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dyaneir romance, info missing

Guest Guest_mike_*

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Guest Guest_mike_*

No special conditions, Sequential: LT1, LT2, LT3, LT6, LT7, LT8, LT9, LT10, LT12,

LT14, LT20, LT24

At rest in an INN: LT4

Player has less than 96% hit Points: LT13,

In a CITY: LT15

At Rest: LT17, LT21,

At Rest, OUTDOOR: LT11, LT22, LT25


At Waking: LT5, LT19, LT23,

After getting GORION’s Letter: LT28, LT29, LT30

Entered Undercity: LT26

After Killing Sarevok: LT27


is it just me or is LT16 not listed, can someone tell me if theres a special condition to trigger it :)

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Yeah, there's... issues there, heh.


I recently brought it up in this post (which itself refers to another thread):





So it's been reported a few times, but I don't know if this particular issue has been fixed in the next version or not. Actually I'll be trying to test it fairly soon (possibly today) but in less than ideal conditions (applying the new version and then loading saved game from older version and seeing if it works).


For now, if you aren't getting Lovetalk 16 to fire, and you know how to use the console, check the value of the X#DYLOVETALK variable. I'm betting it's stuck at 30. Set it to 31, and the romance should continue.



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