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Ultimate Shapeshifting and Rebalancing Fix


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Since first issue of bg2 there were some problems concerning shapeshifting:

1) Shapeshifter form that didn't get stardard AD&D statistics

2) Dispel Magick bug





Weimer answer - shapeshifter rebalancing



-fixed statistics

-fixed dispel bug



-manual method of shapeshifting

-infinite shapeshifting

-spellcasting while in werewolf form



It was good, but the way of transforming was inapropriate, so shapeshifting wasn't fun anymore.





Refinements - shapeshifting fix



-fixed statistics

-fixed dispel bug



-shapeshifting takes more time and stuns your character

-jerky animations ( when spl is cast every round animation of g.werewolf is weird)



Better, but still not good ( irritating stun and animations )







-fixed statistics

-fixed dispel bug

-option for spellcasting while changed*

-normal shapeshifting - by clicking icon with innate abilities

-right ammount of shifts

-instant shapeshifting

-correct animations


Disadvantages: ( you've been waiting for that huh ? smile.gif )

-while in werewolf form immune to dispel magic**

-others that i'm not aware of



-*option for spellcasting - in future versions of mod I would like to add a HLA that gives you such ability

(exacly like you did with Feral Spirit ), and I know that would be a great boost to shapeshifter, but when 40 lvl standard druid faces 40 lvl sorcerer who will win ? Moreover - according to DND 3rd edition ( only one i've played ) druid could do that I think. What i'm 100 % sure is that there were some metamagic feats for mage that he could cast spells without words or gestures.

-**immunity to dispelling - this is hardcoded bug so IMHO this only right way to fix this, moreover:

1) very few of AI enemies are using it, and when sb want get buffed and then shapes info werewolf there are plenty of other that break them ( I would give you names, but I have polish version of the game )

2) it was mainly a bug because some of people dispelled claws giving some good weapon for shifter





To do in future version:

-get right werewolves statistics ( since it's only beta, and I wanted to share it with you, to show you how actually the script works )

-apply changes to shapeshifter kit

-getting a new HLA

-getting a new additional shift form ( for powergamer purposes only like Tactics or Improved Anvil )




PS:It's my first mod so be tolerant, I've installed DLTCEP few days ago smile.gif

PS2:It was home made only for my purposes, but was suprised while watching this thing really works fine!

PS3:Please read README ( installation is rather manual than automatic )

PS4:Waiting for feedback and criticism smile.gif ( write here, or PM )

PS5:Sorry for mistakes in english.

PS6:I though that I will attach the file but it seems that you have to download it from here or here

PS7:This installation won't damage your original game so feel free to download and install



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Please don't make offtops. This is not a place for advertising other mods. Feedback and comments only. I would be pleased if moderator could delete these 2 posts. Thank you.
:) Let's hope this is OK...


And there is a bug, the readme needs to be renamed as Readme-USAR.txt(that's without the F at the end) as otherwise the mod doesn't install, or recode the tp2 error. :)

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What I think Jarno is tryiong to help with on the .tp2 front is that tyou have a copy command for the readme, which dumps it in override (ok for Morrowind, oblivion, etc. but in i.e. modding it doesn't usualyy run that way - the "copy' command is not needed, and other folks trying to install your mod get an immediate fail becasue the COPY looks fro a file that isn't there).


Here is what you have:


BEGIN ~Ultimate Shapeshifting and Rebalancing~ 

COPY ~USARF/Readme-USAR.txt~		 ~override/Readme-USAR.txt~	

COPY ~USARF/wclaw1.itm~			  ~override/wclaw1.itm~		 
 SAY NAME2 ~Claw~ ~Claw~

COPY ~USARF/wclaw2.itm~			  ~override/wclaw2.itm~		 
 SAY NAME2 ~Claw~ ~Claw~

COPY ~USARF/wform0.spl~			  ~override/wform0.spl~		 
 SAY NAME1 ~Shapeshift, Humanoid Form~ ~Shapeshift, Humanoid Form~

COPY ~USARF/wform1.spl~			  ~override/wform1.spl~		 
 SAY NAME1 ~Shapeshift, Werewolf~ ~Shapeshift, Werewolf~

COPY ~USARF/wform2.spl~			  ~override/wform2.spl~		 
 SAY NAME1 ~Shapeshift, Greater Werewolf~ ~Shapeshift, Greater Werewolf~

(file name mismatch between USAR and USARF, COPY is unessesary)


Here is what might work better for you (both matching the readme name and letting it display for people trying to use your mod):





BEGIN ~Ultimate Shapeshifting and Rebalancing~ 

COPY ~USARF/wclaw1.itm~			  ~override/wclaw1.itm~		 
 SAY NAME2 ~Claw~ ~Claw~

COPY ~USARF/wclaw2.itm~			  ~override/wclaw2.itm~		 
 SAY NAME2 ~Claw~ ~Claw~

COPY ~USARF/wform0.spl~			  ~override/wform0.spl~		 
 SAY NAME1 ~Shapeshift, Humanoid Form~ ~Shapeshift, Humanoid Form~

COPY ~USARF/wform1.spl~			  ~override/wform1.spl~		 
 SAY NAME1 ~Shapeshift, Werewolf~ ~Shapeshift, Werewolf~

COPY ~USARF/wform2.spl~			  ~override/wform2.spl~		 
 SAY NAME1 ~Shapeshift, Greater Werewolf~ ~Shapeshift, Greater Werewolf~

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