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Game crash at character creation when trying to select Find Familiar


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Hello (again),


I had another nasty discover. Trying to make a mage character with BG2 FixPack v6 installed, the game crashes everytime when my mouse goes over the Find Familiar spell in the character creation screen. I installed with the French language and the crash is reproducable in both Windows and Linux with only Core Fixes from BG2FixPack installed.


I guess this is because the new Find Familiar description I translated is too large for the game. :) I solved this by reinstalling FixPack after having reducing to two dummy lines the @159 string in setup.tra. Sorry guys, I didn't know there was an hard size limit for the spell descriptions. ;)

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Good. Removing 3 paragraphs at the start of the description (strings that were in the original French description already) did the job, so it was indeed a length issue. The strings are not necessary to understand the spell, so no harm done in the fix. I sent you the corrected translation.


Thank you Cam. :)

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If I put the bad and the good description in a file alone (without the @159 and the ~), I have 3998 bytes in the good and 4703 bytes in the bad (with CRLF at end of lines, I don't know how it is saved inside the .tlk).


Since I removed the sentences one by one until it stopped crashing, I suppose the limit is probably 4000 or 4096 bytes.

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Guest Raedwulf
Cut down the descript to a version that doesn't crash, send it to me and I'll update v6.


Works fine in English; any other foreign language players want to check in?


Same problem with german version too (5K Text). After removing the familiar descriptions the crash did not occur again.

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Guest Guest

First: Thanks for your work with this very useful fixpack.


Second: I can confirm this bug in the German translation and think that it should be fixed in the next release. I took the time to shorten the German translation without removing necessary information (it now has 3999 characters):





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