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GemRB game installers


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At present the installers don't touch gemrb.cfg, and nor should they. However, with the gemrb-installer.ini information supplied above gemrb would have all it needed to start the game (see the recommendcfg function used after a successful install with the scripts). So we could think about allowing users to just point gemrb to the directory it was installed in, and an appropriate default gemrb.cfg could be generated. This may be best done in gemrb-launcher - your thoughts, Nick? Others? Seems to me like a good way of further reducing the bar to getting games running in gemrb.


I believe I've implemented an installer registry in the last 5 commits to my branch. I don't think it does exactly what you're talking about, Nick, but it might be enough to start getting everything off the ground. Now the launcher will actually be able to find the installed games (when I add that to the launcher (: )!


I still think starting users with the GemRB.cfg.sample file is probably one of the better options, because outside of the "CD#" and game-type data, the installer wouldn't really know all that much (and probably shouldn't either).


You could, however, turn the ``recommendcfg`` function into a proper ``createSkeletonCfg``. Just append the output of the current ``recommendcfg`` function to a directory-local gemrb.cfg file and inform the user to make the rest of the changes they want to in the config file. It seemed simple so I added that to my branch. Subject, of course, to your critical eye.


Also, I've added a TODO file for things in the installer that still seemed undone. Most obviously, IWD-HOW can't be installed through the installer. I'll try to work on that sometime this weekend.

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