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Want to test v3 friendship path?


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Version 3 offers an extended friendship path and more interjections in Ulgoth's Beard.


I'm looking for a few folks who are willing to test the friendship path. Ideally, I'd like testers who are playing with BG1 NPC v15 installed before Gavin, and who are willing to play through Gavin's quest as well. I'm considering the necessity of a quest giver who isn't Kelddath Ormlyr, but I'd really prefer to use him as the quest giver. With that in mind, I'm interested in seeing if his quests still work after the recent changes to BG1 NPC's interjection structure.


Please send me a PM or an email to berelinde_@_gmail.com, deleting the underscores I include only to fool the spambots.


Thanks in advance!

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Never mind. Tested the new talks and interjections myself, and it all works fine, as do Gavin's quests, even using Ormlyr as a quest giver.


So, it's just packaging in the SFX thing and asking CamDawg to upload the new version.

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