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Need a few strings


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Need a few German translations:


UPDATE: These are all done, but see the last couple of posts for additional strings needed.


Sound clips:

~Hmm, I'll say I... hey, wait a minute!~

~Well... *sigh* so much for living forever, huh?~

~Cities have their place... as far away from me as possible.~

~Aye... ye are indeed a trusted companion.~

~This is not a place meant for the living.~

~Increase XP cap to level 40?~

~Level 40 changes~

~Well met, Bruenor. We have not the time for this. These young brigands seem to take sport in attacking anyone they please. But I dare say today they have made a mistake by choosing to attack Drizzt Do'Urden!~

~Then let us not tarry here any further and proceed forthwith.~

Journal entry titles:
~Dragon slaying~

~The Ghastkill baby~ [family name]

~Otho's mace~ [male name]

~Otho's nephew~

~The missing Ferium~ [female name]

And I also need some German strings translated into English (these are all from sound clips):

@01 = ~Hey Ihr, wartet mal kurz, ja?~

@02 = ~Das ist zu viel für mich! Ich verschwinde...~

@04 = ~Mit Euch ist das Abenteuerleben aufregender, als ich es je für möglich gehalten hätte!~

@05 = ~Von Eurer Gesellschaft hab' ich mir irgendwie mehr versprochen.~

@06 = ~Ich denke, ich sollte nach Hause zurückkehren. Das hier gefällt mir überhaupt nicht.~

@07 = ~Ich verschwinde! Macht's gut...~

@08 = ~Meint Ihr wirklich, dass ich das hinkriegen werde?~

@09 = ~Also ich - (gähn) - könnte jetzt ein Nickerchen vertragen.~

@10 = ~Warum trödeln wir? Auf ins Abenteuer...~

@03 = ~Ich hab' genug Pfeile für alle!~

@38 = ~Aua!~

@39 = ~Arghhhhh...~

@11 = ~Dallillia, hilf mir!~

@12 = ~Im Wald lauern überall gefährliche Tiere. Wir müssen wachsam sein.~

@13 = ~Gullykin ist nichts im Vergleich zu dieser Stadt!~

@14 = ~Das hier erinnert mich irgendwie an Opas Keller... bis auf die Monster natürlich.~

@15 = ~(Pfeifen)~

@16 = ~Habt Ihr das gehört? Da ist doch was...~

@17 = ~Ja?~

@18 = ~Ahem?~

@19 = ~Ich schon wieder?~

@20 = ~Okidoki.~

@21 = ~Is' kein Ding.~

@22 = ~Für etwas Abwechslung tu' ich alles.~

@23 = ~Jetzt is' aber gut, ja?~

@24 = ~Ja ja, mit den Kleinen kann man's ja machen.~

@25 = ~Ähm... (räusper)... was is'?~

@26 = ~Wenn ich jetzt in Gullykin wär, würd' ich mich auf die Faule Haut legen.~

Vielen Dank!
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Some context would be helpful. (dragon slaying, ghastkill baby, missing ferium)
Those are all journal entry titles for quests. I've reorganised the above so it should be clearer.
And are any of these already in the unmodded game? (The "Cities have their place..." somehow sounds familiar.)
No, these are all from DSotSC and aren't in the existing German translations (because they weren't in the English either) except the "Cities have their place" clip, which I found in the BGT translation, so I've struck that from the list:
~Städte haben auch ihre Vorzüge... wenn sie so weit wie möglich von da entfernt liegen, wo ich bin.~

I also need some sound clip entries for Bardo translated into English (but since they're voiced only in German, I guess I'll need them voiced in English too, heh). I've added those above.

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I'm not a good translator but I will try it anyway.

Well, let's start with the easy ones.

Journal entries:

~Drachen töten~

~Das Ghastkill Baby~

~Othos Streitkolben~

~Othos Neffe~

~Die vermisste Ferium~


(I'm not really happy with these.)

~Erhöhe die Erfahrungspunktegrenze auf Stufe 40?~

~"Stufe 40"-Änderungen~


("Well met" is kind of difficult to translate. If it's simply an archaic way of saying 'hello' or 'welcome' then "Seid gegrüßt" is probably a good translation. But if Drizzt really meant to say "nice to meet you", then "Schön Euch zu sehen" would be better.

I also have difficulties in translating "to take sport in". The whole part is not translated very accurately, but it should catch the spirit. Maybe someone can provide a better translation.)

~Seid gegrüßt, Bruenor. Wir haben keine Zeit für so etwas. Diese jungen Straßenräuber scheinen wohl Spaß daran zu haben, jeden anzugreifen, der ihnen nicht passt. Aber ich wage zu behaupten: Heute haben sie einen Fehler gemacht, als sie sich entschieden Drizzt Do'Urden anzugreifen!~

~Dann lasst uns hier nicht weiter verweilen und unverzüglich weiterreisen.~


Context questions for the sound clips:

~Hmm, I'll say I... hey, wait a minute!~

Does the speaker suddenly get an idea or should the party wait for him (because they moved on while he was thinking) or is it something totally different?


~Aye... ye are indeed a trusted companion.~

What was statement/question this line is referring to? (I'm trying to find out if I could get away with skipping the 'aye' in the translation.)

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(I'm not really happy with these.)

Not happy with the components or the translations? :p The translations look good to me, but then my knowledge of German isn't really worth mentioning...
("Well met" is kind of difficult to translate. If it's simply an archaic way of saying 'hello' or 'welcome' then "Seid gegrüßt" is probably a good translation. But if Drizzt really meant to say "nice to meet you", then "Schön Euch zu sehen" would be better.
It's more like "greetings," so your translation is probably accurate.
I also have difficulties in translating "to take sport in".
Another way of saying it is "to amuse themselves by" (attacking anyone they please). I don't know if that helps, though.
~Hmm, I'll say I... hey, wait a minute!~
Does the speaker suddenly get an idea or should the party wait for him (because they moved on while he was thinking) or is it something totally different?
Someone in the party has just insulted Conchobhair, who apparently is either a bit stupid or conceited - he takes it for a compliment at first and then figures out it's an insult halfway through his reply. He was probably about to say "I'll say I am" to whatever the person called him :(.
~Aye... ye are indeed a trusted companion.~
What was statement/question this line is referring to? (I'm trying to find out if I could get away with skipping the 'aye' in the translation.)
CuChoinneach is talking to his dog, apparently. The full sound clip is "Aye, Madadh n'Sgail. Ye are indeed a trusted companion." I left out the dog's name because I didn't expect anyone to translate it and I couldn't be bothered to type it :p.


If you wouldn't mind one more - I had to add an item. Don't worry, I won't keep adding more stuff, though! I think I'm done with the .tra stuff, except these few German additions.

~Jet'laya's Cloak~

~Jet'laya's mother gained this azure cloak while in the service of the elven goddess Aerdrie Faenya. Blessed by the priestesses of the Lady of Air and Wind, the cloak provides some protection from the elements. Although it appears to be a solid blue from a distance, a closer inspection reveals an ornate pattern of interlocking feathers woven through the fabric.




Armor Class Bonus: 1

Equipped Ability: Electrical Resistance +10%

Weight: 3

Only Usable By:


I still need the German-to-English soundclips above too, if anyone can take a stab at those. See below... probably still need them anyway though.


Thanks a lot for your help. This is one of the last things I have to do before I'm done (except testing, but... I'll let someone else do that, heh).


Edit: Oh, and is "Geier" the word for vulture in German (as in the bird, as a creature in the game)?

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I took a stab at Bardo's soundset with the help of Babel Fish and Langenscheidts. It's probably pretty bad, but it's a start for corrections, anyway. Plus, I noted which clip goes where, which I probably should've done to begin with. I'm not sure about any of them, but the ones I'm particularly not sure of I've indicated with ???.

Hey Ihr, wartet mal kurz, ja?

Hey you, wait a minute, yeah? //INITIAL_MEETING


Das ist zu viel für mich! Ich verschwinde...

This is too much for me! I'm out of here... //MORALE


Mit Euch ist das Abenteuerleben aufregender, als ich es je für möglich gehalten hätte!

With you, the adventuring life is more exciting than I ever would've considered possible! //HAPPY


Von Eurer Gesellschaft hab' ich mir irgendwie mehr versprochen.

I somehow expected more of your society. //UNHAPPY_ANNOYED


Ich denke, ich sollte nach Hause zurückkehren. Das hier gefällt mir überhaupt nicht.

I think I should go home. This here doesn't please me at all. //UNHAPPY_SERIOUS


Ich verschwinde! Macht's gut...

I'm out of here! Well done... //UNHAPPY_BREAKING_POINT


Meint Ihr wirklich, dass ich das hinkriegen werde?

Do you really mean I'll get this? //LEADER


Also ich - (gähn) - könnte jetzt ein Nickerchen vertragen.

So I (yawn) could stand for a nap. //TIRED


Warum trödeln wir? Auf ins Abenteuer...

Why are we standing around? Onward to adventure... //BORED


Ich hab' genug Pfeile für alle!

I have enough arrows for all! //BATTLE_CRY1



Arghhhhh... //DYING


Dallillia, hilf mir!

Dallillia, help me! //HURT


Im Wald lauern überall gefährliche Tiere. Wir müssen wachsam sein.

Dangerous animals lie in wait everywhere in the forest. We must be watchful. //AREA_FOREST


Gullykin ist nichts im Vergleich zu dieser Stadt!

Gullykin is nothing compared with this city! //AREA_CITY


Das hier erinnert mich irgendwie an Opas Keller... bis auf die Monster natürlich.

This here reminds me somehow of Grandpa's cellars... up to the monsters, of course. //AREA_DUNGEON



(whistles) //AREA_DAY


Habt Ihr das gehört? Da ist doch was...

Did you hear that? There's something there... //AREA_NIGHT







Ich schon wieder?

Me again? //SELECT_COMMON3



Okey-dokey. //SELECT_ACTION1


Is' kein Ding.

Not a problem. //SELECT_ACTION2


Für etwas Abwechslung tu' ich alles.

??? I'm doing everything for a change. //SELECT_ACTION3


Jetzt is' aber gut, ja?

??? It's good now, yeah? //SELECT_ACTION4

(Maybe this should be something like "No time like the present." ???)


Ja ja, mit den Kleinen kann man's ja machen.

Yeah yeah, use the small ones. //SELECT_ACTION5


Ähm... (räusper)... was is'?

Ahem... what is it? //SELECT_ACTION6


Wenn ich jetzt in Gullykin wär, würd' ich mich auf die Faule Haut legen.

??? If I was in Gullykin now, I'd be putting out the rotting hide. //SELECT_ACTION7

(I don't know if that last one's supposed to make sense, or if it's a horrible mistranslation...)
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Sometimes Babelfish is really funny. :p

Will look over your translations when I have the time.


"Geier" is the translation for Vulture, yes. Sometimes also called "Aasgeier". (Aas = carrion)


I redid some of the translations. Somebody should probably look over it again.

// sound clips

~Hmm, ich würde sagen, ich... Hey, Moment mal!~

~Nun ja, *seufz* soviel also zum ewigen Leben, wie?~

~Städte haben auch ihre Vorzüge... wenn sie möglichst weit weg von mir sind.~

~Ja, Madadh n'Sgail. Du bist in der Tat ein zuverlässiger Begleiter.~

~Dieser Ort ist nichts für die Lebenden.~


// components

~Erhöhe die Erfahrungspunktegrenze auf Stufe 40?~

~"Stufe 40"-Änderungen~


// dialogues

~Seid gegrüßt, Bruenor. Wir haben keine Zeit für so etwas. Diese jungen Straßenräuber scheinen wohl Spaß daran zu haben, jeden anzugreifen, der ihnen über den Weg läuft. Ich glaube allerdings, dass sie heute einen Fehler gemacht haben, als sie sich entschieden, Drizzt Do'Urden anzugreifen!~

~Dann lasst uns hier nicht weiter verweilen und unverzüglich weiterreisen.~


// journal entries


~Das Kind der Ghastkills~

~Othos Streitkolben~

~Othos Neffe~

~Die vermisste Ferium~


// item

~Jet'layas Umhang~

~Jet'layas Mutter bekam diesen himmelblauen Umhang, als sie in den Diensten der Elfengöttin Aerdrie Faenya stand. Von den Priesterinnen der Dame der Luft und des Windes gesegnet, bietet dieser Umhang Schutz vor den Elementen. Auch wenn es aus der Ferne wie ein einfaches Blau aussieht, fördert ein genauerer Blick ein kunstvolles Muster von ineinandergreifenden, mit dem Stoff verwobenen Federn zutage.




RK-Bonus: -1

Elektrizitätsresistenz: +10%

Gewicht: 3


Kann nur verwendet werden von:


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Edit: Oh, and is "Geier" the word for vulture in German (as in the bird, as a creature in the game)?

Yes, Geier means vulture.



Your own translations from German to English sound good! Some suggestions:


Ich verschwinde! Macht's gut...

I'm out of here! Take care... //UNHAPPY_BREAKING_POINT




Ouch! //DAMAGE



Für etwas Abwechslung tu' ich alles.

I'd do anything for a change. //SELECT_ACTION3



Jetzt is' aber gut, ja?

I've had enough, all right? //SELECT_ACTION4

That's just to give you an idea what it means, you say that if somebody annoys you, maybe you can find a better translation.



Wenn ich jetzt in Gullykin wär, würd' ich mich auf die Faule Haut legen.

If I was in Gullykin now, I would twiddle my thumbs. //SELECT_ACTION7

"Twiddle my thumbs" as in "be very lazy".



Das hier erinnert mich irgendwie an Opas Keller... bis auf die Monster natürlich.

This here reminds me somehow of Grandpa's cellars... except for the monsters, of course. //AREA_DUNGEON

I'm not sure about "up to" here, I would have used "except for".

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Your translations sound great, Taimon, just one tiny thing I would change is "Das Ghastkill Baby". I would either say "Das Ghastkillbaby" or "Das Kind der Ghastkills", if you want to avoid an anglicism and go with a "more German" word. As far as I remember, Aerie's baby is called "baby", too, though.

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Thanks, both of you. This should be enough to go on for updating the .tra files.

Ich verschwinde! Macht's gut...

I'm out of here! Take care... //UNHAPPY_BREAKING_POINT

He's not too happy with the party, obviously, so maybe "See ya..." instead of "Take care..." would be more appropriate in English?


Erm... I lied, I have one more translation set for the readme and the tp2:


~This component installs your choice of original or alternate NPC portraits.~

~Original portraits~

~Alternate portraits~

Bah... I guess I should update the version history in the German readme too:
Version 2.0: Fifth full release


1. Tutu version created.

2. Existing game elements now patched using WeiDU

3. Unused elements in original mod incorporated

4. General rebalancing of resources

5. Interparty banter enabled

6. Alternate portraits added


1. Too numerous to list here

I like that last entry... makes it easier on all of us :p.


Edit: While I'm here again, someone might as well check these "translations" from the last version, especially if you want to avoid "anglicisms." They were pretty much the same between the German and English versions. These are all components or component descriptions:

~This file will install in your game directory.~

~Baldur's Gate: Tales of the Sword Coast is not installed. Installation of the Dark Side of the Sword Coast will not continue.~

~Install level 40 rules?~

~(Do not install if you have Tutu or another rule pack installed.)~

Also there's a bunch of untranscribed sounds in the German translation, although some are transcribed. I've transcribed them pretty much how they sound in English... don't know if German spelling would be different... well, for the "gasp" obviously...
~Ugh!~ //DYING

~Aaagh!~ //HURT

~Unh!~ //DYING

~Oof... *gasp*~ //DAMAGE

~Arghhh... uragh...~ //HURT

~Hrrmmm... urmmm... arm... hmm... hmm.~ //AREA_FOREST

~Unnghh... ngeergh...~ //SELECT_ACTION4

*sigh* One more... part of a journal entry was missing:
~A dwarf by the name of Ferthgil told us that duergar killed Otho's nephew Tearlac.~
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Found a few creatures buried in the code that weren't getting translated, or were translated wrongly:


Halfling Leader (male)

Halfling Thief (female)

Halfling Cleric (female)

Dead Halfling Fighter (male)

Dead Halfling Thief (female)

Maid (female)


Hopefully, I won't have to smuggle much more into this "need a few strings" thread :p.

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I edited one of my translations in the first post, I guess it should say "I'd do anything for a change" rather than everything.



Ich verschwinde! Macht's gut...

I'm out of here! Take care... //UNHAPPY_BREAKING_POINT

He's not too happy with the party, obviously, so maybe "See ya..." instead of "Take care..." would be more appropriate in English?

Thing is that he indeed says "take care" if you keep to the original.






Halfling Leader (male)

Halfling Thief (female)

Halfling Cleric (female)

Dead Halfling Fighter (male)

Dead Halfling Thief (female)






Toter Halblingskämpfer

Tote Halblingsdiebin



Journal entry:


~A dwarf by the name of Ferthgil told us that duergar killed Otho's nephew Tearlac.~


~Ein Zwerg namens Ferthgil sagte uns, dass Duergar Othos Neffen Tearlac getötet haben.~



The sounds are difficult to translate if you don't know the sound files.

~Oof... *gasp*~ //DAMAGE

~Uff... *keuch*~ //DAMAGE~

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What kind of maid (has several different meaning in german)?
I'm guessing she's a lady's attendant, someone to do her cooking, etc.
What exactly does a "rule pack" refer to?
I didn't write all these components, so again I'm guessing: it seems to go with the XP cap, and extends the BG rules to level 40. In Tutu and BGT this is already done, or you can do it with the Tweak Pack rule changes, which we'd recommend instead (and possibly there is a German translation for those already).
And when is the "this file will install in your game directory" shown?
This appears as soon as you launch the mod installer. The full string has the mod name, website, copyright date and then "This file will install Dark Side of the Sword Coast in your game directory". So I guess I need the German for "Copyright © 2008" too, since it's not translated. The mod's name is translated "Die Dunkelseite der Schwertküste."
I edited one of my translations in the first post, I guess it should say "I'd do anything for a change" rather than everything.
Heh, I already went with "I'd do anything for a change." :p
Thing is that he indeed says "take care" if you keep to the original.
Then I guess I'll keep to the original. I can believe he'll still be nice, even if he doesn't agree with the party's actions.



Toter Halblingskämpfer

Tote Halblingsdiebin

The original German translation has Halbling-Dieb etc. for the male thief. Is Halblingsdieb etc. more preferable?
The sounds are difficult to translate if you don't know the sound files.
Well, if you really want to listen to them, here they are.
~Ugh!~ //DYING (die1c39.wav)

~Aaagh!~ //HURT (hurt1c11.wav)

~Unh!~ //DYING (die2k39.wav)

~Oof... *gasp*~ //DAMAGE (damagk29.wav)

~Arghhh... uragh...~ //HURT (hurt2s11.wav)

~Hrrmmm... urmmm... arm... hmm... hmm.~ //AREA_FOREST (aforests.wav)

~Unnghh... ngeergh...~ //SELECT_ACTION4 (selects4.wav)

The only one that sounds significantly different from the English version is the "forest" clip... I'm not sure it's even a "voice," heh.
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