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bug reports from afar


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I'm going to use this thread as a place to put bug reports I've got in random ways (e.g., PMs on other forums) so I don't lose them. Here's the first, from SP.


Hi David,


You asked me to let you know what power of the illithids was affecting party members far away, so I just wanted to let you know that it is detonation.


Also, I noticed one or two strange things in Trademeet. Of course, I dont know whether these issues are caused by your mod or not, so please excuse me, I just thought it better to inform you, and leave it up to you. If you would rather I not send you bug reports, please say so! I dont want to irritate you.


Anyway, what happened in Trademeet, is that when I fought Kyland Lind, the Shadow Druid, his cronies only turned on me after he was dead. So he turned red, they stayed blue, and then his party only turned red after he died. I dont know if this could be a normal script processing delay, it seemed to roughly coincide with when Kyland Lind died. Also, when I went into the rakshasa house, knowing as I did that the peasants were actually rakshasa in disguise, I attacked one, and killed it, and the other 2 did not turn on me. they remained as peasants until they were individually attacked.


Can I make one request? I completely understand if you wont have time for requests, or if you dont feel it would benefit your mod. I was thinking, in the planar sphere quest, when you fight the demons, perhaps you could make the demons spawn based on party level, so that a party that has already been through the underdark faces something a bit tougher than the 2 tan arri and the lea lil (sp). if you prefer it like it is thats totally cool, dont worry about it.


thanks a lot for your work on this mod, its really great.




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You asked me to let you know what power of the illithids was affecting party members far away, so I just wanted to let you know that it is detonation.
Detonation is used by one of the small folks in the Planar Sphere too, even without SCS II, and it unfortunately seems to have outstanding range.
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Well, it's not really a bug but the lich guarding Daystar can't see invisibility by script. It's an ability granted to all other liches, thus I think it should be corrected, furthmore it would prevent a stealthy character with the cloak of non detection to easily get Daystar (which counts as a +4 weapon!) at the start of the game.

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You know, DavidW, having a stickied running closed-thread just about bugs (just so that you won't forget about them) would be a great idea.


Both here and at SCS' Forum.


What about it? :)

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