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NPC item appears and disappears in inventory. How to fix?


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I have the BTL mod (Kiyone & Kova) installed in my BGII - SoA/ToB game, and for some unknown reason, Kiyone's bow has left her hand, and constantly appears and disappears in her backpack. On the main game screen, as this happens, I see endless repetitions of "The party has gained an item" in the text area. I can't grab the bow to equip it. Can this be corrected, short of restoring & reinstalling all my mods?


I tried uninstalling the mod component "Better Balanced BTL items," which nerfs the special items, but that ended in failure with many error messages, so of course that had no effect.


TIA for any help with this. The current saved game is useless in this condition, as I want to continue with Kiyone in the party.


Happy modding,


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Eric, I would suggest posing such questions in the appropriate forum rather than in a general discussion forum, since the creator will be able to help you more readily. :)


Normally, I'd do that, but after some experimentation, the creator is stumped. He thought perhaps the issue is a "Mac thing," but I disagree. So...if there's a forum here that's similar to "IE Modding Help" over at SHS, I'd like the thread to be relocated. Whatever the appropriate forum is. It's my experience that some of the forums are elusive, so you have my apologies for stumbling around in the dark here.




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If its one of those scripted personal items that only they can have in their inventory, the scripting for it may be screwed up.


The item in question is something that any character can use. Zyraen (the creator) thought perhaps the item's upgrade variable was messed with, so he had me enter a GetGlobal for it, but the result was that the variable did not exist.


My fear is that the only solution will be a complete restore and reinstall procedure. Before resorting to that, though, I'll run some test games to get Kiyone in the party and see how her bow behaves.




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