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need help with portrait sizing for IWD1

Lord of Al

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im starting up IWD for the playtest of IWD NPC, and for the lack of any real "knight" portraits i cut my own from the brettonian armybook from warhammer, just 2 which i liked, the small portraits load fine in the game but the large ones don't, they just have the ? marks in character creation, about the portraits, they are the right sizes,


large: 110x170



they are saved as bitmaps, and i cannot understand why the large ones aren't loading up, here are the links to the portraits if anyone can help me. (photobucket loaded them as jpegs but they are bitmap in my portrait folder.








if it helps i did these in windows paint. Yes that's right, paint.


No worries, fixed, these images are free to use!

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Guest EarthquakeDamage

It's entirely possible the IWD1 is picky about a bitmap's format. Check the bits-per-pixel setting of valid portraits and compare them to your invalid one. I don't have IWD1 installed to confirm, but checking a large image from a portrait pack I just grabbed off Sorcerer's Place tells me it accepts 24 bpp.

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