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Assassin poison?


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I'm having a bit of trouble with this. If the subject fails their save, they seem to take the correct damage. If they save vs death, they are only taking 2-3 points of damage.


If I want to revert to the vanilla BG2 poison weapon version (ie. without the fixpack), can I do so (eg. by deleting files in the override directory?)





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Plucking spwi422a.eff out of your override ought to do it (leave spwi422.eff alone unless you want the poison to check the best saving throw rather than vs death).


We really should be patching thusly instead:

COPY_EXISTING spwi422a.eff override
 WRITE_LONG 0x28 0x0c

although it's never going to match the description without another two .effs.

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Yeah, typo :)




come to think of it, we could probably get away with just adding spcl422a.eff twice and not changing the rate.




Dropping the spcl422a.eff patch and something like the below should work.

COPY_EXISTING spcl423.spl override
READ_LONG  0x64 ho
READ_SHORT 0x68 hc
READ_LONG  0x6a eo
FOR (i1 = 0x00; i1 < hc; i1 += 0x01) BEGIN
  READ_SHORT  ho + 0x28 * i1 + 0x1e ec
  WRITE_SHORT ho + 0x28 * i1 + 0x1e ec + 0x02
  READ_SHORT  ho + 0x38 * i1 + 0x20 ei
  WRITE_SHORT ho + 0x38 * i1 + 0x20 ei + 0x02 * i1
  FOR (i2 = 0x00; i2 < ec; i2 += 0x01) BEGIN
	READ_LONG  eo + 0x30 * (ei + i2 + (0x02 * i1)) + 0x0e dr
	WRITE_LONG eo + 0x30 * (ei + i2 + (0x02 * i1)) + 0x0e dr = 0x1e ? 0x18 : dr
  FOR (i2 = 0x00; i2 < 0x02; i2 += 0x1) BEGIN
	INSERT_BYTES eo + 0x30 * (ei + ec + i2 + (0x02 * i1)) + 0x00 0x30
	WRITE_SHORT  eo + 0x30 * (ei + ec + i2 + (0x02 * i1)) + 0x00 0xf8 + i2
	WRITE_BYTE   eo + 0x30 * (ei + ec + i2 + (0x02 * i1)) + 0x02 0x02
	WRITE_BYTE   eo + 0x30 * (ei + ec + i2 + (0x02 * i1)) + 0x12 0x64
	WRITE_ASCII  eo + 0x30 * (ei + ec + i2 + (0x02 * i1)) + 0x14 spcl422a

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Because poison effects need to be identical in all but duration in order to stack?


I'll check it again, but as far as I recall all of the persistent states work like that.


I also read the description of a failed saving throw as one damage per second for twenty-four seconds, three damage per second for the first six of those. Which is pretty crazy, but even the nerfed by 20% version we're peddling means you don't get to take uninterrupted actions anymore.

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Nope. Regenerate (and possibly disease), sure, but poison is handled well enough.


I read it as 1/s*24 + 2/s*6 (- 1/s*24 iff save) which writing two simple DWORDs happens to implement. The question, then, is whether I read it like that because that's the way it should be or because that's the easiest way to correct the files?


You decide. ;-)

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Hmm, I can't get two poison effects that differ in the type parameter to stack at all. What's going on here?


We need to extend the spcl423.spl patch anyway (durations are all too long, should only matter for the icon) - any maybe try shoving that in before the anti-cumulativity patch. I'm wondering now if "assassin poison shouldn't stack with itself" was really meant to apply to the target?


Thirty-six damage total on a failed save? We're parsing the description in the same way, we're just not doing that yet :)


Once again, a fixpack release prompts an Epimethian flood of teensy issues :)

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I get a six "1 damage\n2 damage" pairs and a bunch of "1 damage" singles afterward when Imoen force-casts SPCL423 and stabs Abdel.


EDIT: the only issue I see (barring exhaustive testing) is if you try to have two with different rates (e.g., 1/s and 2/2s), but the 1/s and 2/s used here work fine for me from either of hit effect or use EFF or straight poison on hit.


While we're here with EFFs:

WRITE_LONG 0x60 0x5

WRITE_LONG 0x60 0x5

Interestingly, the DWORD after param3 (0x64) can be used for the third ability charges with some creation opcodes (I suspect this is a ToB-only hack for the magic flute).

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EDIT: the only issue I see (barring exhaustive testing) is if you try to have two with different rates (e.g., 1/s and 2/2s), but the 1/s and 2/s used here work fine for me from either of hit effect or use EFF or straight poison on hit.



wish14d.eff and wish14g.eff so we're not after the mythical nine-character resref?

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