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Is Pixie Prick +3 supposed to give a +6 Save Bonus? [originally from _guest_amanasleep]

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[sorry, I accidentally deleted this when cleaning up spam - David]



I do not have any Item Tweaks in my my current install, and yet my description for Pixie Prick +3 says that the opponent saves vs. spells at +6 or sleeps.


But there is no bonus in published vanilla descriptions:


For instance:


DAGG13 - Pixie Prick +3

 The Pixie Prick almost appears to be a toy, so fine and delicate is the
 workmanship of the blade and handle.  Yet when wielded and the command word 
 'Sleep' is intoned, the tiny dagger glows with a blue nimbus.  Upon striking 
 an opponent the Pixie Prick releases a surge of powerful magic, potentially 
 inducing a deep slumber.  Legends say that the ancient sprite knight, Alfonso 
 de Noble wielded the Pixie Prick, not as a dagger but as a two handed sword.


 Combat Ability: Target must make a saving throw vs. poison or fall asleep for 
			  two rounds
 THACO:  +3 bonus
 Damage:  1D4 + 3
 Damage type:  piercing
 Weight: 1
 Speed Factor: 0
 Proficiency Type: Dagger
 Type:  1-handed
 Requires: 3 Strength
 Not Usable By:

I can verify that not only is the save bonus being applied, but it appears to have either a short duration or may be permanent. If I attack with it, the victim's save rolls rise steadily until they max out at 30.


1) Was the save bonus always there? If so then either Fixpack or Tweaks (haven't figured out which) is simply updating the description.

2) Is it actually bugged? Or is my testing somehow incorrect?


Thanks to anyone who can help.


PS I am also having problems with the Mace of Disruption +2. Currently it seems to force undead to make a save vs. polymorph, and their save rolls are always made with values above 30.


At this point I should probably assume that this is a problem with my install.


Is my only path at this point to:


Reinstall BG2 and all mods?


Reinstall just my mods?


Something else?


Since the only inconsistencies I've noticed currently is just a few things with weapons, I may just ignore it for now.


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