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What happens when I want to change an NPC in different ways for different games?

Gnick O Thyme

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One of the reasons I'd added the Tamper With Weapon Proficiencies component is so people wouldn't have to worry about install order vis-a-vis Ashes of Embers. I don't add dexterity requirements to anything, though, so if you want that, AoE is the way to go.


It'll stop mattering once you start your game, regardless.


Crossbows have a strength requirement of 12 for no apparent reason, so Jan needs to cast Strength before using them :laugh: You folks want something done about that?


/end hijack of Monty Python

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Jan's own crossbow is probably the best for him anyway, so it's probably best just the way it is.


Crossbows have a strength requirement of 12 because the little buggers are a pain in the left buttock to cock. Look at late medieval illustrations of them, and you'll see all kinds of winches and levers people used to cock them. All this makes a crossbow an extremely slow, but extremely powerful weapon. A person with average or especially below average strength would have a tough time using one with anything approaching the BG2 fire rate.

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Crossbows have a strength requirement of 12 for no apparent reason, so Jan needs to cast Strength before using them ;) You folks want something done about that?


Um... remove the requirement? :laugh: As long as it doesn't introduce twenty new components, it would definitely be an advantage for me.

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As long as it doesn't introduce twenty new components,


That's the trick, isn't it :laugh:


If you prefer Shadowkeeper, by all means - it's both less powerful and buggier than this mod is at the moment, though, and (fingers crossed) the latter isn't going to change.

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