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Who else is currently waiting on a book?


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Hmmm.... let's see...


Tamora Pierce's fourth book in "The Circle Opens" series


J.K. Rowling's Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince (next book - hoorah!)


Eoin Colfer's next book in "The Artemis Fowl" series... if there is one. There *better* be, cause he can't just end it like that!!!


That's all I can think of at the moment, though there may be more I'm forgetting... :)

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Eoin Colfer's next book in "The Artemis Fowl" series... if there is one. There *better* be, cause he can't just end it like that!!!

There's "The Opal Deception" out now. I haven't read it, though I mean to soon.


The next Harry Potter (hopefully it's better than the last one...)


Any new Margaret Atwood/Dave Eggers/Jonathon Safran Foer/Terry Pratchett books.

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I have tracked down a paperback version of the Legends I, part 2 (O, my did it puzzle half of the personel at Chapters book store to find out that there are Legends I part 2 which includes the Hedge Knight, the short novel, there are Legends II and there is Hedge Knight the illustrated novel... I felt that I was giving a short course on SoIF and publishing of the large manuscripts in fantasy literature) in my attempts to survive till early August when they promissed to have the Feast. So, soon I will have the full ASoIF collection cycle... v. happy.

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(dreamy smile) I remember walking up to the Moscow Tver bookstore half an hour before it opened the day sixth Harry Potter went out, and even waking up at nine instead of eleven...


But yeah, I can imagine how you are eager for "Feast of Crows'. I am deep into the first book, myself. (No spoilers, no spoilers!!)

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I was prepared to wait until Neil Gaiman's Anansi Boys was released in paperback, but then I found that there's already a cheaper edition out (soft covers, but the same size as the hard cover. I'm sure the format is called something, but I can't remember what).


The book was excellent, and I recommend it to anyone, but now I find myself in the strange situation of not waiting for a book for about six months. Perhaps I should pick up George R. R. Martin again...

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Oh, you don't have it yet?


* Idobek turns a page


*Groans* Calgary's books ship in from Toronto, apparently, so I was left with staring at someone else's book ordered with the courier, and the promise that it shall come well... as soon as the shipment comes from Toronto. I guess, I will just have to plunge myself into wor- modding. :D

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I'm waiting for the last Harry Potter book, and the next Wheel of Time book. Both just had new installments come out, but I can't wait until the next ones!


I already know the title of the next Wheel of Time book. Memory of Light. Sounds alright. I just hope it's as good as the last one.

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