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Why does v6 make Grandmaster's armor usable by monks?

Guest Guest_Kastagir_*

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Guest Guest_Kastagir_*

The readme/documentation for the fixpack v6 states that Grandmaster's Armor (leather) is now usable by monks. I think someone made a mistake here. Granted, I see how boots of speed should be usable by monks because they increase movement speed instead of granting haste, but armor is still armor and shouldn't be usable by monks, no matter what abilities it has.

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Guest Guest_Kastagir_*
The readme/documentation for the fixpack v6 states that Grandmaster's Armor (leather) is now usable by monks. I think someone made a mistake here. Granted, I see how boots of speed should be usable by monks because they increase movement speed instead of granting haste, but armor is still armor and shouldn't be usable by monks, no matter what abilities it has.


Note that the description specifically states that the armor is not usable by monks, but someone made a very deliberate change to make it usable by monks (without changing the description). I say this is deliberate because this particular change was noted in the readme documentation. Why is someone making armor of any kind usable by monks?

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