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global variable for a familiar being summoned?

Guest thelee

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Guest thelee

Not sure if this is the right forum for this, but is there some global variable that dictates whether or not I've summoned a familiar? I ask because I'm in a weird state where my character has technically summoned a familiar, but I no longer have it (I *suspect* that at some point before importing into ToB, charname got loaded with some items, dropped the ferret item, and some kind of zone transition occured, or maybe i was just an idiot and left the familiar on the ground, which I doubt since I'm fairly meticiluous about items). So far my only work around is to do a "CLUAConsole:CreateCreature(FAMFER)", talk to the ferret and have it go into my pack, then release the familiar, then kill it (thus losing 1 hit point and the 12 it originally gave me), then casting find familiar again to get the upgraded ToB familiar and 24 health (for a net gain of 4 health, and I shadowkeeper away the 1 CON loss). The problem is that when I do this, it appaears to make my game really unstable. If I'm not "indoors", releasing my familiar from my inventory just causes them item to disappear (and no familiar actually shows up). Moreover, I did all this in my pocket plane - if I actually try to leave, the game does unpredictable bad things - sometimes it freezes at the load screen, sometimes it tries to load but then just keeps me in the pocket plane with all my UI elements hidden, etc.


What would be ideal is if I could "reset" all this. I can shadowkeeper away 12 health from the now dysfunctional first familiar, and then I just want to find a new, ToB-powered familiar from scratch. But I can't, because the game keeps insisting that I've already summoned a familiar and won't let me find a new one (I deleted a global variable that was FAMFER, mirroring the FAMFER item/creature code, but that doesn't seem to have helped at all).


In short, I just want my freaking familiar back and I want him to function properly again :p I get it, I get it, this is probably karma for either being careless and leaving it behind or not keeping enough inventory room available on my PC at all times, but still - it kind of bothers me that what would seem to me a fairly clear use case (PC mage getting loaded with items when full ends up dropping the "unmovable" familiar) wasn't caught by BioWare. Ah well, hindsight is 20/20 they say...

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Guest thelee
It's listed in the NPC section in the game file. Simply remove it from there. (Look for *xxFAM.)


hm... i'm not sure quite what you mean by this. you mean hex-editing the .GAM file? I gave that a shot (i removed a chunk of it starting with *AMFER up until *AREVOK), but just ended up corrupting my save (thank god for making backups). it also doesn't seem like i can do this from shadowkeeper (though this is the first time i noticed that i had a "Ferret" as an out-of-party character).

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Guest thelee
Try with Near Infinity. (You need to update some offsets if you delete stuff from the .gam file.)


I'm not having much luck with that. If I use Near Infinity, I can delete the *AMFER section from the non-party characters, and I notice that several offsets get updated (journal entry offset, familiar offset, etc.) but then I end up with an oddly-messed up file if I save. If I try to re-open it in Near Infinity, I end up with an error along the lines of "Can't open game version (some block symbols)". If I try to open it in BG2TOB, the loading bar goes about 1/8 full before the game immediately quits, without any kind of error message box.

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