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[SVN Version]Missing Files and blue screen


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Hi, I have managed to install GemRB, to config it, and to run IWDII, but I can't play.


First of all, there are some missing files:

[KEYImporter]: Searching for projectl.ids...[ERROR]
[KEYImporter]: Searching for dexmod.2da...[ERROR]
[KEYImporter]: Searching for WMAPLAY.2da...[NOT FOUND]
[KEYImporter]: Searching for itemdial.2da...[ERROR]


Then, There is no sounds or music. It seems to load the .acm files though.


Finally, when I start a new game with a default team, it immediatly crashes or show the GUI with a blue screen instead of the area, and crashes when I click. Here are the errors shown :


[CHUImporter]: Cannot Load BackGround, skipping
[KEYImporter]: Searching for gcommsb.bam...[FOUND]
[KEYImporter]: Searching for gcommbtn.bam...[FOUND]
[KEYImporter]: Searching for cgear.bam...[FOUND]
[KEYImporter]: Searching for .bam...[ERROR]
[KEYImporter]: Searching for .mos...[ERROR]
[TextEdit]: Invalid font set!
[KEYImporter]: Searching for gactn118.mos...[FOUND]
[CHUImporter]: Cannot Load BackGround, skipping
[KEYImporter]: Searching for guibtbut.bam...[FOUND]
[KEYImporter]: Searching for guirspor.bam...[FOUND]
[KEYImporter]: Searching for guihitpt.bam...[FOUND]
[KEYImporter]: Searching for guibtact.2da...[Found in GemRB Override]
[KEYImporter]: Searching for guibtact.bam...[FOUND]
[KEYImporter]: Searching for FORM6.bam...[FOUND]
[KEYImporter]: Searching for FORM8.bam...[FOUND]
[KEYImporter]: Searching for FORM1.bam...[FOUND]
[KEYImporter]: Searching for FORM9.bam...[FOUND]
[KEYImporter]: Searching for FORM5.bam...[FOUND]
[KEYImporter]: Searching for defsound.2da...[Found in GemRB Override]
[KEYImporter]: Searching for badval.are...[ERROR]
[KEYImporter]: Searching for GUIW10.chu...[FOUND]
[KEYImporter]: Searching for defsound.2da...[Found in GemRB Override]
[KEYImporter]: Searching for badval.are...[ERROR]
Segmentation fault (core dumped)


I think that the problem is the missing "badval.are" file. Is it a lack of my wine setup? I cannot verify it since wine won't launch it (it says the CD is missing). What do you think?

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Ok, now I can go a bit further.

I have used DLCTEP to extract an *.are file (AR1000), I put in $HOME/GemRB/Override/ and renamed it "badval.are"... And it works! SO I can now see the chapter page:




So I think that it is because you renamed the *.are files. But since I don't know what area correspond to "badval", the game is still unplayable. There is still no sound too. Another screenshot of the area loaded, with my team somewhere in the clouds...



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That's Great!

I'll download it today, and tomorrow I will install IWDI, and try to install the latest versions of BGI and BGII, since i bought them ages ago. I have bought the 2CD edition of P:T also because my old 4CD box had a broken CD. If GemRB works, I will test every game. It can be useful, at least to take a few screenshots! :)

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Hi, I hope I don't disturb you, but there are still few bugs:


-I cannot use the menu buttons, so I cannot save, see the inventory, etc. I think that there is a link with this error message :

[KEYImporter]: Searching for guiwctlc.bam...[ERROR]
[CHUImporter]: Cannot Load Button Images, skipping control


-I also cannot tell my characters to go out of the ship at the beginning. They don't seem to find any path, or seem to consider the dock as a non-accessible area.


-Still no sound. Maybe the strangest bug. I have openal installed, GemRB says that it loads the music, but I hear no sound. On an previous version, distributed with a loki installer, the sounds would work, so I don't think it is a hardware problem.


I hope it can be useful! :)

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-Still no sound. Maybe the strangest bug. I have openal installed, GemRB says that it loads the music, but I hear no sound. On an previous version, distributed with a loki installer, the sounds would work, so I don't think it is a hardware problem.


I hope it can be useful! :)


Try to delete the file "libNullsound.so" into the plugins directory. It may preceed the openAL plugin and then override it...

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Yes! Now I have sounds, but they sound quite ugly, they're harshed and interupted.

Maybe lag, I will try under openbox to see. Still better though.

For the libNullsound.so, maybe it woud be wiser to find another solution. I don't know how it works, but I couldn't find it by myself.

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When I am under Gnome I have 35 fps, and under Openbox i am about 45fps. There is no difference between them, but I have the strange sensation that the sound itself ruins the perf. When the sound interrupts, the mouse seems less reactive, but it still shows 45 fps.


Another problem : when I put the cursor to the border to move the camera, it is very too fast. I struggle to center the camera. Is it possible to slow down it in the options?

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When I am under Gnome I have 35 fps, and under Openbox i am about 45fps. There is no difference between them, but I have the strange sensation that the sound itself ruins the perf. When the sound interrupts, the mouse seems less reactive, but it still shows 45 fps.


Another problem : when I put the cursor to the border to move the camera, it is very too fast. I struggle to center the camera. Is it possible to slow down it in the options?

1) Absolutely no idea... Maybe related to IWD2 only, everything ran perfectly for me with BG1/2 , even with some 8-year-old hardware.


2) options->gameplay->mouse scroll speed. :)

(ou peut-être autre chose en francais, je ne joue qu'avec les versions anglaises des jeux...)

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1)I have resolved the problem which was actually related with openal by following these two steps :

-I created the file ~/.openalrc

-I added these two lines :

(define devices '( alsa native ))
(define speaker-num '( 2 ))


It could be a good idea to create a FAQ, and to add this tip which seems to be often met by linux users.


2)The games run faster, even if the movements of the characters and the mouse looks a little laggy. Nevertheless, the animated buttons flow more freely (time button for example). The mouse is more accurate in BG II though.

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It is Ubuntu, so, one of the most known distributions. But I have also seen that Gentoo users met the same problem too.


"Time problem?" What do you mean? I just showed that the clock movement was less interrupted than the character animations. But after having played for almost one hour, I have noticed that it is when the camera moves. I think that this is the alone problem concerning the engine itself, if I'm not wrong. You mean the time go too fast?


The other strange problem is the one I med at the beginning of IWD2 : the characters cannot go out of the ship. Is it because the file AR1000.ini has not been found, or is it linked to the way the paths are calculated? I have no idea.


Yet, even if there are still some missing Guiscripts or files, BGII works far better. I will try to play for a long time to notice most of them! :)

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