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Does anyone else sometimes get wierd static/distortion with certain spells?

Guest Dirty Uncle Bertie

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Hey, have a look at this clip, and at the 17 seconds mark you'll hear the "Incantus pulcher imperium" distortion:


I can't actually hear any distortion there.
What, in that youtube clip? You don't hear it about half-way through "pulcher"? It's like a loud static noise.


I've also discovered that "Praeses alia fero" (Alteration spells) has a similar static noise on "Praeses". You should be able to hear that around 1:19 of the same clip.


Playing CAS_PM8M ("Praeses alia fero") in NI sounds fine.

I hear don't a distortion either. Interesting youtube though.

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Guest D. U. Bertie

Ah, so at least one other person hears it in the Youtube clip! So the men in white coats are kept at bay for the time being at least.


Now, gents, what about in-game? Any probs with Evocation and Alteration spells? Oh, and what about when you play AM1600E4.WAV and AM1600E5.WAV in NI?

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I hear the static, though to tell the truth, it's so slight that I could have it in my game and I wouldn't even notice it. The theory that "it's just the game taking a little while to load/extract the sound" doesn't fly with me, because why is it just that ONE sound? There are plenty of others that are just as long, and sounds that are played frequently (like spellcasting chants) are more likely to be kept on the tip of the game's tongue, as it were. No, my money's on a slight corruption of the file itself. Nothing major, just enough to cause a little bit of static. A reinstall might help, but I for one don't think the "problem" deserves a full uninstall/reinstall.


My game, however, has a problem that's related only in name, though I suspect it has a similar cause. Does anyone else see something funny with the paperdoll image of a Male Halfling Warrior, wearing Chain or Splint Mail? Mine looks just fine, except for a little pink y4c,a (yes, that's how it's spelled) in the upper left and lower right-hand corners. I expect it's nothing, just a slight error in the file for the paperdoll image of Male Halfling Fighter, Armor Level 3, I was just wondering if anyone else had it.

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Guest D. U. Bertie

SixOfSpades, are you confirming that you hear the static when playing AM1600E4.WAV and AM1600E5.WAV in NI? Sorry, mate, just want to be clear.


And I don't have that armor issue myself, but I am using the 1PP mod.

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SixOfSpades, are you confirming that you hear the static when playing AM1600E4.WAV and AM1600E5.WAV in NI?

Oh, sorry, I was referring to the YouTube video. I can't play any sounds in NI at all (acm2wav.exe not found), and in DLTCEP those two sounds are just Docks-District background yelling.

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Guest D. U. Bertie

You can get acm2wav.exe from here:




You simply extract it to your NI folder.


Anyway, AM1600E4.WAV and AM1600E5.WAV are Docks-District background yelling, and when they play in-game or in NI, I get static.


CAS_PM6M.WAV and CAS_PM8M.WAV (which are Evocation and Alteration spells respectively) sound okay in NI but not in-game, or in that YouTube video.

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