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Bishop flirts

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I just added Bishop to the party, and I am wondering if and when the flirt dialogues should show up. I don't see any at this point, though the flirt options with Casavir showed up almost immediately after adding him to the party. Also, is the progress of any of the romances alignment/race/class dependent?


My party is near to rescuing Shandra in the Gith caves. My pc is a female, chaotic good tiefling bard/rogue.

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While some dialogues have PC responses tailored to certain classes/alignments/races, it's possible to complete any of the romances with any class/race/alignment/etc.


For example, when flirting with Casavir, a PC who is a paladin may see "It's good to travel with another paladin" while a non-paladin would see "It's good to travel with a paladin." In any case, all of the writers made certain that all PCs would see ample variety in their response options, because it's better that way.


















You won't have the ability to flirt with Bishop until Act 2 officially starts. So you're still good.

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