment
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