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NPC Attributes

Guest Guest_Ergopad_*

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I "fixed" the "glitch." Now you will witness the power of this fully mostly operational battlestation mod. Fear my new Aerie!

Installing [Aerie]


Aerie: lawful good elf cleric/mage

[Quarter Staff=1, Sling=1, Mace=1]


Select a class from the list below. Enter the class's number and press "Enter".

12 Ranger


Current attributes: Str=10 Dex=17 Con=9 Int=16 Wis=16 Cha=14


Type new attributes as whole numbers separated by spaces, or 0 for no change.

Press "Enter" when done. Do not include exceptional strength % bonuses (you

will be asked about that later if relevant). Valid range is 3 to 25.

18 13 15 10 9 13


Type exceptional strength percentage (1 to 100) and press "Enter".



Current attributes: Str=10 Dex=17 Con=9 Int=16 Wis=16 Cha=14

Changed to: 18/27, 13, 15, 10, 9, 13


Select a kit from the list below, or enter 0 if you prefer No Kit/True Class.

1 Archer


Select a racial enemy from the list below.

113 Ogre


Select weapon proficiencies from the list below.

104 5 4 Long Bow


String at: 65010 Bring me Aerie, the elven cleric/mage.

Changed to: 65010 Bring me Aerie, the elven archer.


String at: 2251 Aerie, should you be willing, we would appreciate a cleric/mage with your heart and stature.

Changed to: 2251 Aerie, should you be willing, we would appreciate an archer with your heart and stature.


SUCCESSFULLY INSTALLED Nythrun's Level 1 NPCs: List party-joinable NPCs

(required to install any NPC components)



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String at: 65010 Bring me Aerie, the elven cleric/mage.

Changed to: 65010 Bring me Aerie, the elven archer.

That's an astoundingly bad idea (IMHO) - it'll have a large false negative ratio, the risk of false positives (offhand, I can think of Gavin talking about the High Priest of Lathander), and Aerie will still talk about being a wizard (E.G. with Minsc).

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That's an astoundingly bad idea (IMHO) - it'll have a large false negative ratio, the risk of false positives (offhand, I can think of Gavin talking about the High Priest of Lathander), and Aerie will still talk about being a wizard (E.G. with Minsc).
It's coded to avoid that. Anyway, blame Dirty Uncle Bertie for the request, not me. I personally think if you change an NPC into a class totally different (not just a kit) then you're asking for trouble, but this helps mitigate it. The reason the text display is there for now is so I can see if it does anything stupid on a full BWP install and fix it if so. If you change Gavin to some other priest kit, nothing happens. We're not changing his deity, that'd be stupid. If you make him a paladin, he becomes a "paladin of Lathander." If you make him a sorcerer, then a "sorcerer of Lathander." Sound stupid? Yeah, well you're the one who made him a sorcerer :cringe:.
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