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history feats not granted

Guest kestrelle390

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Guest kestrelle390

Hi Domi,


I DLd Bishop's Romance probably a couple weeks ago and so far it's been great fun; but now I'm post-trial and I haven't been granted the history feats "Wrongfully Accused" and "Master Orator." As I won the trial, passed every skill check during the dialogue, and get the Amulet of Truth from Lord Nasher's Chest back at the inn, I know I should've received both, especially by the time I end up back in the Sunken Flagon after fighting Lorne.


I was wondering if this might be linked to your mod, and the conversations that trigger 1) after leaving courtroom or 2) after Wolf says his piece. I've restarted the game pre-trial three times and run the whole thing through again, to no avail--the feats just never show up.

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Could you remove the mod from your override folder and Run the Trial sequence again (just the fast way). See if the feats show up. If they do, then I must have clipped the code somewhere when adding the script to activate Bishop's dialogue.

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Could you remove the mod from your override folder and Run the Trial sequence again (just the fast way). See if the feats show up. If they do, then I must have clipped the code somewhere when adding the script to activate Bishop's dialogue.


Just did. After messing around with everything for a bit, I figured out it wasn't BR eating my history feats--it was either 1) DMCain Companion Multiclassing 2) Charlie's UI 3) TonyK's AI 4) combined Reeron and Kaedrin paks. One of the four also has this irritating tendency to swallow my equipped gear whenever I or my companions level up, so I've removed them for the present until I can figure out which one is causing the problem.


Thanks for the quick reply.

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