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What's wrong with my CHAIN ?


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For some reason, I'm getting a strange error with a CHAIN and I don't see the mistake in the code. I need fresh eyes, because I've read it dozen and dozen of times and still don't see what's wrong.


Here's the code



IF WEIGHT #0 ~InParty("N1#LYS") Global("N1#TalkedToRupert","AR0700",0) !StateCheck("N1#LYS",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~

THEN N1#RUPE LyssenRupert1

@3048 DO ~AddJournalEntry(@10002,QUEST) EraseJournalEntry(@10001) SetGlobal("N1#TalkedToRupert","AR0700",1) SetGlobal("N1#LyssenPC1","GLOBAL",4)~ /*to pass the dialog where Lyssen talks about Rupert*/

N1#LYSJ == @3049

N1#RUPE == @3050 = @3051

N1#LYSJ == @3052

N1#RUPE == @3053 = @3054 = @3055



Weidu said there is a parsing error near the first N1#LYSJ (at the line N1#LYSJ == @3049). The error isn't outside the CHAIN, since the .d file compiled fine when I removed this block. I tried various things to see if I could isolate the mistake (replacing the DO ~actions~ by DO ~~ and removing the conditions in the IF, replacing the END N1#RUPE Job.0 by an EXIT...), but no difference. Also, I got the same mistake if I put this CHAIN in my N1#RUPE.d.


In this N1#LYSJ I also got other CHAIN which works fine on the same model (Salvanas and Mazzy).


N1#LYSJ is my NPC J file, N1#RUPE is a NPC i created, but who is non-joinable. I compile both NPC dialogues at the same time.



By the way, a completely unrelated question, anyone know where I should ask to find a translator for my mod ? To English from French. I'm beginning to have hundred and hundred of lines after all

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I know that feeling. The last two help-threads I started I answered / solved the question directly after posting myself.
But it's so fun to solve them, when you see yourself not being the only ~~ in the croup, and that other people make the same mistakes too.
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I know that feeling. The last two help-threads I started I answered / solved the question directly after posting myself.
But it's so fun to solve them, when you see yourself not being the only ~~ in the croup, and that other people make the same mistakes too.

Ahhh..but there are no mistakes, really...merely another learning episode of what doesn't work... :(

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