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Coran, myself and a baby...

Darth Slaughter

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hello again...


Well, I open this topic to tell you that I did brielbara's quest, in which she asks to retrieve the book that contains the cure for the curse on her baby, that in fact is coran's daughter.


after finishing the quest, coran asks if I couldn't go back to brielbara, since he looks like regreted for not caring about her and the baby.


I do so, and coran now have the baby with him, togeter with a potion case and a bottle of milk.


Until now, it's ok. the problem is if I remove coran from the party, he leaves the baby with ME! damn... bad elf.


well, is that supposed to happen? How do I give the baby back, since it's unremovable? thanks.

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(Psst... I don't think you are supposed to have him leave the party - the quest isn't finished yet... )


hmmm, now that I'm playing with coran in party, i slept in a inn once, and he complained about the baby.


after that, I slept again and again, and again, and nothing trigger the next dialogue line. What should I do to make this quest finish, let's say... faster?


Do not misunbderstand me: i want to finish the quest, at least, if it has an ending.


I want imoen back and no babies to take care!!!

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since there is no answer... I'll detail what happened:


I would remove coran from the party, but in result, the baby would stay with the main character (removing items from my inventory if it were full).


since i wasn't supposed to remove coran, as the second post mentioned, i waited. When I slept in an inn, coran complained the baby didn't let him sleep well, and I had 3 options: one to ask him to stop complaining and get up, and the other saying it wouldn't be a problem if we sleep some more. the 3rd I can't remember. i chose the 2nd, and slept some more hours.


I continued to play, and this time I went out and slept, and I've got an dynaheir romance dialogue. after that, they sleep, and by the time we wake up, coran delivered the 2 dialogue about the baby, and immediately after that, dynaheir delivered the second part of her romancing dialogue.


Since I wanted to try other dialogue lines in dynaheir conversation, i reload and repeated the process, but coran would never again repeat his second set of dialogue concerning the baby. I continue to play, waiting for him to say something, but i'm almost finishing the chapter by now and nothing.


So what I want is if there's any console command to kick in the dialogues... or what is making it take to long...


thanks and sorry to be so insistent.

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No problem - but the quest takes awhile to resolve. And there are a couple of banters, etc. that kick in only in this state, including the Dynaheir stuff. If you really want spoilers,













there are three baby talks, all on Real Time timers (you can't advance game time by resting your party).



You have just had 1 and 2; 2 is


IF WEIGHT #-3 ~%BGT_VAR% Global("P#CGBabyTalk","GLOBAL",4)~ THEN BEGIN CGBabyTalk2
SAY @1393
++ @1394 DO ~SetGlobal("P#CGBabyTalk","GLOBAL",5) RealSetGlobalTimer("P#CGBabyTalkTime","GLOBAL",COROM_TIMER)~ + COBAB2.1
++ @1395 DO ~SetGlobal("P#CGBabyTalk","GLOBAL",5) RealSetGlobalTimer("P#CGBabyTalkTime","GLOBAL",COROM_TIMER)~ + COBAB2.2
++ @1396 DO ~SetGlobal("P#CGBabyTalk","GLOBAL",5) RealSetGlobalTimer("P#CGBabyTalkTime","GLOBAL",COROM_TIMER)~ + COBAB2.3
++ @1397 DO ~SetGlobal("P#CGBabyTalk","GLOBAL",5) RealSetGlobalTimer("P#CGBabyTalkTime","GLOBAL",COROM_TIMER)~ + COBAB2.4
++ @1398 DO ~SetGlobal("P#CGBabyTalk","GLOBAL",5) RealSetGlobalTimer("P#CGBabyTalkTime","GLOBAL",COROM_TIMER)~ + COBAB2.2


so you can see the time you have to wait is dependent on the Coran Romance timer setting you used. (In real time).


You will eventually get a chance to help Coran make a decision,



@1432 = ~I received a message from Brielbara, <CHARNAME>. Her affairs are settled, and she’d like to take Namara back.~


and based on your decision there are lots of possibilities:


IF WEIGHT #-3 ~%BGT_VAR% Global("P#CGBabyTalk","GLOBAL",6)~ THEN BEGIN CGBabyTalk3
SAY @1432
++ @1433 DO ~SetGlobal("P#CGBabyTalk","GLOBAL",7)~ + COBAB3.1
++ @1434 DO ~SetGlobal("P#CGBabyTalk","GLOBAL",7)~ + COBAB3.2
+ ~!Global("P#CoranVow","GLOBAL",1)~ + @1435 DO ~SetGlobal("P#CGBabyTalk","GLOBAL",7)~ + COBAB3.4A
+ ~Global("P#CoranVow","GLOBAL",1)~ + @1435 DO ~SetGlobal("P#CGBabyTalk","GLOBAL",7)~ + COBAB3.4B
+ ~Global("P#CoranVow","GLOBAL",1)~ + @1436 DO ~SetGlobal("P#CGBabyTalk","GLOBAL",7)~ + COBAB3.5A
+ ~!Global("P#CoranVow","GLOBAL",1) RandomNum(2,1)~ + @1436 DO ~SetGlobal("P#CGBabyTalk","GLOBAL",7)~ + COBAB3.5A
+ ~!Global("P#CoranVow","GLOBAL",1) RandomNum(2,2)~ + @1436 DO ~SetGlobal("P#CGBabyTalk","GLOBAL",7)~ + COBAB3.5B


Let me know if you want more spoilers...

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well, played some more...


left my computer with the game on for 3 hours. I did nothing at all. Nothing happened.


I think you imagined that This problem is somewhat related to a coran romance.


No. I'm not romancing coran, as I said, since my character is a male, and is romancing dynaheir.


The dialogue lines I refer to is after yago's quest, in which I help brielbara to retrieve a book with a solution for the curse on namara.


I did this with coran on my party. after sometime, he regreted not taking care of his baby, namara. He asks me to go back to brielbara, and she asks coran to take care of the baby for a while. after having the baby, coran complains a little after a night of sleeping, saying the baby couldn't let him have a good night, so he asks to have another rest time.


I'm with coran now just waitig for an oportunity to give the baby back to brielbara, but I've done the iron throne building, the merchant consortium, and seven suns, and in fact, nobody in the party manifests any banter by now. I'm with almost the same party by now, which is jaheira, khalid, minsc and dynaheir. I was playing with imoen, but exchanged her with coran to do the baby quest.


what I want now is coran bantering with me about the baby, not romacing. And i think the banters are not dependent of romancing time. which in my case I set the defaut time (1 hour).


I say again that I left my game on for a long and long time without doing nothing. no banter at all. Dynaheir romancing is workin perfectly so far, the dilogues now are the ones triggered by resting (LT22, LT23), so, i won't receive (LT24) at each hour, since the dilogues before have to meet special conditions.


The no banters, I believe, is because I kinda used them all, since I'm with the same characters for the whole game.


So, what can i do to make coran banter, and give the baby back to brielbara, considering I'm not romancing him, nor do I have coran friendship installed.


the problem, so far, is the quest. so, any console commands to make the dialogue progress?

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So, let me see if I understand you. You want to speed up the clock so Coran can get rid of the baby?


It's going to take a while, I'm afraid. Namara's going to be in Coran's custody for something like three weeks.


Since this runs on a game timer, not a real timer, leaving the game on pause won't help. You're going to have to let the time pass in game. Your best bet is sleeping your way through it, if you just want to get rid of Namara, or hit CTRL-T about 500 times.

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So, let me see if I understand you. You want to speed up the clock so Coran can get rid of the baby?


It's going to take a while, I'm afraid. Namara's going to be in Coran's custody for something like three weeks.


Since this runs on a game timer, not a real timer, leaving the game on pause won't help. You're going to have to let the time pass in game. Your best bet is sleeping your way through it, if you just want to get rid of Namara, or hit CTRL-T about 500 times.


three weeks in game? or three weeks real time? anyway, at least now i have something to start... a deadline... hehehe.


and well, I let my game go on UNpaused. I just loaded the game, and let it go...




well, while i typed this, I went in game to test this "control-t" thing. It worked. I was worried that nothing would happen at all... Since he stopped bantering about the baby. I was afraid the quest broke or something.


Now, I know that I can keep coran for a while, and that he will do something related to the baby eventually. won't use ctrl-t.


anyway, thank you very much... and sorry for pestering... and writing so much... :D


PS: I'm still far from finishing the game... so, i'll probably get back. hehehe :):):):D

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