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Natural Selection/Twist Pack/Morrow Gate

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Checking my modder e-mail after *several* months of absence, I discovered some surprising questions. This message should clarify some issues regarding my mods.


Both Natural Selection and Twist Pack are *obsolete* and should *not* be available for download. All of both mod's features have been updated and included in my Morrow Gate mod.


Reasons you should use Morrow Gate instead of the original versions of NS and TP:

- application of changes to mod-added kits

- increased compatibility

- better coding

- support (I'm more likely to help you resolve issues if you're using the current version)


Information concerning the mod can be found at my forum at RPG Dungeon, courtesy of all-around-master-of-evil Rastor.







------ XXX Morrow Gate 0.9D XXX ------



Morrow Gate is designed for systems having BGII - SOA and TOB, the official TOB patch 26498, and either the Baldurdash fixpack OR the G3 Fixpack installed. It should be compatible with most other WeiDU mods.


It is likely best to install Morrow Gate AFTER all other mods, or as close to last in the install order as possible (as is the case with most tweak packs).


Please direct any questions or comments to: aWoundedLion@yahoo.com







This component allows 'protection items' to be used together in any combination and with magical armors.







This component allows players to create trueclass Rangers of any alignment (this does not extend to Ranger kits). Fallen Rangers now retain and continue to gain abilities.







This component renames Fallen Rangers to either Rangers or Dark Rangers (player choice).







This component nullifies the effect of reputation on item prices. To clarify, reputation does *NOT* affect the price of items in shops under this component. Item pricing becomes a function of Charisma.





11 5%

12 10%

13 15%

14 20%

15 25%

16 30%

17 35%

18 40%

19 45%

20 50%

21 55%

22 60%

23 65%

24 70%

25 75%





13 1%

14 3%

15 5%

16 7%

17 9%

18 11%

19 13%

20 15%

21 17%

22 19%

23 21%

24 23%

25 25%







The Ring of Human Influence renders the Charisma attribute almost non-functional in BG2 by allowing essentially any character that wishes to complete the relatively short and easy Circus quest to have a Charisma of 18. This component revises the RoHI to grant a +5 bonus to Charisma, simultaneously reducing its 'cheat value' and rendering the item useful to characters already possessing a Charisma of 18. Neat, huh?







This component revises cure spells to scale with caster level.


Cure Light Wounds (Lv1)

Lv1: 8 HP

Lv8: 16 HP

Lv16: 24 HP


Good Berries (Lv2)

Lv1: 1 handful of berries

Lv8: 2 handful of berries

Lv16: 3 handful of berries

*Each handful of berries heals 12 HP


Cure Medium Wounds (Lv3)

Lv1: 16 HP

Lv8: 24 HP

Lv16: 32 HP


Cure Serious Wounds (Lv4)

Lv1: 24 HP

Lv8: 32 HP

Lv16: 40 HP


Cure Critical Wounds (Lv5)

Lv1: 32 HP

Lv8: 40 HP

Lv16: 48 HP







This component allows Breach to remove Iron Skins and affect Rakshasa creatures.


If you are using Sword Coast Stategems II, install its similar component instead.







This component reduces the minimum strength required to use composite long bows (including those added by mods) from 18 to 15.


Strong Arm +2 is unaffected and retains its strength requirement of 19.







Under this component, Good-aligned Clerics will fall at a reputation of eight. All spellcasting and divine abilites are lost.







This component allows players to create trueclass Paladins of any alignment (this does not extend to Paladin kits). Fallen Paladins now retain and continue to gain abilities.


Note: A character must commit an evil act (theft, murder, etc) to become a Fallen Paladin.









This component causes Fallen Paladins to gain Detect Good instead of Detect Evil and to gain Protection From Good instead of Protection From Evil. Three new spells (Detect Good, Protection From Good, and Protection From Good 10' Radius) are added to Fallen Paladins' spellbooks.


Note: A character must commit an evil act (theft, murder, etc) to become a Fallen Paladin and gain the new spells.


Note: Visit http://www.gibberlings3.net/ -> The home of Divine Remix and other great mods!







This component renames Fallen Paladins to Paladins, Dark Paladins, or Blackguards (player choice).


Note: A character must commit an evil act (theft, murder, etc) to become a Fallen Paladin.







This component allows Monks to use bastard swords, axes, warhammers, flails, and maces. Monks are now able to place up to five proficiency points into any allowed weapon. Monks now begin with four proficiency points at the first level and gain additional proficiency points every three levels. Monks are now able to place up to two proficiency points into Single Weapon Style. Monks now roll D10 for hit points instead of D8.







SRR is an altered version of Westley Weimer's Shapeshifter Rebalancing (available in Ease of Use and BG2 Tweaks). This component is based on code shamelessly stolen from BG2 Tweaks (available at http://www.gibberlings3.net/).



- Both paw items now use a wolf paw icon instead of a bear claw icon.

- Immunity to normal weapons has been removed from lesser werewolf paw item.

- The greater werewolf paw item has been moved from Lv13 to Lv15

- Regeneration has been reduced from 3 HP per second to 1 HP per second for the greater werewolf paw item.

- Damage has been reduced from 1D12 to 1D10 for the lesser werewolf paw item.

- Damage has been reduced from 2D8 to 2D6 for the greater werewolf paw item.

- Elemental resistances have been reduced from 50% to 25% for the greater werewolf paw item.

- The annoying form-change animation has been removed from both paw items.

- The Shapeshifter kit description is updated to reflect SRR changes (SR did not update the description)

- A bug in the stolen G3 code has been fixed; the description for Conjure Animals is now applied to the correct offset.


90% credit: Westley Weimer, creator of the original SR

5% credit: G3, for slightly modernized code

5% credit: Me, for fixing the bug in the G3 code and adjusting SR for playability


I doubt that anyone should mind my appropriating this component. However, if someone wishes to voice any such complaints to me, or to report bugs with this component (bug reports for SRR go to me, NOT Weimer, NOT G3), feel free to e-mail me (awoundedlion@yahoo.com).


SRR shapeshifters are (despite my adjustments) very powerful but (hopefully) somewhat more balanced.







The Arcane Archer is a warrior skilled in using magic to supplement his or her combat prowess. Master of the bow and student of magic, the Archer is an arrowsmith of the highest calibur. The Archer's sharp eyes and enhanced vision are not easily decieved by hostile illusions.




+1 DEX


Called Shot at Lv4, Lv8, and Lv12


Spells (once per day):


Lv1 Infravision

Lv2 Armor

Lv5 Detect Illusion

Lv6 Protection From Normal Missiles

Lv9 Oracle

Lv10 Breach

Lv13 True Sight

Lv14 Physical Mirror


Craft Arrows (once per day):


Lv1 10 Arrows

Lv3 10 Arrows of Ice

Lv4 10 Arrows of Fire

Lv6 10 Arrows +1

Lv7 10 Arrows of Acid

Lv9 3 Arrows of Dispelling

Lv11 10 Arrows +2

Lv13 3 Arrows of Detonation

Lv15 10 Arrows +3

Lv17 1 Arrow of Slaying (Humanoid)




May not wear armor greater than studded leather


May not place more than one proficiency point into any melee weapon







The Hellion is a fierce warrior who honors the Dark Prince of the Hells. He or she respects strength, power, and cunning above all else. The Hellion is a student of the Black Arts and may summon Fiends to his side in battle (though these are apt to turn on the Hellion if he or she has not cast protective magics).




Immune to Death Magic


May cast Protection From Evil 10' Radius once per day per level


May cast Banish once per day every four levels starting at Lv4


Lv12 May cast Death Spell once per day

Lv14 May cast Cacofiend once per day

Lv16 May cast Summon Fiend once per day

Lv18 May cast Gate once per day

Lv20 May cast Summon Dark Planetar once per day




May not be of a Good alignment


May not Dual-Class except to Mage or Thief


May not place more than three proficiency points into any bladed weapon


May not place more than one proficiency point into any non-bladed weapon






Level: Special

Range: 50

Duration: Instant

Casting Time: 1

Area of Effect: 1 Summoned Fiend

Saving Throw: None


This spell banishes a summoned Fiend back to the Lower Planes.







The Darkfriend Druid kit is fully compatible with Divine Remix (regardless of install order).


DARKFRIEND: Darkfriends are Druids that have a special connection with creatures that most people think of as monsters. To a Darkfriend, a wyvern is just as natural as a wolf. Darkfriends often have poor repuations among cities, towns, and villages and are most at home in the deep woods.


Some Darkfriends attempt to minimize conflict between certain monsters and civilization and to promote peaceful coexistence. Others work to preserve balance by stopping Great Hunts called against wyverns or spiders. Some aggressive Darkfriends promote the destruction of civilization and society and organize monsters to raze villages and towns.




The following spells are added to the Darkfriend's spellbook:


Charm Monsters at Lv5

Summon Spiders at Lv7

Wyvern Call at Lv9




No Shapeshifting Abilities







Druids (and all Druid kits including those added by mods) may choose Neutral Good, Lawful Neutral, True Neutral, Chaotic Neutral, or Neutral Evil as their alignment.







Druids (and all Druid kits including those added by mods) may place one proficiency slot in both Shortbows and Longbows and up to two proficiency slots in Two Handed Style. Druids begin the game with one proficiency slot in Two Handed Style.







Druids (and all Druid kits including those added by mods) gain Nature's Blessing (+2 Wisdom bonus) at Level 27.







Druids (and all Druid kits including those added by mods) gain two restoration spells that render the class a viable alternative to the Cleric. Also, two improved charm spells strengthen the Druid's arsenal ('Charm Person or Mammal' is WEAK).







This component adds Breach to the spellbook of trueclass Clerics and Druids, Cleric kits, and Druid kits.







This component adds the Find Familiar ability to trueclass Druids and Rangers, Druid kits, and Ranger kits.







Under a default game installation, Amnian guardsmen (triggered by proximity traps in the Docks, Slums, Bridge District, and Waukeen's Promenade areas) attempt to execute the player party when its reputation reaches 3. The player party has no choice but to fight.


Under this component, Amnian guardsmen (via the same proximity traps) detain the player party when its reputation reaches 4. The player party can bribe, fight, or pay a restitution fee to the guardsmen. A bribe buys the party freedom from harassment for at least one day. A restitution fee restores the party's reputation to 5.



4 250 Gold 16 CHR + 25 Gold

3 500 Gold 17 CHR + 50 Gold

2 750 Gold 18 CHR + 75 Gold

1 1000 Gold 19 CHR + 100 Gold







Kalah's Tower Stronghold for Evil Protagonists + Tower Guardian Stronghold Quest


EDIT: updated to reflect current version of mod and site updates

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Hey, I didn't even know you were the author of Natural Selection, and if I did, I didn't make the connection... not with Morrow Gate anyway.


I'll take a look at it when I get around to the Druid Remix stuff again... I too have to put modding on hold sometimes. Hope you get around to finishing MG in any case, from what I recall, it looked pretty cool.

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Thanks to both of you for the kind words.


Despite its beta/preview status, most of Morrow Gate's components have been play-tested and proven stable and bug-free. The Better Business: Kalah quests *might* need tweaking; I think that I may have had to overwrite something instead of changing it interactively... The component works as intended but might be incompatible with some mods that alter things/people in the circus quest. I use the mod (of course), and I haven't encountered any bugs. So... Feel free to use the mod now rather than wait for the 1.0 release (which may be a while).

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Great! I have two questions:


- the Revised Amnian Guardsmen component looks very interesting. Is it implemented and stable in v0.7?


- the Revised Item Pricing in Store component is also a good idea (at least something that makes Charisma a bit more useful; now if someone could make up something for Wisdom...). Anyway, I find the discount gets too high once you charisma raises above 16. is there any way to "cap" the discount? Actually is there any easy way to modify the discount values?


My table would look like this:



11 5%

12 5%

13 5%

14 10%

15 10%

16 15%

17 15%

18 20%

19 20%

20 25%

21 25%

22 30%

23 40%

24 45%

25 50%


One of my big complaints about BG and BGII is that by the end, you have so much money that it is nearly useless. I seek to rectify this inbalance by using components such as SCSII's "Increase the price asked by Gaelan Bayle" and usually BG2 Tweak's "Remove effect of reputation on store price" (but now, I would be using your mod).

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- the Revised Amnian Guardsmen component looks very interesting. Is it implemented and stable in v0.7?


The Revised Amnian Guardsmen component is stable and bug-free in my games thus far.


I don't have much player feedback concerning whether or not the new guards (scaled to match the party level) are too difficult or too easy to defeat if you choose to fight instead of pay the fines or bribe them. If you use the component, drop me a quick e-mail and let me know if I should adjust the guards level/scripts/weapons/etc.


- the Revised Item Pricing in Store component is also a good idea (at least something that makes Charisma a bit more useful; now if someone could make up something for Wisdom...). Anyway, I find the discount gets too high once you charisma raises above 16. is there any way to "cap" the discount? Actually is there any easy way to modify the discount values?


My table would look like this:



11 5%

12 5%

13 5%

14 10%

15 10%

16 15%

17 15%

18 20%

19 20%

20 25%

21 25%

22 30%

23 40%

24 45%

25 50%


One of my big complaints about BG and BGII is that by the end, you have so much money that it is nearly useless. I seek to rectify this inbalance by using components such as SCSII's "Increase the price asked by Gaelan Bayle" and usually BG2 Tweak's "Remove effect of reputation on store price" (but now, I would be using your mod).


Yes, this is easily modified. I'm not at my personal computer right now, but when I return home (tomorrow morning or afternoon) I will post an explanation of how to alter the file that controls this aspect of the game. It's easy; I just don't remember the exact name of the file at the moment. Hell, since you've shown interest in the mod, maybe I'll even a code a new option for implementing for your scale. :)


EDIT: Spelling

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Hell, since you've shown interest in the mod, maybe I'll even a code a new option for implementing for your scale. :)
Of course, with WeiDU subcomponents, you could have as many options as you wanted. Since "having too much money" seems to be a main gripe in BG2 (would that real life were the same), I'd probably cap it even lower, something like:


11 2%

12 4%

13 5%

14 7%

15 8%

16 10%

17 12%

18 15%

19 17%

20 18%

21 20%

22 22%

23 23%

24 24%

25 25%

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Yeah Miloch's table would be even better I think. Anyway Wounded_Lion, it's up to you, I don't want burden you needlessly...


I just read somewhere else that Charisma already has an influence on item prices in the vanilla game. Does anyone know the exact values?

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Yeah Miloch's table would be even better I think. Anyway Wounded_Lion, it's up to you, I don't want burden you needlessly...


I just read somewhere else that Charisma already has an influence on item prices in the vanilla game. Does anyone know the exact values?


By default, Charisma affects item prices according to the chrmodst.2da file:




This file defines charisma modification to store prices.

In BG2 ToB we have:


2DA V1.0


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25

1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -5 -10 -15 -20 -25 -25 -25 -25 -25 -25


By default, Reputation affects item prices according to the repmodst.2da file:




This file defines the price of items in stores.

The first row indicates the players charimsa.

The second row indicates the percentage of the items base price to charge.

In BG2 ToB we have:


2DA V1.0


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

1 1000 1000 200 150 140 130 120 120 110 100 100 100 100 100 95 90 85 80 75 70


This information comes directly from The Infinity Engine Structures Description Project, a very useful modding reference.


As you can see, by default Charisma has a small effect on item price; however, Reputation has a huge effect on item price.


These files could be changed interactively; however, such an effort would be needlessly complex because only one mod's revision to each file may be in effect at a time.


The best method of altering the files is to export them using Near Infinity (the beta version is preferable, and to use the program you'll need to have Java installed on your computer), alter them using a text editor like Crimson Editor (available in the Downloads section of the Emerald Editor site), and copy them into your game using WeiDU.


A simple tp2 for altering these affects could look like:


BACKUP ~YourMod/backup~
AUTHOR ~YourMail@yahoo.com~

BEGIN ~Revised Charisma and Reputation Discounts~

COPY ~YourMod/REPMODST.2da~ ~override~
 ~YourMod/CHRMODST.2da~ ~override~


The next version of Morrow Gate (due to be released in 1 to 2 weeks; now that I've started tweaking it I might as well finish incorporating Twist Pack... :)) will include an alternate revision based on your suggestion.




EDIT: Clarity

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This file defines the price of items in stores.

The first row indicates the players charimsa.

The second row indicates the percentage of the items base price to charge.

Apart from the word above being misspelled, I'm almost certain that should say reputation, not charisma - for this table, anyway. I'll report it to the IESDP maintainers, who appear to be making a round of changes.


Glad to hear you're working toward a new release. Eh, can you make it Tutu-compatible while you're at it? :) For the bits that aren't entirely BG2-specific, anyway. Those things like engine, tables, etc. should be pretty much the same between BG2 and Tutu.

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Glad to hear you're working toward a new release. Eh, can you make it Tutu-compatible while you're at it? :D For the bits that aren't entirely BG2-specific, anyway. Those things like engine, tables, etc. should be pretty much the same between BG2 and Tutu.


Expect progress to come at a slow pace. ;)


The single most common question that I receive about my mods is:


Is it compatible with Tutu? If not, can you make it compatible with Tutu?


The problem is that I don't know.


I don't know if it's compatible with Tutu. I don't know how to make it compatible with Tutu if it isn't. I've never played a full game of BG1 Tutu. I installed it, played a bit with it, and deleted it.


But... I think I'll take some time to poke around the forums for some advice/tutorials/etc on Tutu compatibility. Expect some kind of news regarding Morrow Gate and Tutu, but don't expect it soon... :thumbsup:



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Guest Teflon

Could you do similar revisions to all the scripted encounters with guards in BG2 (and BG1 via BGT, while you are at it!) as you did with the "Revised Amnish Guardsmen" component? I like the idea of being able to buy back at least some of the lost REP for a given crime by paying a substantial fine, or bribing the guards (less gold, but with a clever CHA requirement) to avoid the increased notoriety from simply killing them.


I like these tweaks. It is an appreciated find for me tonight :thumbsup:

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