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Source code access

the bigg

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Like what I did with WeiDU, I'm now managing the source code for widescreen via git (the stable code is available via usual HTTP, whereas development code will be available via git), so git is the preferred method of contributing code. The repository is git://github.com/Gibberlings3/widescreen.git (Web Interface).


Using git with a graphical user interface is probably easier: see this article.


Using git with cygwin (instructions can be adapted for OSX and Linux users pretty easily):

This is how Taimon suggests to work:


Just for the record, here is what I did for to get started:


* `cd widescreen'

* `git clone git://github.com/Gibberlings3/widescreen.git'

* log into github and fork the main project

* `git remote add mypub git@github.com:<username>/widescreen.git'


And these were the steps for the changes:


* `cd widescreen'

* `git pull' for syncing the local repos with upstream (runs git fetch + git merge)

* edit the files (they're in c::\cygwin\home\<username>\widescreen if you follow these instructions)

* `git commit -a'

* `git push mypub' for pushing the changes to my public repos on github


Not mentioned here: install cygwin; when you get to select packages, choose the 'full' system and install the git and ssh packages. Run cygwin, run these commands:


mkdir widescreen
cd widescreen
git init
git config add user.name "Your full name"
git config add user.email "a valid email address"
ssh-keygen <and follow the instructions>


register to github; when it asks for the public key, it's in c:\cygwin\home\<username>\.ssh\id_rsa.pub by default.

Edited by CamDawg
Updating Git URL
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